Serenade x27;Cause There x27;s No Place Like Home TheClassofl998 Proudly Presents The 87th Annual Freshman Glee Willamette University Cone Fieldhouse, Sparks Center MarchH,1995,7pm Freshman Glee began in 1909 when the class of 1912 challenged the other classes in a song competition - an event which has become a tradition distinct to Willamette. In the past, Glee has been held in the Chapel of Waller Hall, the First Methodist Church, the Salem Armory, and the old Willamette Gymnasium (today x27;s Playhouse). Since 1975, Cone Fieldhouse has been used to accomodate the ever-popular Freshman Glee. Originally, Freshman Glee was a simple presentation of songs on a bare stage. Over the years, elaborate sets, marching and complex formations have also become essential parts of this special event. Freshman Glee is Willamette x27;s own tradition of the past that will continue in the future. Glee is yet another reason why there is simply no place like Willamette, x27;Cause There x27;s No Place Like Home the alma mater performed by the Willamette Ensemble Men x27;s Octet There x27;s an old historic temple rising grandly through the years, Where the oaken hearted fathers drew their strength for strong careers. Down the years, its portals open, Gathered wise ones to its fold. Breathed the spirit of the Westland, Card x27;nal emblem x27;bossed with gold. Dear old School How strong we love thee x27;Round thy mem x27;ries, how we cling Glad some hearts beneath thy shadow, loyal hearts to thee we bring. Old Willamette, how we cherish all thy legends and thy lore, Born upon the calm Pacific, Guides us onward ever more. Spirit of the Golden Westland, breathing through the fathers x27; tears, Tells the story of the temple, bids us hope a x27; down the years, Sing, oh, sing of dear Willamette, Sing while hearts are young and true, Sea to sea the chorus swelling, Dear Old School of our W.U. amp; e /om of 1338 THE 87th ANNUAL FRESHMAN GLEE Serenades 9Cauase Tfiere*s quot;No Place Oke Home WILLAMETTE UKIVERSITY Come Fieldhouse, Sparks Center March 11, 19 9 5 7;00 P.M. Introduction 199 5 Overall Glee Managers Kendall Haynes, Mark L. Martin, Tyler Peterson, Kiley Simmons and Tara Wilson A Time lb Say Goodbye Class of 19 95 Never Leave Again Class of 19 96 Heart and Mind Class of 1997 Movin9 On Class of 199 8 . . Intermission . . . Bagpipe Performance by Alexa Johnson with Highland Dancing by Christy Hobza Alma Mater Willamette Men s Ensemble Octet Presentation of the Glee Banner Jim Booth JUDGING AHD RULES This year x27;s judging is composed of four major categories: music and lyrics, song presentation, marching performance and marching formation. Each category will be judged on the entertainment value as well as the skill with which the song is performed. Each class has the potential of earning 100 points for the show as a whole (20 for music amp; lyrics, 32 for song presentation, 24 for marching formation and 24 for marching presentation). At no point are the judges basing their decisions on the rules of Glee. The rules are over-seen by a rules committee consisting of one member from each of the class management teams and the chair of the rules committe, ovreall Glee manager Kiley Simmons. Each class predetermines the rules violations of their respective classes and subtracts their penalty points from the judges totals. The final score then determines the recipient of the Glee Banner for 1995. 199 5 Freshman Glee Judges Music, Lyrics and Song Presentation Dr. Marcia Hauff Dr. Bernice Isham Mr. Gary Frame Ms. Moira Gralund Marching Performance Professor Maurice Brennen Mr. Malcolm Campbell Ms. Laura Imeson Mrs. Alice Jones Marching Formation Mr. Richard White Miss Rebekah Donigian Mrs. Mary Ann Robinson Mr. Barry Nathan DEDICATION It is our distinct pleasure to present this year x27;s Freshman Glee in honor of emeritus English professor Dr. Paul Trueblood and his wife Helen. Together, they represent the true spirit of Glee through their eternal love for each other and their continuous dedication to Willamette University. In their marriage of over sixty years, they have raised two daughters, both of which are Willamette alumnae, and participated in countless Willamette activities including Glee. We, the Overall Glee Managers for 1995, are proud to dedicate Freshman Glee to two of the most distinguished people to ever set foot on this campus. Paul and Helen, this one x27;s for you CLASS MANAGERS Freshman Annette Wooten Ben Jackson Serena Brewer Katie Russell Asha Jennings Michael Trotter Sophomores Hong Thov Josh Norman Nicole Larzelier Jason Pinkal Christopher Churchill Molly McKay Ian Burkheimer Jenna Fischer Suzanne Anderson Juniors Heather Beebe Gabrielle Byrd Stephanie Hamrick Ken Ray Kent Campbell Seniors Brione Berneche Laura Bunker Heather Dahl Michelle Ganiere Kelly Golden Joelfre Grant Kate Kenski Jenn Rosenberg Kaley Scott Kathy Smith Eric Wright CLASS of 1995 A Time to Say Goodbye Music by Kate Kenski Vocal Arrangement by Laura Bunker, Nich Anderson, Kate Kenski, Adam McMurray and Beth Lindley Lyrics by Kate Kenski, Heather Dahl, Joelfre Grant, Laura Bunker, Kaley Scott, Kelly Golden, Brione Berneche, Kathy Williams and Jennifer Rosenberg, Everyday you and I have grown close Seeing faces many places, A home that we have shared. A part of my life now Unexpected friendships made; So many treasures It x27;s hard to go away. Chorus Moving onward destinies have yet to come Looking forward, making choices This has become our home. Alma Mater, thank you for the times we x27;ve had As the time here passes, we know we x27;ll find a way Chorus Looking back on memories we x27;ve made So much I have to say. One last time please share with me now The tales we x27;ve made Looking back on frindships we x27;ve found Now it x27;s time to say goodbye; I wish you could stand by my side Now times have changed. Always, always be with me. So much I x27;ve changed You were with me all the way. Roads are changing, times remaining Strength has moved us along. A part of my life now Through the struggles overcome; Because you have helped me Every step of the way. Looking back on memories we x27;ve made So much I have to say. One last time please share with me now The tales we x27;ve made Looking back on frindships we x27;ve found Now it x27;s time to say goodbye; I wish you could stand by my side Now times have changed. Always, always think of me. FORMATIONS Swing Set - Moving Car - quot;WU quot; - Mortar Board with Tassle CLASS of 1996 Never Leave Again Music by Mike Reynolds Lyrics by Colin Folawn Score Assistance: Greg Pitter I x27;ll never leave Chorus Never leave you again And how could you know I don x27;t know That being apart would be my end? Where else I x27;d go Away from here Chorus I hold you dear to my heart I don x27;t know Where else I x27;d go I x27;ll never leave Away from here Never leave you again I hold you dear And how could you know To my heart That being apart would be my end . . . Without all the memories And words that escape me I x27;ll never quite see Or find another place to be again Chorus And will the wind ever change on my home Could the stars be erased The days pass like rain Good bye my friend I just know I x27;ll never leave home FORMATIONS Heading West - The Golden Pioneer There x27;s No Place Like Earth - Marching in the Rain CLASS of 1997 Lyrics by Jenna Fischer and Nicole Larzelier Music by Hong Thov Accompanist: Scott Dilworth There is a place where the sun rises over the mountains Where the moon and stars shimmer in the night. There are oceans, jungles, forests, and deserts. A beautiful place we call our home, glorious and bright. Chorus It doesn x27;t matter who we are. It doesn x27;t matter where we live. Sheltered under one bright sky, We all have something to give. With different colors, races, languages and beliefs, Our world is represented by people of all kinds. Nations come together from near and far To peacefully share this home in the Heart and Mind Chorus A place where the sun rises, Where the moon and stars shimmer A place where nations come together under one bright sky, To peacefully share this home in the Heart and Mind Chorus FORMATIONS Coke Can - Flags - The World CLASS of 1998 9 Words and Music by: Annette Wooten, Ben Jackson, Serena Brewer, Katie Russell, Asha Jennings, Michael Trotter, Will Snyder and Cy Kennedy Left behind one world In search of another Out on our own Never Lost or alone Chorus Cuz, there x27;s no place like home No place like home Where the love is Where the heart is There x27;s no place like home Coming from so far away We never thought we x27;d want to stay Try not to make a backwards glance Now x27;s the time to take a chance Chorus Many WU years are left to go Where we end up, nobody knows But our time here now, brief as it may be Will forever exist in our serenade Chorus Here we are learning, midnight oil always burning Call to our future is loud and clear No better place for us than here Life itself s, our final test Being a Bearcat puts us ahead of the rest FORMATIONS Shooting Star - House - Smile Q lt; Qy gt;fo QJo . . . The Freshman Class Would Like to Thank: Dunkin Donuts, Marika Paez, Georgina Larcher, Ryan Diebert, Janice Pennington, Will Snyder, the Overall Managers, Croissant amp; Co., Cy Kennedy, Great Harvest Bread Co., and the Kaneko Hall Council The Sophomore Class Would Like to Thank: Scott Dilworth, Kirk Masterson, Casey DeMott Sims, Eugeneah Kim, Overall Managers, Dunkin Donuts, Kaneko Hall Council, the TIUA students, and the Sophomore Class of 1997 The Junior Class Would Like to Thank: Colin Folawn, Mike Reynolds, Greg Pitter, Scott Anderson, Catherine McRae, Current Overall Managers, Current Glee Committee, Past Class of x27;96 Managers, Scott Greenwood, Tony Noble, Rhonda Mayhew, TIUA, Dunkin Donuts and the Dedicated Junior Class Participants The Senior Class Would Like to Thank: Adam, Beth, Kate, Laura, Lydia and Nich, for their musical dedication; Eric, Joelfre, Kelly and Kimberly, for their creative talents; Buzz Yocom, Scott Greenwood, and Tony Noble, for thier wisdom and guidance these past four years; the past managers who showed us how Glee was done; the present managers for their patience and dedication; the Ram who entertains us and especially to Dorothy and all the little munchkins, x27;cause there x27;s no place like home. The Overall Glee Mangers* Would Like to Thank: Tony Noble, Scott Greenwood, Michelle Howell, Amy Witts, Jim Booth, Erica Welch, Cherri Nopp, Sue Rende, Holli Davenport, Drew Withers, Tim Wilson, Gordie James, Karen Chittick, Ronda Mayhew, Apple Computers, Heather Malcom, Paprika, Melaney Moisan, Betty O x27;Brian, WITS, Dr. Wallace Long, Microsoft, The Willamette Men x27;s Ensemble, ASWU, The Willamette Phoneathon Connection, Mark Terry, TIUA, The Word Perfect Spell Checker, Connie Ames, The Copy Center, Don Beckman and the Willamette Bookstore, Professor Jeani Bragg, Those Rug Vendors in the Mailroom, Mr. Formal - Lancaster, Cascade Sound, The Finance Board, The UC Front Desk, The People who Work at the UC Front Desk, Mike Warjone, Mike Wherry, Mark Hughes, Willamette Grounds department, Cody Mast, Micheal Litchfield, Campus Saftey, Mark McAllister, Ronda Mock, KFE Microsystems, Dr. Richard quot;Buzz quot; Yocom, Will Snyder, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Chris Simmons, Regal Trophy Company, Rachel Caraher, Harmon x27;s Piano Co., Denny x27;s, The Stuart Family, Jim Moyer, Jeff Bolt, Great Harvest Bread Company, The Salem Police Department, Jim Huffman and Bon Appetit, Jenny Collins, Laila Cook, Sigma Chi Fraternity, The Makers of Columbia 300 Bowling Balls, Willamette University Faculty and Staff, Mom, Dad, John Boy, Everyone who attended and EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN GLEE x27;95 Thanks so much for making Willamette home - the quot;Chain Gang quot; (Yelik, Cheese Boy, Casper, T.P., Ken-Doll) * (No worries about the spelling . . . Kiley typed this )