Camp butler Dec 29- 1861 My Dear Eliza I can say that this leafes me in good health-s- and I hope this may find you all the same/ I got here all wright on Friday at 2, Oclock and found things much plessenter than I expected/ the men had all moved into the houses/ They are very comfertable/ Thair is 2 heating stoves and one cooking stove in them and room for one company in one of them and so far I have slept very comfertable nights/ I don t know when I shall come home yet our Richment is not organised yet wont be till to morrow/ I have met with a graet many acquaintenses that I never thaugt I would meet here/ I met Owin Breese and Joe Reed that usto worck for Charley Twilly and agreed many others all in our Richment/ I have got my clothes and I feel real solgerish in them/ thair is som talk we are to be part off next week but doo not know whether it is so or not/ I dont have any thing more to writ to you just now/ perhaps Ill know more the next time/ I write no more? at present only give my love to the children and Margret/ your affectionate Husband J.G. Burggraf Direct your letters Springfield Lincoln Barricks 49th Richment Write soon