Germantown Tennessee July the 25th 1863 Dear Sister your welcom letter has just com to hand for we wanted to here from you very much and how you get along/ this leaves us well and I hope this may find you all the same, I am sorry to here that Willy gives you so much truble and is so wild and disobedient/ we are expecting pay day soon in a week or two and then Eliza will com home I would like to have her stay langer but as you want to be with your husband Eliza had better be at home but I would like to have her stay till pay day as we expect to be pait for four months and she inside left neades the muny/ we are having a very plessent time here and I am sorry she can not stay lan- -ger as She is duing a greadele of good in the hospital/ the Dochters would like to have her stay very much, but I am in hopes that this was well soon com to a close and we all can be to gether at home once more in peace, the wether has bin very changeable here som da-y-ys it would be very hod and then thair would be very misty rainy day and cool which makes one take cold very easy but notwithstand- -ing the health is very good in camp I have nothing more to ad only that I hope that Willy will try and doo better/ if your husband can get him a plase I wish he wou- would do s and I hope Lizza and Frank will try and be good inside right children and mind you/ give my respects to your husband and any of my union frainds but no copperheas and give my love to the children your affectionage Brother J. G. Burggraf Eliza will write soon in a day or tow and I would like to have you answer this as soon as you get this I would also like to have a letter from your husband Elize send her love to you and your husband and to the children J.G.B.