Memphis Tennessee December the 8th 1863 Dear Eliza I just receivd your letter of Nov the 30th and it was a welcom letter for I looked so long for it I would like to have seen John Trapp very much and take with him and Simon is gone to his last hom I would like to have seen him once more but it is for the best as it is he is as I hope out of truble in this wicked world and I hope we may meet in a beter world again, you write about Will comming down here I would like to see him just as much as he wants to see me but he must not com down here for it is no place for him if he could com down and stay a short time and then go right back again it would not make so much difference but that would cost to much and every doller counts now thair would not be anything to do for and be an expence to me for to bord him the mess where I bord would not want to bord him for nothing and he could not draw any rations so you see how it would be I mentiond it this eavening at super and all the officers said not to let him com for it is no place for a boy like him and would make me truble I will if it is possible com thome this winter or spring sometime when the Col coms back pehaps he can help me you must talke to him and tell him to sent me home so now I must close for I have not room to write any more I hope this may find you all well as this leaves me at pressent your affectionate husband J. G. Burggraf along left side margin write as soon as you get this