WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. <_g The Senior Class Cordially invite you to attend their \ Commencement I, Exercises, JUNE 10th to * ■■ §£§| . _• „ . 7.'-' f sis»*l§SP§ - V; • . ' £?i. . -««« FIFTY-FOURTH cANNUAL COMMENCEMENT of the WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem, Oregon, 1898. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. FRIDAY, JUNE 10. cAnnual Reunion of Literary Societies. SATURDAY, JUNE II. Commencement Exercises, College of Law. SUNDA Y, JUNE 12, '-Baccalaureate Day. 10:30 a. m.—'-Baccalaureate Sermon by Rev. H. W. Kellogg. D, D„ of First SMethodist Church, Portland. 3:00 p. m.—Farewell Service, Y. SM. C. cA. and Y. W. C. c A. 8:00 p. m.—Sacred Song Service and Address by Rev. T. B. Jord. D. D., Presiding Elder, Eugene District. cMONDAY, JUNE 13. 8:00 p. m.—Graduating Exercises, College of Ora-FIFTY-FOURTH cANNUAL COMMENCEMENT of the WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY' Salem, Oregon, 1898. ««« E- =i cksEsasBSHsasasHSHHHSssasasraBifl COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. TUESDAY, JUNE 14, Trustees’ Day. 9:30 a. m.—cAnnual Meeting of the Board of Trustees. 8:00 p. m.—Closing Exercises of the Oregon Institute, SNprmal and Preparatory Classes. Address by Hon. C. M. Idleman, Attorney-General of Oregon. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, cAlumni Day. 10:00 a. m.—Commencement Exercises, College of SMusic. 2:30 p. m.—cAnnual Business Meeting of Alumni. 8:00 p. m.—Reunion Banquet of the Alumni. THURSDA Y, JUNE 16, Commencement Day. 10:00 a. m.—Commencement of the College of Liberal cArts, Baccalaureate Oration by Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D., of First Presbyterian Church, Portland. l£Ta5H5S5a5ESH5E5H5HSaSE£n : 5H5H5HSH5H5E5ES2 5aSESE5asa5c5ESH 5H5PJja525E5E35S2sisHs{c^ Mli S5EiiHas2£ias=sE=as^5 asBsaa a a In FIFTY-FOURTH cANNUAL COMMENCEMENT 1 of the COLLEGE of LIBERAL ARTS, 1898. ««« SaHaSa3HSHEH2H5ESH55SES5S9!SB5a 'PROGRAMME. Selected RIANO SOLO Rrof. Edward W. Tillson. INVOCATION Rev. W. C. Kantner. VOCAL SOLO—The Muleteer of Terragona . Rrof. R. cA. Heritage. cADDRESS R^v. Edgar R. Hill, V. V. RIANO SOLO Rrof. Edward 9B. Fleck. RRESENTATION OF CLASS Hon. P. H. D'Arcy. CONFERRING OF DEGREES President Willis C. Hawley, cA. SM. LL. R. VOCAL SOLO—Queen of the Earth . , . . . Pinsuti SMiss Huelat. Henrion Selected;’5S5HSH5a5H5H5ES2SaEa5H5a5S5HHH5HSESe!SHSE15H5H5H5aSH5e!5a5I15i!52SH5a3H5HSaSaBH5HSg! **»#«** CLASSICAL. cAnna cM. Carson. Jrank Elliott Brown. Isaac Homer Van Winkle. LATIN SCIENTIFIC. SMattie Jlorence ‘Beatty. nkjC73gjg? I Tgggggsg555gSHSE5cli3^^ei53i3ci5cti3e