SOUVENIR BOOKLET The Faces of Freshman Glee: Freshman Glee is more than hours of hectic rehearsals, a swim in the Mill Stream, an early morning comet, or memories of a song and formation. For most it x27;s meant new-found friendships and new-found meanings. For the losing classes, it x27;s meant another year x27;s wait. For the winning class, a four-year dream. For all who participated, it x27;s meant a time of personal involvement matched by personal reward. Win or lose, Glee 1970 was what each one made it a look at one another, a look at oneself, and a look at that intangible something called Soul and Inspiration. Ron Bemis Freshman Glee Manager P9- Class oP 71 goes for fourth . again pg.4 pg. 5 Sophs smile harder pg. 6 Seniors groove to victory pg. 7 Love is Blue Monday pg.8 pg.9 Compliments of w off 4Mtlico x27; l gt;nl m )jm OFFSET LITHOGRAPHY LETTERPRESS US. Bank automatic savings can change your He. By helping you have money when you need it. Tell us how much you want to save. We x27;ll take that amount from your checking account and put it in your savings account. Automatically. Open an automatic savings account at any U.S. Bank branch. And start saving for a change. us BANK United States National Bank of Oregon WANTED:: One female companion. Must be 14 ft. tall. Gold, no silver need apply. Domestic experience necessary. Climate good. Wages negotiable. Contact: G. Pioneer, State Capitol Dome, Salem, Ph : 6261. CUEBALL BILLIARDS 3 snooker tables - 14 pool tables open 7 days a week SALES 1262 State Street ISHOFS Salem x27; quality men x27;s store since 1890 i FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON SALEM BRANCH. 2 8 O LIBERTY N.E. SALEM. OREGON 97301 VERN HAUGEN MANAGER PHONE: EM 3-4 129 SALEM PLAZA 4 15 CENTER ST., N.E. SALEM, OREGON 97301 pg. 10 AtSHAKEY x27;S we serve tun (also pizza) mm. SHAKEYS NORTH 3165 River Road N. KPMtKTGlEN xacUU KCitiUf afruwute 2 LOCATIONS IN SALEM NORTH: 3400 Portland Road DOWNTOWN: 377 Court Street Compliments of OREGON GAMMA CHAPTER OF III FARRELL5 ICE CREAM PARLOUR RESTAURANTS Fireside A amp;W 2605 South Commercial Street STUDENTS reserve your Hawaii reservations early at ... SATHER TOURS and TRAVEL SERVICE 216 High Street, N. E. Salem, Oregon Telephone: 585 2000 510 Liberty Street S. Salem, Oregon 97301 LUXURY AT ECONOMY PRICES Color TV Direct Dial Phones Major Credit Cards Continental Breakfast pg. 11 x27;TODAY quot; liA REASON TO BELIEVE quot; We make the world today seem smaller, But look at man, He x27;s no taller. We x27;re always right, but never wrong It x27;s time for change. Come along. Passing days, Living in a world of dreams, But it seems, He can x27;t find Today Take it I And don x27;t you mistake it. It x27;s your life, so come on and make it Living And while we x27;re forgiving, We re sharing our love and our caring. I live next to you And you live next to me . . . Happiness will be In your heart, Can x27;t you see? It will be A NEW TODAY Words and Music: Dave Hjelt Kathy Hartman Song Leaders: Kathy Hartman Dave Hjelt Eormatiou Leader: Skip Macy quot;TODA Y: THROUGHOUT THE AGES x27; Today, We are but children, young and alive. Today, We cannot know for what we strive. What will we be? Have you been told? What will we know, wlien we grow old? Nothing means anything Unless we are willing to stop- To try to dare, to say I care, to say I care Today, We are still young and wrought with confusion. Today, We x27;re learning to live in an illusion. What are we now? What can you say? What do we know? Are we just clay? We won x27;t grow up at all Unless we accept the call of one Who tried to dare, to say I care, to say I care Where there is hope do not despair; When fortunes fall someone will care. Do not lose sight of your ideal, And yet hold fast to what is real. At last, we find our hopes, our dreams, our inspiration, in other men. Today, Too old and too soon, and what have we seen? Today, Are we aware of where we x27;ve been? What were we then? Have you been told? What have we learned, now that we x27;re old? Anything means everything If we at last are willing to stop And say today, I see the way and think of you, not me. Words: Molly Mack Music: Kevin Boyd and Chuck White Song Leader: Dean Petrich Formation Leader: Dennis Reese x27;THIS IS OUR SOUL; OUR HIGHEST INSPIRATION quot; When the time on blades of grass says all will come to pass And your friends come to ask of you do you think it x27;s true Did you find a reason to believe? When the people pass you by not even blinki)ig an eye They send you to fight a war you can x27;t believe in anymore Can you find a reason to believe? Wind that blows over my own soul Tells me to keep movin x27; on Tells me to keep movin x27; on And if the time comes when we close our eyes to what we might be if we looked inside Then we x27;ve found a reason to believe what they x27;re tellin x27; us Yes, then we x27;ve found a reason to believe. In the house that we build there will be no war there will be flowers of welcome for all at our door With wine from the land that we x27;ve promised our sons With sky and good earth for all those who come In the house that we build in the sun, In the house that we build in the sun. In the house that we build in the sun. Today, the blossoms cling to the trees; and yet they fall. In this world there is a place for us, We must do what we do. I as a person, will be forgotten, In a few years. But before I x27;m gone, Today I must give all I x27;ve got to give, To better the world with it x27;s turmoil and trouble, In which I live. When we come together, We can reach each other through our thoughts, Our contrasting feelings. There is no joy, In looking through a mirror-glass pond, That warps, With what the sea breeze brings A color is a color, A person himself Take each idea for what it is worth. Is it worse that seven, than sev x27;n hundred die? All for the preservation Of what we think is right. People must live, in this land, As well as other lands. We will live our lives, And always reach out a helping hand This Is Our Soul; Our Highest Inspiration. To live in love, with our fellowman. This is Our Soul; Our Highest Inspiration. To pass on to others, The products, of our generation. Words and Music: Doug Forsythe John Foster Bruce Robertson Formation Leader: John Hayjior Words and Music: John West Song Leader: John West Formation Leader: John Welty pg. 12