Ol)e resident and TFacult? of Willamette X£niversit? cor&ially Invite you to be present at Z3l)e Sixt^-fiftl) Annual (Commencement ^Exercises 3ttay twenty-first to 3une seventeenth nineteen hun6re6 an6 nine Salem, Oregon(Tommencemcnt Cxercises blay 21—Commencement School of "Xaw. 3une l—""Entertainment by School of Oratory. 3une 2—Commencement School of bledicine. 3une 4—""Entertainment by School of btuslc. 3une 8—Senior Oratory Recital. 3une 10—Commencement School of Oratory. 3une 11—Unter-Society Contest. 3une 13—baccalaureate Sermon by "president Fletcher 3foman, "ID."2D. 3:00 "P. bl.—"Tarewell bleeting of Christian Associations. 8:00 "p. bl.—Sermon to Christian "Associations by bev. 3. 3f. Cudlipp. 3D .A 3une 14—Craduating "TExercises of Oregon 3nstitute and bormal School. 3une 15—beception by "president and blrs. 3foman. 8:00 "p. bt.—Annual "program by School of btusic. 3une 16—board of trustees bleeting. 10 "A. bl. 4.00 "p. bl.—Alumni business bleeting. 6:00 "p. bl.—"Alumni banquet. 8:30 ~p. bl.—blr. and blrs. A. b. bloores will receive Alumni and Old Students at their home. 3une 17—2:00 "p. bl.— Class "2Day "Exercises of Senior Class. 8:00 ~p. bl.— Commencement of College of "Tiberal Arts. Address by 3udge Stephen A. "Towell.