Programme, 10 o’clock, a. m. Music- Orchestra.. ANTHEM. PRAYER. Piano Solo—The Last Hope Libbie E. Woodward. Free Trade Hubbard Bryant. “Our boats are launched,but where’s the shore,’’ Dora P. Simpson. Vocal! Duet—Voice from the Waves, The Fourth of July—Master’s Oration Jas. Chambers. The Liberal Kducation of Woman—Master’s Oraton, Jose DeVore Johnson. Music.- Orchestra “Each Day a life, each Night we die” Elva A. Wheeler. Piano Solo—Sweet Home... Teresa Holderness. The Tri-color—Recitation and Chorus School. BENEDICT ION. 2:30 o’clock, p. m. Music-Orchestra. Soldier’s Marching Song •' School. P'oem—S. A. Clarke, Esq. Quartet,—Under the Ice Address-—Rev. S„ H. Marsh.» D, D. ■5 Duet—Marche Triumphale CONFERRING DEGREES. M 'usie- Orchestra, _ BENEDICTION.