Tuesday, January 6, 19U7 Dear Folks: This is a brief letter - a quickie - to tell jrou an interesting development. We had a youth meeting that was a youth meeting yesterday and at the conclusion Don Birdsail shared some guidance he had had that from henceforth the teenagers would launch out on faith and prayer, more specifically in matters of money! It had immediate, devestating results. Everyone felt it was just the thing we need as a gang to give us a philosophy of living together that is rooted in reality. We often talk about faith and prayer, but actually haven't had to live it. Cash has come so easily - from Gil, Don, or Garrett, and most of us have been spoiled by it. I know I have. Etat from now on it!s a different kettle of fish. Don contributed over a thousand bucks as a nest egg. When that!s gone we're really on the Lord. (His last thousand.) I immediately had some revolutionary guidance of my own - that Oregon could quite easiljr carry her sons and daughters on the road if she wanted to. Not just the team - I think that!s toe small a conception of finance for these days - but others in the state for whom giving money is the next step tov-vri change, I believe sometimes God!s plan for a man is for him to open his pocket-book where too often his soul also hides. And if we are free of fear we can ask that as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. We've been becoming increasingly aware of America's money-Yforship and the need to ask the most of her with daring in the place where she Is most sensitive. It would, mean approaching people with a fcew fearlessness and what you Blight call "A willingness to make them feel uncomfortable" - Garrett calls it - "Leaving a guy with a hot potato - a spiritual hot potato to handle - to throw away, or swallow..." I am on ray last 15 bucks so ITm beginning to pray. I find I don't spend so rnuch on Transportation and food no?f, and Ifm a lot more conscious of Gil's headaches. It's good training. (But I8m beginning to get apprehensive.) In the middle of this letter we heard we were leaving for !.a:;hington the next da3r so I am finishing in Wash, at the Blackstone Hotel where a few of us are doing hospitality. It1 s'been another rush job, but well done I think. We've come back by popular demand and on 36 hour's notice filled Lisner Audit, last night with a very distinguished crowd. Today wi give a matinee and then a last show tonight, then back to Richmond on Sun. or Monday for the 'DR' and the revue. From there I think we go to Mississippi and then westward. (Keep it under your hat!) Babsy and I are concerned about Mary's birthday which we did nothing about - we want to write a long, illustrated letter, but there just doesn't seem to be time. I aoo love her. Incidentally, 18 embassies were represented last night, 3 ambassadors came, the Chief of Reuters Wash. Bureau came last nite, Congr. Taber who just came back from Europe ai# said as far as he could see there was plenty of food came and was deeply inspired. It may change policy on the Hill. The crinpled senior senator from Ohio came and said come to Cleveland. 12 embassies will be represented tonite, 600 from Capitol Hill including 86 S#H£ Represtatives, Taft and Bricker. Oregon men are among them. 1 don't know which but 1 intend to go meet them after the shows. Every Congressman on the Hill has been personally visited by our teenagers working with the government teaml There is no question that all Capitol Hill is aware of this force. league, Pres, of Cal. Fruit Grower's Assoc, and Gov. Warren My come as George Eastman13 ruests. All In all it Is reaching America's heart".