■ - - SALEM, OREGON: A. L. STINSON, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. 1 870.i-UOMOVIT J\ SfT IMo nitng PIANO SQX.O NORMA, f R A Y E ANTHEM BY THE CHOIR. Mr. Millard O. Lownsdale Reform—with Salutatory Addresses*. Mips Mattie E. Gilbert Discords belong to this Life only. PiAiVvi i) i)L u _ iii. A v Li'ili i luUuuuio. Mr. Milton T. Crawford An Outlook on the Future. Miss Hattie C. Gilliland Magnets. SONC--CATHERINC HOME. Mr. Henry H. Hewitt The Philosophy of American Success. Miss Gertrude E. Moores How we are Sculptors. M S. Edwin E. McKinney The Scholar and His Mission. Miss Mary E. Case Gardens. v -jj uctU—'O'ujHn mrD Mr. Tilmon J. Ford Webster and the Constitution. Miss Mary E. Chapman ‘‘.Justice may Sleep, but never Dies.” SONG—PSALM OF LIFE. Miss Mattie E. Nail Secrets of the Sea. Mr. Charles B. Moores The True Education—with Valedictory Addresses. iPifraa )S«la -- -■ - -■ -■ JSilo p*r |praij. BENEDICTIONatft e v u o o n . Duette-FETE MILITAIEE. Prayer. Song---A.ll Things Fair and Bright are Thine., ANNUAL ADDRESS-REV. A. L. LINDSLEY, D.D. DtTKTTii.--VIOr.IN' AND PIANO. Baccalaureate Address—Rev. Dr. Rounds. FJmms (!'.c:n:Fcm'l'. a -a SONG—FAREWELL TO WILLAMETTE.