1844. | 1890. June 6,8,9,10,11, and 12 FRANK C. BAKER. STATE PRINTER. SALEM. OREGON forty-sixth anniversary Willamette university- ■ y "g~ gf^OG^AMME MONDAY, APRIL 7. 8 P. M. Commencement of Medical Department and College of Pharmacy. TUESDAY, JUNE 3. 8 P. M. Annual College Prayer Meeting. FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 8 P. M. Reunion of Literary Societies. SUNDAY, JUNE 8. 10:30 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon, - * Rev. C. C. Stratton, D. D. 8 P. M. University Sermon, - Rev. J. VV. Bushong, D. D., East Portland. MONDAY, JUNE 9. 10 A. M. Essay Contest. 2:30 P. M. Popular Qflpcert, by Conservatory of Music. 8 P. M. Lecture before Literary Societies, Rev. C. C. Stratton, D. I). TUESDAY, JUNE 10. y A. M. Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees. 2:30 P. M. Elocution Contest. s p. M. Graduating Exercises of University Academy.WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11. IQ. A. M. Commencement Exercises of Conservatory of Music. 2 P. M. Business Meeting of Alumni. 8 P. M. Literary Exercises and Reunion of Alumni. THURSDAY, JUNE 12. COMMENCEMENT DAY. 10 A. M. Commencement of College of Liberal Arts. 8 P. M. Concert and Reunion of Conservatory Alumnpp. Xote—Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Exhibition of Art Department. CLASS OF 1890. BACHELOR OK ARTS L. F BELKNAP. A. H. COOKE, SUSIE HARRINGTON. LEVI MAGEE, X. M. NEWPORT, VERGIL PERINGER. W. E. PERRY, S. W. STRYKER. O. F. TOWER, BACHELOR OK PHILOSOPHY, ELVERA VICTOR, ... - May View, Wash. Invitation. ffl You aTB cordially invited to be present at the Forty-sixth anniversary of Willamette University. All who pay full fare Dn the Dregan and California Railroad coining to these exercises, can return on one-fifth fare on presenting a certificate from the President, President. Monroe. Sai.em. Mt. Tabor. Lincoln. Astoria. Salem. - Salem. Salem. Salem.FACULTY. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Rev. THOMAS VAN SCOY’, D. D., President. T. C. JOKY. A. M., S. A. STARR, A. M., B. D. W. S. ARNOLD,U. M.. JENNIE LONG, MATTIE L. HANSEE, A. M., MINNIE CUNNINGHAM, B.S. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. Z. M. PARVTN, LULU M. SMITH, LEONA WILLIS, EVA COX. MAMIE O. PAIIVIN. HALLIE PARRISH. a.rt DE:F > Ai'i'rrviE;isnr. CLYDE COOKE. MARIE CRAIG *LAW DEPARTMENT, G. G. BINGHAM, - * W. H. HOLMES, GEO. H. BURNETT, S. J. RICHARDSON. 9 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, E. P. Fraser. M. D. L. L. Rowland, M. D., F. R. s. A. Sharples, M. D. C. II. Hali.,«M. D. Richmond Kelly. A. M., M. D. J. W. Fkazey, M. D. W. E. Carll, M. I). D. II. Rand, M. D. I). Payton, M. I>. R. Gi.isan, M* D. James Browne, M D.; LL. D. II. S. KilBOCRNK, M. D.. U. S. A. W. E. Rinehart, M. D. Alois Sommer, M. D. Hon. M C. Georoe. Geo. H. Chance, D. D. S. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. m FACULTY Alois Sommer, M. D., W. E. Carll. \f. D., Jno. M. A. Lace. Pit. G, Loris F. Henderson, Ph. B., Richmond Kelly, A. M , M. D. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Rev. M. C. Wire, A. M., B. IX, Rev. N. Doane, I). I)., Rev. W. Rollins, B. D., Rev. H. K. Hines, D. D.