Memphis Tennessee January the 10th 1864 Dear Eliza I receivd your letter of the 29th last Tuesday and was very glad to here from you once again and also from the children I think William has improved in writing very much since I last saw it if he continus to improve so he will soon be a good writer I would have writen sooner but I dit not think you would bet the letter for the River was so blockated with ice that boats could not get up to Ciaro the River was and is not full of ice now here we have had very cold wether here ever since before Christmas and you being so much farther north then we are must have had very cold wether I hope non of you have sufferd from the effects of it you say you ware so much disapointed of my not comming t-home with Co. G. I am sorry I could not com but it may be for the best that I could not com at that time and that I will get a chance to com in the spring for Dr. Medcalf and Frank Burrows both tell me that you are prospering finely and look well the Dr. says he dit not see you himself but the Col. told him he says he would like to have seen you very much but could not stop he said that trip to me last summer don you good from what he could here from you he have had a very lonsam Christmas and New year it was so cold and nothin going on, but I hope by another we shel all be to gether again in peace once more and injoy each others society plessently together, we expect to have pay day before long again and then I will sent you som muny by Daly as he is comming home as soon as we get paid off, Daly and Brewer are both well and Brewr sleeps with me we have a nice bet to sleep in Jesse Hewes Hughes is well and has reinlisted again for three more years in the vetern service thair has a gread many out of our Regement reinlested but thay have to serve thair time out in the 49th and then they will have to go in som other Regement to serve thair time out but I dont think I shel go I have had soldiering enough and now I will close hoping this may find you all well as this leaves me the same and that I may soon here from you again and also from the Boys now may God bless you all your affectionate husband J. G. Burggraf Daly and Brewer talk some of having som things sent down her perhaps you can put somthing in it for me