Camp Bethel Tennesee January the 26th 1863 Dear Eliza I thought I would write you a few lines that I am well and I hope this may find you all the same/ your letter of the 13th has come to hand last Friday and I was very glad to here from you and I was surprised to here that Margret was marid/ I hope she has done well and got a good Husband/ tell her I wish her much Joy and long life, I wish I could come home to see you all/ I get thinking about you so much of nights when I have gone to bet that I can not sleep till towards morning somtimes it must be hard for you to get along this winter when the wether is bad/ I sopose you have som truble with the boys about getting wood cut/ I hope thay will try to help you all thay can/ we will get paid off for two months this week/ somtimes I will sent you som muny/ what I can spare as soon as I can get an opportunity to send it safe/ I sent you twenty one dollars with Mr Simons wich I sopose you get all right/ when you get som muny that you can spare you must pay Mr Wilson that 5 dollars that I got of him when I stardet down here las fale/ but be shure and have enoughe for yourself/ I am geting now 25 dollars a months but it costs me a little more then it ues to/ I am intierly away from the Rigement and where I bord it costs me about 3 dollars a month fore coocking and washing/ if you will come down here and cook and wash for me I will give you 5 dollars a month, thair is nothing new going on here at pressent more then commen so I will close my letter with a God bles you all give my best wishes to Margret and her Husband your affectionate Husband J. G. Burggraf Tell Willy that he dont improve much in writing/ I would like to see him improve more and write to me me often write soon