^>l>e Slxt?-nlittl) Annual Commencement of Willamette Kniversit? nineteen hundred and thirteen Salem, Oregon <8U a/ye fxyy totteTu/"program 3tta? 23— Commencement of Schools of "Taw an& MZe&lclne June U— 8:00 "P- Ml*—Commencement Recital School of Mtuslc "June 13— 8:00 "P* 38 •—Commencement School of Address by Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, D. D., LL. D. 'June 15— 10:30 A. 3Zt.—baccalaureate Sermon President Fletcher Homan, A. M„ D. D. 3:30 Ip. 38.—farewell Meeting of the Christian Associations 8:00 Ip. Stt.—Sermon to the Christian Associations 3utte 16 — 2:30 ~p. ^t<—3ason "Xee Mtemorial Exercises 8:00 "p- 38.—3nter-Soclety Oratorical Contest“Program 3uae 17— 10:00 “A.. Ml.—Mleetlng of tke Moarfc of trustees Senior Class “X>ay “program. Campus lliOO “A. Ml.—baseball Came 2:00 ~P- Ml.—Class "parade 8:00 ~p. Ml. —“Endowment Jubilee A&dress By Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, D. D., LL. D. 8:45 “p. Ml.—Senior ~pla? Mllll-Stream Court” 3tme 18— 10:00 A. Ml.— Commencement Colleoe of liberal Arts. TFlrst Ml. "E. Church Address by the Reverend John Lamond, Edinburgh, Scotland 2:30 "p* Ml.—Alumni business Mleetluft 3:30-5:30 ""p. Ml. — “president's deception 6:30 “p. Ml.—"Alumni banquet, "Jfotel Mlarlon