Frank Buchman, Farewell to America, New York Junior League, April 23, 1946. We are at the end of seven years - seven wonderful years. We have learned much. We want to be careful that every single person in this room knows the full truth in Christ Jesus that has been revealed to us. When I left England a great statesman said, "I donft want you to leave my country* I want you to stay." I said, "My duty is to America*" I came for seven years* Great truths have been revealed to us* I think of those wonderful days in California, in San Francisco, when we spoke to the world and we gave a message that is the answer* It is a great ideology. It is the full message of Jesus Christ. It is putting the message in a way that the world will understand. People didn't fully understand but the crisis was not as imminent then as it is today. Now people everywhere say this is the answer. Communism? Everybody knows that it is a great ism that is engulfing the world. We will have to face, not only in this country but as we cross the sea, a leftist world - and the only answer to a leftist world is a leftist world governed by God. For labor led by God can lead the world. I fear some of you may, even as a result of the meeting tonight, think that you know how to put the message in a way that the world will understand. Make no mistake. There is only this. There is a leftist world, there is a labor world, there is a management world, and there are only two great ideologies today that fight for triumph* The other, the great other ideology, is the thing that we in America feel at times we have had, though not too sure we possess it in the strength we need it today. But the thing we need and the thing you will have to fight for, and it may be with your blood because this last war was only the beginning - is an inspired democracy that is adequate for a world in crisis. These are the two alternatives - Communism, Marxism and that great inspired ideology that has meant so much for liberty and freedom in the days that are gone. - 2 - We are in a global world. Take Australia. The leader of the UNO Conference in London said, "MRA is the one hope of the world." The one hope of the world. Take Rear Admiral Byrd. In the most momentous meeting that I ever expect to live through in Washington, he sat next to me. He saw that remarkable play. He said, "I must speak." Then two other men spoke and he said, "I must speak again." And he said, "This is America's answer." This is America's answer. If this is America's answer then we are in a global effort to win the world to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Then the great truths of the Gospel will once more become great and Jesus Christ will be King. There is your ideology. It is the whole message of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The message in its entirety is the only last hope that will save the world. God's chance is a revolution under the Cross of Christ that can transform the world. The only hope. Our only answer. Go forth with that message united and you will save the world. And now shall we have a few moments of quiet. "Oh, Thou best Gift of Heaven, Thou whom thyself has given For thou hast died. This has thou done for me. What have I done for Thee, Thou crucified? I long to serve Thee more. Reveal an open door Savior to me. Then will I count it joy. To suffer or to die Since I am Thine." The Cross of Christ adequate for a revolution that will bring a renaissance, that will change the world. We pray in Christ's name. Amen.