Camp Bethel October 18th 1862 Dear Eliza I arrivd here last evning at 6 O clock all safe and sound I was very much surprised to see things so much changed since I left here/ the fortifications around our Camp are splandit and the Rigmend is purting up houses for the winter/ our company has two large hued log houses and 9 smaler ones wich will be very comfortable for the winter/ I shel take my quaters in one of the large log houses wich is not quite finished yet/ Billy was very much pleas with his pressent and sayes he will return the complemant when he gets back from the war I have seen Mr. Edson in Cairo thair is no chance for me to get on the Can Boats/ thay wont take any transefur/ I would have to get a discharge first from my Rigement so thair is no use in trying to get away/ I spoke to Dr. William H. Metcafe about Margret wanting to come to the Hospitel but he says thair is no chance now as thair is no accommotasion for a woman/ Sunday morning the 19th I have just come of Parate and inspection to finnish my letter/ I witnisst a man being drummed out of the servifs this morning bor bat conduct and stealing some munny/ his head was shaved and blindfolded and then marched all through the camps with paonets pointing toward him and the musick playing the roges march letter stops here