Huntingdon should be ordered to take charge and some of the employees ordered to leave I do not know that I have reason to think this, but I should not be surprised at it. O how fervently I have prayed that he might get through and leave. My anxiety added to the immense amount of work required, has rendered me almost incapable of doing anything, and if this was to continue two months, I do no think I could live through it. Did I tell you that I had determined to sell no more goods either for money or work around here. Last Saturday by advice of the Inspector, (he had told the Indians in council that they need not pay for what was charged to them on the books, and that sales of goods would be stopped.) I had Joe Stwire and Stick Joe come, and gave a few axes and rope amp;c to several, and arranged that every Saturday small things would be given to those really needing them, till I could hear from you. Snow has now been on about 45 days and is now coming very fast. We shall lose many cattle, and that is another source of anxiety. Pollock wrote to-day to See Shurz that he would not make his final report till he saw you You will hardly reach here till March 15th or perhaps April, and I do not know what the employees will do, as several of them need some money also irregular employees whom I cannot pay, as all our resources from the annuity goods are taken away. I enclose you 4 checks on fund for pay of Employees, which you can do as you please with if you are coming soon, or think better to let the people wait, you can bring them with you if you think we had better pay up the irregular employees, please sign the checks and send them in a Registered letter and I will pay the Indians amp;c Inspector told the Indians that they would get the money for their labor herafter, so that nothing else will satisfy them. The proceedings here in your absence, and with such an evident bias against you, will I think destroy any bad effect the Inspectors report could have, if it were not for the statistics of the houses, farms amp;c which the census by Charley Olney shows to be greatly less than reported. That is the only thing I fear But a strong fortress is our God, and in Him we must trust. I have besieged the throne of Grace incessantly for the past 2 weeks, that all machinations against you may fail. O for more trust and faith in God. Below is the statement I have made out based on Jack Morgan s affidavit and to which I must swear Do Agent Wilbur s accounts show purchase of cattle from Jack Morgan in 1875 or 1876? Ans Yes 20 head in 1st qr 1876 Do Agt Wilbur s accounts show sale of horse to Jack Morgan in same period? Ans I can find no record of such sale Do his accounts show sale of 33 huss to Morgan in or about 4th qr 1877? Ans I find no record of such transaction Do His accounts show the purchase of 3 calves from Jack Morgan 1879? Ans I find no such purchase recorded. Has Agent Wilbur expended any horses by death since 1877 except the one reported in 1880? Ans Property Returns show no such expenditure. You will see the point in this. Now sometimes I think I am need- lessly worrying myself and you, and that the Inspector only intends to make a fair statement of facts. As you have faithfully reported the disposition made of Annuity Goods, and as his statement which I made for him of 3d qr 1880 will show, that you actually paid for labor in that qr 3318.12 which was not reported to the Department, and as these annuities have enabled you to keep 500 Piutes here without expense to the Government he can hurt you I should think), only in the overstatement of houses, people and farming amp;c amp;c. As soon as this man goes away I will settle with every body and send you a full statement of liabilities and amount applicable to payment of same. If you think you will not be likely to get away before March you can do as you think proper about signing these check and sending them in a registered letter, and you had better make them payable to my order and then if by any improbable means they should not come to hand, nobody can negotiate them I make them payable to your order, and you can make them payable to my order on the back John Hadley is reported at 2.21 per day, and I shall pay him at that rate, He is really worth it, and it is but little more than he has been getting The purchase of that horse from Morgan will be another point My recollection of that matter is Morgan had no money to pay his ranch bill You took the horse, but as you had so many horses on your papers, was doubtful if the Dept. would allow the purchase, and did not report it till the death of the other horse, (which you supposed had been taken up on the papers) and then asked permission to replace him with this horse. Don t let my opinion of Huntingdon influence you I really have no reason to think him your enemy other than his coming over with Col Pollock, and the others Col s evident knowledge of all weak spots here Nothing I am satisfied will really harm you but the house statement ie if you have informed the Dept of the manner of disposal of goods amp;c Hadley is getting 2.25 per day I do not know if there will be any question of this, but it is well to be prepared. For all the Office work since I have been here, I am responsible, and if any thing is wrong, I must bear the blame I send this letter to Dalles by Miller who is called there by a telegram to meet his brother. If anything occurs to make it necessary he will telegraph you from there All send affectionate remembrances to you and Mrs W Yours Truly JH Fairchild January 12th Last night I had a long talk with the Inspector. I do not think he has any hostile feeling towards you. When he sees you and explains how he regards things and the erroneous systems carried on here you will understand better than if I should write a week He will convince you, and when he sees and talks with you, will be himself convinced of your honesty. It is most important that you see the Inspector in presence of the Sec and President and Col Pollock wants me to telegraph you to that effect. I send two more checks which if as is probably, you do not come back before April, you can sign, write my name on the back as payable to, and return by registered letter. Good Bye God bless you and cause His face to shine upon you JHF