Fort Dounelson Feb 21st 1862 Dear Eliza and Children This is the first oppertunity I have to write to you Since we came here/ I can say after all the exposure we had in the last week I am well and I hope this may find you the same/ we had a very hard time of it in the last week lying out in the woots for 4 days and 3 nights without any Shelter in rain and Snow and mud up to our knees/ No one can disscribe the horrers of this battle fied withe the pen/ The Dead and wounted lying around for 6 or 7 miles by hunderts / I went thrue the town of Dover wich is in the fort day before yesterday and went in some 20 or 30 houses and found in every one of them Dead or wounted and lags and arms lying round in the streets and dogs knoing on them/ the seash are very sory thay have bin caut in this Snap/ I have heard a good meny say that thay would join us if we wood let them/ I think the next time you will here from me we will be some where alce for thair will be a forward mouveme somwhere in a day or two but where I know not/ I am writing this letter on a fine desk I captured in Town and brout it to our tent for the Col Pease to write/ when we want any thing and can find it all we have to doo is to take it/ it aught to be a terrer to the sesesh to see us come but I hop we will not have to go much further before thair will be a settlement made/ I will send a knife home which I captured of wich thay most all have to cary to kill us with but thay dit them not much good/ you can get more information from Mrs. Pease of the battle from Col Peases letters and from Logan/ when I first saw him I had just got up in the morning to get breckfest and he eat brechfast with us/ you may beleafe me I was glad to see him here I dont know nothing more to write at pressent only my prayer is that if it the will of God we may all meet in that social family sircle once mor and praise him for his kind care after us and that we may live more for him then before and tell the children that thay must obay you and be good and obedient/ no more at pressent/ your affectionate Husband J. G. Burggraf