Centralia June 2, 1862 Dr Brother As I now have an opportunity of writing you a few lines I thought I would do so/ I hope you are inJoying good health at present/ we are all well at apresent/ I have not much to say to present only that the rain fell last Tuesday night and filled the celler up to the third step/ we got a pump and to dutch men to pump so you see we are near a float/ I don t write much now but I am waiting to see you come home/ No more Just now/ write soon from your affectionate sister Margaret Mc Nutty Mrs. Sherard is going home to her Fathers tonight/ Mr. Sherard is bording at pearces/ yes thay street commissioners have made a road up past Tom Davises house amp; have put new culberts at each reseue? amp; one between your house amp; mine amp; it was not more then half large enough so that the water keeps back long enough to leak in your celler/ thare seames plenty to do in town/ Doc Marshell is building him a house next to that little office of his in town/ there is a new post office not quite finished right next to hands fruit store/ the new school is not taken up yet/ I here Doc Marchell is going in Mr PettyJohns house/ Mr Perkens is silenced amp; he has commenced laroing again/ I heard a good sermon from Mr. Alfrod too Sundays ago/ thay have a new preachers/ our Sabbath school is increasing of anything/ I keep my class in both churches yet/ Dory Trap has the measles/ My garden never looked so well/ everything growes fine in it/ Mr. Brewer is as usual/ thare is a dutch family in lissiys Gilmore house/ no more ever yours keep that little solder don t let him get killed I don t want a dead man