ALEXANDER WILEY, WIS.. CHAIRMAN WILLIAM LANGER, N. DAK. PAT MCCARRAN, NEV. HOMER FERGUSON. MICH. HARLEY M. KILOORE, W. VA. CHAPMAN REVERCOMB. W. VA. JAMES O. EASTLAND, MISS. E. H. MOORE. OKLA. FORREST C. DONNELL, MO. JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, KY. WARREN O. MAONUSON, WASH. J. W. PULBRIOHT, ARK. J. HOWARD MCGRATH, R. I. HAROLD R. WILDE, CLERK QlCmlcJ) J lale* J enale COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY June 21, 1947 Mr, Charles E, Larsen 1839 East Fairbanks Tacoma, Washington Dear Mr. Larsen: Thank you for your letter of recent date in the form of two resolutions adopted by the Northwestern Federation of American Indians in behalf of Increased appropriations for the Tacoma Indian Hospital and the Chemawa Indisn School at Chemawa, Oregon, The Interior Appropriation Bill passed the Senate a few days ago with an increase for Education of Indians in the amount of 3,500,000 to make a total of 11,500,000 which is only 365,000 less than the budget estimate for 1948. An increase was also given Conservation of Health in the amount of 410,000 to make a total of 7,240,570 which is 365,430 less than the budget estimate. The bill Is now in the Conference Committee aid when it comes out we will have to vote for or against it in its entirety. I very much appreciate the interest of the Northwestern Federation of American Indians in these matters. m.c aGND/50N,U.S.S. PROMINENT PEOPLE VISIT CHEMAWA x'resident Hayes Fred Lockley, in the Portland Sunday Journal, of October 1, 1*44, states that in an interview with Albert Tozier, he (Albert Tozier) said: **** V lt;hen president and Lucy Hayes visited Oregon they visited the Indian school at Forest Grove, which Hayes was instrumental in having established, and l which Dr. H. J. Linthorne was in charge prior to its removal to ohemawa. The president and members of the faculty of the Indian school appointed a com. ittee of which 1 (Albert Tozier) was a member to go to Portland as escort arid guard ox honor for the presidential party. This was before the days of paved roads or automobiles, so we boarded the West Side Southern Pacific train, with its wood-burning engine. En route to Forest Grove a slide delayed the train. hile a sectioii anf shoveled the earth fro the track, resident and Mrs Hayes leit the train cuid held a reception for the passengers beside the track. ******* --President Theodore Roosevelt. (From the Weekly Chemawa American April 7, 1911) Vol.13 No.39 Shortly before noon on ..ecnesday, pursuant to orders from Supt. chalcraft, all work, both academic and industrial, ceased at the school and an early dinner was then in order,. Flags were flying and there was evidence of something unusual in the very air. Ex-president Roosevelt was due to pass by the school at 12:45 p.m. enroute to Portland and Supt. Chalcraft had the promise that the train, the Seattle Limited, would slow down as it passed by our grounds. All the .upils, toys and girls, wre in uniform and in line alomg the tracks as the train pullea in. All of the employees were out, too. To Bake matters the test possible the day was ideal. The Train was ou time to the minute and our ex-president stood on the steps as it rolled in. ..hen he saw the crowd awaiting him he signaled the conductor to stop. His request was granted and amid music by the band, cheers from hundreds of lusty throats, and the waving of fl-gs and pennants, he shook hands with Supt. Chalcraft and other em,loyees who were near, and as many of the , boys as could reach him during nis brief step. All the time he was voicing his pleasure at the greeting, and speaking encouraging words to all. as the train passed on trie great and kindly man stood on the platlorm and bowed and waved his hand in silent farewell. -2- gt; lt;e know of no event of recent happening which has made a greater impression on our young people than the kindly greeting of this good man. The words he spoke came from the heart; they had the right ring. Let us continue to cherish in our minds the joy of a few fleeting moments with Theodore Roosevelt. * quot;. SAUM iBSXtf 30H0GL Ostober 14, Mrs. Dorothy . OMStttt. 1937 Mr, Trod ftlekard. Sear menast There Is being handed you, herewith, easerpte from the tales sad regulations of the Indian harries, together with a eompilatiyn of other Information pertaining to student bod/ activities, that should bo of Interest to you la your work end* for the good of the students and the institution. It is Inouafeont upon all of as to observe and inforeo all regulatione. It Is suggested that attention bo givea to the Infer*- atlon contained in this folder, sad a proper obeervanse of the rcgulatloi will sorro to make for bettor efflolsnay and, perhaps, sore ourselves It Is rcoegnised that, heretofore, no established aethod has been adopted toward a unified system of keeping * rooord of the Rsgula- tlons froa the Indian Offioo. or of keeping letters of instruotlons Issaod fron this offioo. sad It Is latsaded th i the present folder will serve this purpose* Hereafter, all olreulare received by yea will be inserted in the proper plane and under the proper heading in tide folder* Oopiee of this folder bars booa supplied to the Superintendent end Senior Clerk, as well as to the advisors, and It is requested that no changes bo aado la the contents of this folder without the other oopiee being rested accordingly. It Is requested that the advisors permit their natrons to havs aooss to this information. She advisors ars requested to oospore aotoo oa the merit system oohedulo and bring It ap to date as It is foaad that the oopiee oa file differ os to wording, sad, slaoo no dates wore given. It is not known whioh one is the lest you Issued* Supply the of floe with your oorreoted oopiee sad oopiee will bo aado and glvoa to thoeo having a folder* la accordance with instruotlons to ao under date of Oeseaber 28, 193d, 1 will begin inspections of the dormitories at an sarly date* and sorry out the Instruotlons contained In said letter. Anticipating hearty cooperation la ell direstions, and with a wish for a suoeessful year, I remain. Yours truly, I Charlso 1* Larsen, Senior Clerk Paul f. nteadent - I I I t 1 PAG* Awards, student, lit. 1936-37 66-67 Celeadar, chool, 1937 (Firet oneeter) 3-4 Circulars, Indian Office 06-63 Circulars, local,. 48-95 Olaea Officers, 1937-38 33 Counselling Croupe, Suaieetiona...,. Deys off Duty (dvleero. Matrons, Cook).. 11a Duties (Chea, 8* Larson). 7-9 aaplayeee, list, 1937 M yootfcr.ll ohedule, 88 History, short, chemawa..... 8 Information, General: Visitors, Qrgenisatloaa veoetlone, tudy hours. Town ;rl voices. Bounds Chaperons, Lecsdecrship. 9-31 Introduction. 1 Merit System.. 36-40 Objectlviee, Cfceanam, br . unt. Paul T. Jeckaon....10-11 aaguletlons a Rules, Indira errioo.... 12-iO. . crir 'ywtam, revised, 1937 41 chedule, doily. Girl's cviser 88-88 Boy*s 12d-iJ7 Hongs Yells, chool 64-88 students. College. 8 Honor 34 Code of onor.. 35 * ubjects for thought on I ndliag*** 42-47 Pool nagulmtiona a8 SALOI INI OUN : CHOOL inSTOHT Tae Chemawa school waa established at Forest Grove by ULeut. M. C. Wilkinson, February 25, 1880 with 18 students enrolled. The school waa continued at Forest Grove until 1805, when it was uoved to its .resent location at Cheuawa, On March 17, 1885, a party of young Indian boys in charge of David E. Brewer left Forest Grove for Chemawa to start clearing the present site of the school and to erect temporary buildings. In the fall Forest Grove was abandoned and Chemawa became a reality. School opened here for the first time on October 1, 1885. lt;y 1937-3S SCHOOL CALiflDAB - SALBd ZHDZAN SCHOOL 1987 Set, Sept/11 Teas. 14. wsd ' 15 Fri 18 Fri. 24 Sat. 8 October 1937 Fri. 1 Sat 8 Fri 8 sat. 9 Fri, 18 sat. 18 18 Men, 18 Fri. 88 Sat. 83 23 Fri. Sat, 27 30 30 Friday 18 Saturday 18 13 Football Game. Chemawa Ta CIS 8 Washington Hi 18 Movie. School Aditorium Protestant Choir Practice 6:15-7:15 P.M. HI I H Meetings. Student a Faculty Mixer and elcome Dance. Eugene TS Chemawa. Hare. CIS 8 Eugene 38 Council Meetings 7:00-8:30 P.M. Atheletic Benefit Dance Hi (Portland) Tillamook Salem Hi 88 SHS 2nd 14 8 Pawific C. iwa Fa Tillamook. There. CIS 0 Church Organizations -Joint Meetings, Chemawa Ta Salem Hi, There, CIS 0 Student Social (Scrip) CIS 2nd To Salem Hi 2nd Here CIS 0 Chemawa Ta Paoif le College There CIS Movie (Scrip) CIS Is West Lisa Sad There (Mo game) All Council meetings 7:00-8:30 P.M. Student Social (crip) CIS Ta CCC Hero (Game cancelled) CIS Ts West Lisa There., CIS West Linn Boxers to Portland Boxers to Portland Turney s .'inhere * Daneere to Salem 8:80 P.M, a Oreheetra to Hazel Green CIS To COO Sllaertoa Hero, CIS CCC Church Organizations Joint Meetlnge* 8P.M. 81S Football Game Veet Lisa Here. Here CIS 0 Albany HI tudent Dance (Serlp) are. Turnsy*s Singers ft Daneere to ilverton 8 p.m. Football. Orepon City 2nd TS CIS 8nd There 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Turney's Singers ft DASCBtS to Salem M.S,8hureh 6 P.M, Football, els 0 at oodburn 18 Boys and Girls to .Oodburn. Boxers to Portland Football. CIS TS Pacific Here. CIS 8 Pacific Col. 6 Student Dance (Serlp) FRIDAY 8 Chief Yewlaehee (Daniel Simmons) Yakima given a tea at inona at 4 P.M. The Chief sings for students at Dining Ball. 14 Chief Mack Blgman, Crown Tribe, speaks to studente at evening Assembly. 14 Dr. Spley and his Townsend Chorus entertains Students 14 Council Meeting of Siletz Tribal Council at Chemawa 1 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Nov. 19 Football Salem Sad at Salsa CIS SALSi 2nd 2:30 p. I, Mov* 18 Football Albany Fveshman at Albany 8:30 p.m.CIS Albany Friday Mov. 19 All Council Meetings 7:00-8:30 p.m. sat. 80 Senior Class Benefit, .ton. 88 Mrs. Turney'a Singera ft Daneere tp Lesli Hi Sch, 7:30 p.m. ed. 84 Cross Country Ruonera to Hill Military School 8:30 p.m. (10) Thursday 88 Football (last Game) At Lebanon. Thanksgiving Holiday, Friday 88 Sat, 87 Church Organization Joint Meet Inge. t gt; fcJL A . t y iv Vc / 5- . r * y F il W , V k -VwC- 0*W 3k FBI. MOT. 28 Sat 8f Church Organization Joint Meetings. 'V v pmra.DXC. 1 Basketball. CIS Ts Canby. fiere- Fri. 3 CIS Ts Turner. Here Tom Thumb Circus. (Scrip) uditorium. Boxere to Portland. Te Rambler Club. (Evening) CIS Ts Turner There (Basketbell) Senior Carnival in Gym, .Annuel Benefit, CIS Ts Stayton. There All Council Group Meotinge. Chemawa Ts Jefferson. Here, Basketball. Movie or Outside Talent Shew or program (scrip) Christmas Pageant. Chemawa To .oodburn. There J gt; lt; lt;-* Shopping Day for cftrfsy Christmas Celebration In Dormitories Shopping Day for Boys. Christmas Holiday Sat. 4 r 6 Fri, 10 Sat. ad. 11 .0- 15 Thure. 16 Fri. 17 Baa. 18 sun. 19 Tuee. Fri. Fri. Thure. Sat. 24 23 25 Thure. 30 Fri. 31 Set, Jan. 1 Fri. 7 Sat. Tuee Fri. Sat. Fri. Tuee. Mar* 8 U 14 15 28 1 Te ilverton Here. Sew Year's Sre Dance in Gym (Scrip) Years Holiday, Church Organization Joint Meetings. Chemawa Te Jeff arson There All Council Meetings 7:00- 8:30 p.m. Movie or Outside Talent Program (Scrip) Chemawa Ts Woodbura (Here) Chemawa Ts Dilverton There t 3MPL0YJSB gt;JM WDM SCHOOL, CHBMAMjfl October 1, 1937 Paul T. Jackson, Superintendent Charles S. Lt-roen ...senior Clerk Myrtle Peters ....Financial Clerk Jerome R. Lewe Property Clerk Donna Mae Rickerd ssitant Irene Thomas tsaocrapher Florelne Boydston .: gt;teaogr :.her 1111am 8* Saowalter * Instructor Shop Cabjeete R. Mason Carpenter Berry... uto Mechanic Joseph 8*. James.... Tailor wiUlnm A. Sherman.... igiaeer John 3. Rankle ...Plumber Reuben Senders ...Peinter Robert Thomas Printer Herman Bud eon ..Bus ft Truck Driver George aith ticker Lyle Cerrow .Engine Room ft Welief Paul Cerrow .Luborer aasvmwTtv Dwight L. MoXlnaey ....Barber Floyd F. Scheeffer Laborer (Engine Room) ilder . as1stunt Jemee L. rhawver........... ......Dairyman (Head of fara) Paul Kltmailler. Laborer Lowell Lovell Laborer Fred Ratseburg laborer Lawrence I'ohmidt .Laborer Lawrence Thomas........ Laborer George Chriopoffarson. * kborer Fred Rickerd * Doy*e Advisor Mabel R. Comick.. iJatroa Dorothy Caseutt. Glrl*s Advisor Mary eaanski....... :*trou Mary Heuaer Brewer Hall Matron -all Heuaer .Kightwutchman 8, Cruiss etlnc rlnoipal Teaehea A. S. O'Reilly ?e*cher Jaemine F. Lundqulst............ ..Teacher Stella X. Sentzel Teacher else Hoffman Teacher Gertrude .'-. Turney ...Teacher, Juric Leas M. Crook Heed Horns Boonlmi lie I. white if Alice MeSinney Laundry Sanders.... Home asoaoaios Depart, aery M. James M* Fournler...... Cook, chool Moss, Myrtle L. Lureen Matron, Dlnsagg Hall -*r-C* Tiptoh Phyelolna Mary J. Minoy Heed Nurse M. *arner .Huree Christiansen ...Kuree (Traehoaa) Lilian L* 'lien Grade chool Louise C. Bradford.. Grade chool McEr.y Heeds, ets Maurice V. Selob Grounds, Flowers, etc. . . xelntyre Painter Jenee 3. Dnvle........ Voeetloanl Question Cassis 8, Joy..... Clivia H. Bretrude J34 HTDI lt;H SCHOOL iC. 28, 19t Mr* Charles S* Larsen senior Clerk Deer Mr, Lnreea: Beginning as of this date we are effecting * reorganisation in the office work of our nohool* In order to bring nbout the maximum efficiency of work In the ;salem Indlnn : chool we are wking a few ehssgme in the assignment of duties as they relate particularly to you and to MY, Bartman* These changes, so far es they off cot you, are as follows; Office hbnsger 1* Outline of duties: as Office I'faaager you nrs to be in charge of the office force, oompoeed of Mr. La we, Property Clerk; Hies Peters, Financial Clerk; Mr. Johnson, assistant to Mise Peters; Mrs, Ruby Dean Lano, Mrs, Donna May Rick lt;rd and Mice Floreine Boydston and any other office personnel that xaf-y be edded. It will be your responsibility to bold meetings with the force at least once a month for the purpose of talking over how we can improve the efficiency of the office* i eh matters as making prompt and aoeurata reports, c roful letter writing, oartcous treatment to office visitors, promptness in reporting to the office for work, curtesy to student requests, types of records, filing system, cleanliness of the office end all other setters as they arise in connection with the carrying on of work of the school through the office* Your reaponslbllity will be to point out to anyone in the office wherein he or she la not fulfilling duties eatisfp.ctorily, and to give instructions for the correction, la many cocoa it will be deelreble to i;ive such instructions and corrections in writing so that the chance of forgetting end misunderstanding will be avoided* The office force will understand that your inspection of records end other office routine in official end whatever reports you make to the superintendent will be used In part at least in filling out the Efficiency report that was made In the spring for nil employee* 8, Dormitory Inspection; In order to bring our dormitory netivitiee ap to the highest degree of efficiency we are Resigning your official duty Dormitory Inspector. Your work will be to visit Meh'ary Ball an ic Hall each at lenet once a week* Your visits to these dormitories should include inspection of the living quarters as to cleanliness, orderly appearance of the rooms, condition of the sldewells, lighting situation, cleanliness of the lavatorlee, the lc which the study hour is conducted, the effectiveness of the roll cell, general cleanliness and appearance of the grounds shout the buildings, the respect which the students treat the advisors and matron and other matters pertaining to the discipline and behavior of the bore aad girls. These visits to the dormitories should be et unannounced times and you ehould fill out a blank which I will give you, coverinc your Inspection of the general situation* You should visit both dormOtoriee at least once a week between 5:00 end 5:00 p.m. and observe the roll call and general military business-like manner in which students and advisors handle the announcemento, roll check, etc* Occasional inspection of the bedrooms ehould be aado after the students here gone to the dining hell to diecover any evidence of wine, beerm whiskey or gin* You should visit Mo aery Hall at least one night wed: between the hour of 9 tOO end 10:00 o'clock to discover if everything 1* regular, the students are in bed and that good discipline is being observed. You will hold a conference with the advisors and matrons to discuss lth them problems r.o you find them on your inspection. It ie the responsibility of advisors and matrons to trie their problems to you and get your advice end suggestion on the solution at them. They will understand that /our visits ore official and that your reports on the gemerel ormitoxy situation will be used In pert in making up the Sufficiency Report made tc gt; nehington in the pring. It will increase your effectiveness in 4s ling with this situation if you will point out to the edvlaors things to be commended as well ae things that need to be improved* A pst on the b- ck, eo to speak, when deserving will often times bring more results than a reprimand* You will talk to the boys in groups and the glrla ii. groups each once a month. t sttoa group meetings (oftoner if you need to call than) you will discuss matters pertaining to the school* such as applying themselves to their studlee, respect and curtesy to employees and visitors, the need of cooperation in obeervinc the rules of the achool, writing homo and all other Btattere that will arise In connection with these dormortlee, ,;uch meetings will be called on request by boys and glrl* edvleore. la addition you will hold your own private conferences with any students who may be developing into a problem Case. A friendly gt;ord of encouragement or a reprimand may he what is needed. You will use your Own Judgement aa to the type of approach to ve used in tnlking with these students Individually. In such oonferencee it would be best. In most eases, for you to have present either the advisor or matron. In order to Increase the efficiency of the advisors and matrons it will be necessary for you to work through them, iVery effort should be to strenghten their influence with the boys and girls and not to do or cay anything that would give the children the impression that the advi ors or matrons are not strong enough to cope with the situation, or in other words your problem will be to uphold the work of the advisors, la no ease should you criticize en advisor or e matron before a student, .'ny sue h oritlclau ehould be made privately and in the spirit of free helpfylnees. At all times must the ctudentc feel that you and the advisor and matron are working in closest cooperation. ay conteets that you want to hold between the two dormitories envolving an matters will be permlscehle and publicity will be given to it in the newspaper and proper recognition at chapel. In order to give you time to do this newly appointed work wo arm releasing you one day a week from office work here In the main of five. You will want to visit these doraortiee at unannounced times, lt;s I have aald, but you should teive soma time off to compensate for these extra duties, notify me ocob weak the day that you would like to be released for activities. Yours very truly, (Signed) PAUL T. J/CXrcB : TJ/fb Sapealtttsndsat CBJTOTIVBS FOR SiJJM INDIAN SCHOOL FOR THIS YEAR To All Employees: In order that employees m y kno-w that there is a definite aim toward which we are striving, I am herewith submitting to each of you a statement of the objectives which we will strive to realize. In listing these objectives we are not unmindful of the fact that there are many other goals that are important and will be more or less incorporated in these. I In order that we may have clearness of goal and unity of effort before us, I have selected the following eight points that we want to realize. At the end of the year it will be my purpose to check up on these objectives and to determine specifically wherein we have succeeded and failed. The objectives are: 1. Improve the quality Of Teaching by a, Department meetings b. Visits to classes c* Semonstartion methods of teaching d. Private conferences with teachers on teaching problems a. raveloping a greater pride on behalf of every teacher in his or her work f, Emphasize to all that this is primarily a school and not fundamentally an orphan's home or penal institution* 2/ Build Friends For The School by a/ Appearance of students in programs at various schools, clubsj etc. b. Newspaper articles dealidg with activities of the school, c. Radie appearances d. Sutside clubs and organizations meeting here at Chemawa e. Diversified and successful athletic program f. Best discipline possible g. Chemawa Celebration 3. Improve The Scrip System a. Insisting all employees following the syBtem uniformly and regularly b Devising opportunities for students to buy articles' / c. Put greater emphasis on thrift through, successful operation of savings bank i, Cenferences on /Scrip system 4. Improvements To Plant gt; . a. Certain sidewalk improvements . ' b Paved roads V v c. Raze certain buildings *x d. Construct certain buildings e. Empahsize care of buildings 5. Health a. More health and hygiene talk this year b. Closer check on health through active cooperation of teachers and medical department c. Improved cleanliness and attractiveness of living and eating quarters 6. Employees a. Try to improve living quarters b. Try to improve morale c. Frequesnt get-togethers d. Friendly cooperation and courtesy of every employee with every other employee 7. Agricultural Activities a. Experiment with students cultivating certain areas of ground to be known as their own b. Developing an interest in behalf of the students becoming farmers A. Enrollment a. Increased enrollment to 400 next year / b Select students with the greatest care c. Do the most for the students possible through counselling syBtem 9. Economy a. Employees avoid wasting supplies and services (electricity, gas, water, etc.) b. Students having high regard for property c Employees taking best care possible of property, / :./ ( It is not possible for any superintendent to achieve these- objectivies alone. The usccess or failure depends to a large extent upcn wholehearted and.complete cooperation of every employee. I earnestly solicit youf interest and help in this cooperative endeavor' to achieve certain distinctive and definite goals for our institution wlthttt the next IS monthey 'Yat tniggoetiong nnd. critiflams' will be imXooma at all times. Very truly yours, -jS ** February d, 1937. PAUL T. JACKSON, A Superintendent DAYS 08 WOK. that .'. VT'-OR- AHD IttTRCKS, COOK and others are off duty to compensate then for Saturday and aba* Ceasutt Believed by Miss enanski Mies eaanski Thursday Mr. Rickerd Thursday Relieved by **r. ' Ilder Mr. Fournnier Cook Helieved by Mrs. end every other I aturdey noon to fcnday 6 i .M. lore. Larsen Dinning Hall) Relieved by yr.Fourm:ier Brery other Thursday and every o her Saturday noon to flonday 6 /-*H* Mr. Hauaer (:'ijhtv*atchai gt;n) Relieved by Lyle Carrow il (K- 1. eseadeeioner of Indian affaire. The administration of the ln lt; ian 1 Service is veetei In the Press,sslea.r of Indian Affairs, subject direction of the Secretary ef the Interior. 8. thtftwi States flag. Thar, shell be a flsgstsff at each school, end in euitable souther the flag of the Baited .states shall be hoisted eaoh morning and takes down at sunset. T. Repair of bullninge. it shall be the duty of the eu orlntcnceet to saistain all buildings, laars, equipment, ssd ap',jurtcaaacos is s stete of good pauslcel coalition and repair so far as possible with soaeys allotted to bin for tale purpooe. All Incipient daoegc, sear, or deterioration ehould have immediate a tent ion in ortier that any unsatisfactory eonrflMone say receive promat ettention end that such dltlcea say sot crow worse through neglect. It is easily the duty of the eu er in testiest and of all cm loyeee to pr east is Oscar asset property oat to require from the etudent body teat they ehall sot Injure nor deface the buildings esd the plant, a ' the pupile, this method is dependent upon the formation of habits by S* gt; Floors. Uncovered floere ere to be oiled or 9. Cleaning. lor cleaning floors, mops or woolen clothe containing a swell tmtnlty of oil ere to be used. The use of large reantltiee of water is forbidden. 6. u lie* asi ciatio-a.- lnr, bjbJ iter*-., lt;aueic*l m lt;: o ;.;r sssoelatlone ere to he encouraged. In the more advance* eel.x le they ssy be pissed ua/.er the direction of the older pupils. But the school sasnajsmsnt is required to eee that the true purpose of the aeeoelatioac is ualstsiued. sv. Students* sail. The officer in charge of a soar lag school ehall receive sad control ell sail setter addressed to ?uplls of the school who are minors, end ehall withhold sail from delivery when, la hie o ln- lon, it contains unsellable or other iamreper commsaioetiosc or ertiel s. All nail retained because it is unawilable mast be promptly trars ltted to the psetal forwarded to the Ocsmissloner of Isdlaa Affaire for further disposal. 88* Inspect lone.-The officer in charge ef e school or en employee designated by him ehall visit aail/ the various departments, asd at leeat twice a week ehall thoroughly esojaiss dorwlBtorlae, workrooms, ssd dairies. 31. Adsdttcsee to bulldln s. - xeept by special permleelon from ' the euperintesdeat, so parsos other thus ss etteehe of the eehool whose dutlee reoaire his prsssnst shall be sllowcd in any eehool building later than 9.30 p. a. Fvery night et regular iatervele e wetebmm or come person or persons detailed to tact duty shall -asks the rounds, visiting every portion of the school euildiUffS sad pre- mice* to guard against fire, prevent intruclon of unauthorised put* cone, and watch over the conduct cf pupils end ethers. 37. nispoecl of waste, brooms, etc. HOps, brooms, raps, old fletting, waste pa er, and any other wests saterlal containing oily or other combustible subetssee ere sever ts he pieced is closete or is dark sat uaveatllsted comers. More, eroeme, floor rage, end the like cast be kept cut of Caere where they sill ee exposed to light end sir. aate materiel Must be put into metel reeeptaelee and promptly deetreyed* 36. Fire organise tlon.-In earniteriee or ether large buildinge all resident employeee shall be eeslgsci fire stations and specific fire dutlee. older kayo ssd the employees shell be srrasgad la s fire brigade, with regular offlee re sad atationa asd detailed effielant laisatioa. shall be a distinctive fire-alarm signal, to bs used only In ease of fire or la eaae ef fire drill. All new pupils asd ssalcyeee umot et once be ae-uainted with tble elgasl. Fire drills in which pupils ssd emvloyoee ehall be accustomed at s momisfs soUee to take their places end pass out of the build- la. s in as orderly end ruiet muter oust be held et leeet once e month during the school year at irregular times known oaT to the officer who givee the alarm. At boarding echoole there ehall be fire drilie at sight aa wall ae by day. It ehall be the Cut; of ell employees, inelu- lag the offlelel in charge of the eehool, to turn out et nil fire drills. 43. Presence la per eon. neither puplle who have left c eehool without pcrwdosfos nor puplle en leave ehall be carried er re ortcd ee la attendance when not present is pereoa. 44. Pupils on leave. uelle on leave froa any eehool ehall not be carried on the rolls unless there is s strong probability of their returning, and In no eaae ehall they be carried for a erlod longer than 30 da e. 3 48* Pupils ebaeet without leeve to he are pod from the relic uplle whs hevs without parmieelon left a ssareservetlon ehall be frepped from the rolls efter e parted ef not to SO days* After crapring sash s pupil from the rails s euperlatensest is act relieved from reepeneiblllty* but must sake ea effort ts flsd the pupil end return him te seheel. riving consideration both to the lsterasts ef the pupil end ef the 88* semetimee e child whs sppsers to hove leee than avcramo lstelllfwase Is ncderenerlehcl er leberlag wader ecew physical beadleep, ouch oe peer eyes er pear hearing* sad whoa this condition is relieved or the teaching le edapted te the defect the child gets sloag fairly well* The seeds of children ef ell the ehcve cleasss receive proper ettentlos* VS. liuiteble dutlee. . uplle shall sat be compelled to erfera dutlee sasulted ts Veir ape, eex, end HU Pupils names*i semiis by which pupils hove bees previously ore ts be retained. If of e proper cert* If ea Pagllah ssms to fives to e pvpil, the Isdica asms of hie fether ohcmld be need vulgar or otherwise offeaeive - isms* Taught ,* etc*, most be fa* Gambling, sriaklag* ate. Card playlag gambling, use of eo, sad earryiag ecaceeled TS. Desertion, mlcaaasvier.* gt;-8sblu*l (esertten. moral turpitude, or continued nleeehevlor will cometltute sufficient cause* far of cay pupil from all Federal lad lea schools, subject* gt;r, te epproval by the Cassdeoloner of Indian Affaire* 76. unletoest. 11 disciplinary meeauree ehall be devised wltb at local end indlvldaal aeede cad oa the principle that iliac lc refernetive* There shall be no cruel er de/redlag vf* Bkpulsl';n.--The euprrlstssdent amy expel e pupil far iacsrrigialllty or other juet end euffieleet sauce, subject to the ef the CobbI sol oner of ladles Affaire* la reelecting sf such estlon he shell report ell meterlei facts* Foatlsg approval ef hie action* ho amy suspend the pupil, If advleeble, provided that the super Is tender: t ef e asarecervetloa eehool sey sot rotors s pupil te his home wltJ out ftret ecnmnalcatlmr with the reee vetioa euperlnteadeat. At the seme time the shell notify the pupil*e pereate er guard lam* ea ex oiled pupil le returasd to hi* frame a full statement Of the eaae most be furnished the saparfhtendent of the home reservation er te the parests ef the pupil fn case the pupil's home is not within of expulelom* Upon cpproval ef expulsion of s pupil ition eckeal the aaperiaVatcat ehall lsmcdtetely notify suporlntendon to ef ether sssaeasrvetlaa application far recarallmeat mtght bo be macs ta may parent or that pupils enralled in scarsasroatica oehcols will be returned Salt lie the vacatlca perlcde* - upils aboil act be returned for et the cwpcacs ef the racer matst except far urgast rocssac sad by authority fren the commissioner ef ladies Affaire* Pwplla amy. hsssver, la the dieeretloikof the superiaessdtrt, ha permitted te return asms Carta* vacation eriod upon peymest of their oca sjr * otassj8 a * Bsa * oeemc* p *ass sv* *n*w* ' a ee x ew y w** w*a* ev sjs sfjpr x sw*. swsmm s' r wmo s* pupil, parent, er gvardien. cad sa egreoonat shall bo entered lata far return of the pupil te com late Me te- m ef enrollment la b the office* pupil shell be returned ts his he prior to the close ef the sosoal year which terminetss s eriod carol least saaept asoa tacreeoaaaadetlen ef aba pa si clan ea ef illness or far other urgent reason, saaept ss provided la eeetica 89* aatlce ef retttrn*-* uperlatondeate of noareeervat Ion ihall repert ts the respective superistsadents In it lone the expected ntura of pupils st lsest foul afore the oat of the cried ef their enrollment, riving for pupil the angliab ssaa sad the ladies aaas and full letory *Ml* la L, pertiealerl the ehsraeter of the lsdustrlsl training secured. 88* Physieel eduaaticn* gt;revision should be mesa far retulor physical sduaatlsa for ell puplle* There osnnld be equal opportunity for boyo end girle alike* aanaesis ehould be placed ea the satsrsl la cxerciee rather thoa the formal* Provialon should be msec far eet-of-door exercise cad occupation, end b the uss of well- eojstpped playgrounds, ccnstltutlcmsl tssdenciee, ladies pupils as te 90* syetsmstis hyelscl trainln Syatemtlc rill and physieel trolalag ehall be given cad playgreaad sstivltles shall be plssasi nd. ss far ss possible, supcrvisedi the e rlatendert shell detail cultsblo employsae ts take charge of end assist is theee dutlee* 91* ft terialnewmt. revision shall te smde for entertsismsat ssd recreetlca of pupils end opportualtlee riven for pro er eu ervlslon* ovlng-i icture catertelassets amy be provided sat Sftsasr them clem Oeaua sm m ai en 48exc *ca an+V* swap oa ssexe cef caoa8 ell I * gt; S3. Heelth education.-The provieione of the health-education pro-ram ehould at all times be emphasized. 98. Individual lockers. Individual lockers for clothing of each pupil are desirable and ehould be provided whenever funde ere available. 100. Ventilation of buildings. In order that there may be en abundance of freeh, pure air, all ulldlnge in which children are housed or assembled ehall be eupplled with suitable deflectors mode In the eehool shops In accordance with blue prlnte fumlehed by the Indian Office. These devicee not being automatic, superintendents end ell omplo eee are required to eee that they ere ueed to provide freeh air without exposing the children to drefte in cold weather. Inspecting offlcisls ere directed to report failures to install or uss deflsctore. 101* Air epeee, seraitscios, dining * . P ism 1 tort ea mast supply 888 cubic feet of air epeee far BssaaiatslsHi Ta dsteraias cubic coatsutc. dormitory oa accurately meeeored* Poems measuring mere then IS feet in height will be considered le feet only. Floors in dislag rasas ere to provide 18 square feet far each pupil* aeheelreeme aaat provide sat lose thea S10 cable feat of clr epeee far each pupil. 10*. Lavatory, bath lag, end toilet faelli tire* Lavatory, bathing, and toilet facilities must ba provided oa e beeae ef each of ouch flxturee for every IS e: lldres* 108* Toothbrushes, towslo, te* rack papll chsll be eupplled with e toothbrush, teeth powder, eemb, halrhrueh, end teaele* The ulhwan towel system msst he put lata ef act la ell echo le where there are fecilitlee fur leonderia , asd whatever measures ore rwejuieite aast be taken so that as towel is meed sr by more thea eaa pereon* 10e. Illness of pupil, death of pupil. If any pupil vcease seriously ill the officer la charge ef the coses aast give laasdiate notice by telegram, if neeeceary, to the parent*, the racrdlea, er the neereot known friend* If e pupil dies Ismedlata notice meat be I iven ta the poreate, the guardian, ea the nearest Known friend, and to the reeervetlaa superlsteaseet, sad ea immediate detailed report smst ba made ta the Canalsslcssr of Iadisa Affairs, cpeelfylag eat ea skat da tee notices of iilnaee wet ef coeth were e iven/ II economise training. Treinlag in heme maklag shall ba given in ell ladies schools carolling glrla* pedal aaphcss papa a placed -a o;.e SBf saaawjatfj eeaitotlon, attrition, cMld cere, heme aarela*, cloth in? far the fondly, sat other ecttvlties the present Indie* boas 1S8* Band leund-ring. The act of aril 3, 1904 (SS Stat* L* fid) rovideet rrovlded el a, Thet la prsastiat lnpleamnt* sad far leuadry cork la cU Indian echeols erraagcsaatc absU be far deiar by head such ea aaoaat ef said work ee say be eaffiolest the female pupils the art or head lawadry mark* 181* Dutlee. The general duties ef subordinate esrplcyeae ere indicated by tee nature ef the positions to which ttey ere appelated, bat additional appropriate dutlee amy be aeelgsed* T maplsij eceduet esd perssasl hsbite will he required* Xa conduct cad post* nation, la aectaesc ef drees, in erOerliesss of rooms end prealses, end in similar ways ell employe e are expected ta exert e positive eat beneficial influence* It le eeaentlal that their relatione with their fellow employe a be betneelnue, evoidinr ell email paraeacl differeaees asd exteatlag thefuUec* coop- ration to tkea ant loyalty ta their auperiere* 18a* asanas of service. The lass liattlag the rears ef telly eerviee to be required ef lcbcrcrc er meckealce la the ewploy of the halted states da act apply to emoloyees at 7adieu eohools, they arc regarded aa teaehera la their respective positions, being required to give lustra tloa to pupil la addition to pei farmeace of their regular dutlee* 153* .avieere (girl e ). *a Joe t te tne cireetion ef the suerin- t or priasipa.:, the adviser a all ha a wapervlelon ef ell lnetitstioael living its ehall of duty ef all eaployeee eacee nark la act confined te rdlaary dally hears of service durlag week tays, or she have extra tutiee te perform, ee that each say be *eff duty* durlag e period of eae*haif day ay per week through the year* This privilege mey be dealed when the seeeeeltlee ef the eehool require that the eaplspic gt;ls on duty or If cay additional .xjiao. would be thereby aployeee who do act fsU el this the foregoing classlfloe ties ill be ellaaet caly the satarday half holidays ee defined by , when they cam be secret from iuty* Calf -day cbssaccc e least uadar the reeedlag will sot be ecaelsered leeve ef ebeenee nor deducted a the saaaal leave te which cay employee cay be entitled lt;1 184* /evieer (boys') The adviser, or ether employee desirooted for each duty, ehall maintain at all tines exemplary discipline, order, sat good conduct* He shell eee diet the lsrgs beyc retire properly, that their clothing end persons ere cuitably cared for, that they ere regularly and properly bathed, that their toilet le pro erly mads in the moraine, that they ere prompt et seals eat details, and that a it record la aade ef absentees and dellnqueate. ITS* rasas l baelsaee affaire* The dopartasst will sat to regulate the anewit ef em leyeee ia respect te buctscac affaire, but eosmarclel turpitude aast be ee isBeatleteat with the qualltlee of sacraster ececatlal to public service eat will be treated accordingly. 1T docicl uffalre* The ispsp asset has ia with the social relatione of employeec when act oa efficicl duty, la ell reepeeta eat la so say calculated detrimental te the interest* of the eehool, their felloe eaplo eas, or to their own efficiency. ITS* uplle la employees* smaas,i Tanlejsss any sat have pupils la their roene oaaept far c; eelel reecoaa eat with express poraicclca of the efflccc la cbarre of the ive* Gucste. ones emsloyeee aey sat receive la their vicltors ef tea ether sax* bat Shawlt to ss U sittisg rasa er ether eppro rlete piece* i ISO* Feroasal servicee by uplle* o em loyee is the Iatlas shell require e pa: 11 ta renisr psreeasl esrviee* Pupils say be eaaleyed voluntarily te remhr proyar oer-loe la as way laooaotstaat with the perferaasse ef l ctr ragalar school dutlee st each times cad far each I insanities ss amy be epprcved by the superlnteadftttt* gt;? REGULATIONS OF THE INDIAN SERVICE Duties and Conduct of Superintendents .,jid Other Employees. Approved bv The Secretary of the Interior May 9, 1929 REGULAR KTLOYEBS: 30. The department will nto undertake to regulate the conduct of its employees in respect to their personal business affairs; but gross, habitual commercial turpitude mast be regarded as inconsistent with the qualities of character essential to honorable public service, and will be treated accordingly. (Dept. Cir., June 9, 1897). * Employees are expected to devote their whole tiire and attention to the duties for which they are employed by the department, and no employee of the service, regular or irregular, while in a pay status or on leave of absence, will be permitted to accept employment, compensation, gratuities, subsistence, etc., from any individual, firm, or corporation who is now or is about to undertake business relations with the Indian Service, either for or on behalf of the Government, a tribe of Indians or a restricted Indian. 40. Improper behavior on the part of any member of an employee's family may be deemed sufficient cause for the separation of the employee from the service. 41. An attitude on the part of an employee of continuous faultfinding or grumbling, or a tendency toward the creation of factional feeling, resulting in discontent or disloyalty, or a disposition to become a trouble-maker will be deemed sufficient cause for separating the employee from the service. 47. The duties of officers and employees of the Indian Service are unusually exacting. Employees must be instructors by example as well as by precept and so conduct themselves and their homes as to be object lessons of right living to the Indians. 60. All correspondence between employees and the Indian Office must be conducted through 9he superintendent. *y 191 089ST BOGUS- Onect rooms shall bo provided at each boarding eehool* These psoas shall be comfortably furnished and properly c. red for* ITS. SBPLOms* riTTIBO ROOM- Saoh hoarding eehool shall haae a sitting room for the use of employees. It will bo ha ted and furnlahed et Gcvsrnasnt sxpenae, with plain furniture, curtains sad rugs* 176. BDB*Vt*tD AKD TOTfi? - V-nere both huebnnd end wife ere employed at *n Indian school they will be required to board at the employees* club, unless, where suitable quarters for housekeeping can he and are provided not Involving the use of speoo required for accomodation of pupils, they will employ a housekeeper. here the wife la sfcso employed employment of an Indian eehool girl an each housekeeper will not be permitted, but where the wife le not employed Xndlsh schoolgirls may bo employed at such times as they can be spared from their eehool dutlee, ee heretofore* 41* An attitude oa the pnrt of any employee of oontlnous f*ult-flading or crumbling, or a tendency toward the orentlon of factional feeling, resulting In discontent or diuloyalty, or a disposition to become a trouble-maker will be deemed sufficient cause for separating the employee from the service* W : , til? gfj IL (Some extracts from the report of the Joint Ccaalttee on Bathing Usees of the , mar loan Public health Aeeocletloa end the Conference of State Sanitary Ihginccre) 1* At crtlflolel pools all batherc ef both ecxee shell be required te wear bathiag cape, t* All suite ead towels shell be t oroughly weehed with ecep end hot water, rinsed and dried after each uce, 8* A bathiag master ehall be ea duty at the pool's side et ell tlwee the pool lc in use end ehall hove full authority to enforce rules. 4, All persoao using the pool must take a clceaclng bath using soap and thoroughly rinse off all soap, a swimming pool cannot be ept cafe for uee if it le need as e aeons sf keeping clean* rvreene catering the pool without first taking c both nay be berred from further uee of the pool* 5, Bethere must take e thorough foot bath before entering the pool and cast ast return to the pool after leaving the enclosure unleae they first return to the dormitory for c ehower both* lease remember theee rules ere for the safety of bethere and to prevent the ool from becoming contaminated. t. 11 bat':ere auet be instructed to empty the bladder before taking their defeasing bath end entering the pool. * /ay person having akin dieeeee or any communicable disease auet be excluded from the pool. SwdmBara must enroll for use of the pool at each dormitory asd the teeter er nurse must pes* on eligible names far asttej the peel. 8* Oplttlng, epoutlng of water, or nlowing of none in the pool le strictly forbidden batherc auet use the scum gutter for expectoration, IV fie boistroue or rough ploy lc permitted. Ducking or pushing bethere in the pool, etc., lc forbidden, IC.Cnly batherc ere allowed Inside the pool encloeure. 3athere* shoes moot be left outside the encloeure in order to prevent tracking dirt on the pool walk, 11. solo bathing is positively prohibited, le.enly studente and employeae and their fawille will be permitted to uee thie pool end they must follow the above regulations. V U.1LT SChhDlAI JQna8 -t-L 6:00 'O 0:40 dtds f:18 8:00 8:18 8:80 11: 0 11:48 18:00 Hieing bell. -11 ctudente shall erlee, prep*re for breekfeet, end put poems in order. Dining hell girle report to work. ospltal girlc report to work* Students line as for breakfast roll-call and get peeeee* D rwltory detallc report for work, Girlc report to '.brewer Hall for eye treatment, Girlc report to Hospital for minor allmenta. Girle must heve completed Dormitory work end prepare for school. Go to shops. report to work. Start to eehool* Students report to claec rooms. Students return from class. Line up for dinner, '.'ail ia given out, its for day mode, Holl call on r* Dinner / h 18:50 18)48 Dormitory details re ort for work, Girle report to Drawer Hall for eye treatment. Choir girle go to choir b; Office alk. School bell rings* studente start to school* gt; 1:00 Students report to class. 4:00 Extra duty students resort for work* Recreation hour for those free from extre duty* Hospital detail reports to hospital* Library open for girle* Store hour for girle* 8:00 Dining Ball girls report to work* 8:SO Supper line-up and roll call. 6:00 Students return to building. 6-?:15 Committee meetings* Organisation meetings. 7:18 Lights blink, prepere for study hour* 7:88 Check made* Freehmen report to Study Hell. 7:80 Study hour. Students must be in own rooms unices they neve passes elsewhere. Matrons go through rooms during study hour* 8:30 Study hour ends. Propers to retire* 6:40 Kerning for students to get to rooms* 8:88 Bed check* Students must be in their rooms* 0:00 Lights out* 8O0UT .Jffi KCLID..TB 6:18 Students rise end get oleen eheete. 6:48 Dlnin; hall girls re-ort to work. Hospital girls report to work. 7:00 Kerning. 7:10 Studente line up for breekfaet roll-call. 7:48 Dormitory details report for work. 8:48 arnlng bell rings for students* Too girle go to Boy*c Building for lnepection, 9:00 lnepection* Too boys from boy's building report to linens for lnepection. All etudcete suet be in their rooms and at attention. 8:80 Church line-up. St 48 Students ga to church. 11:00 Students home from Church olessee etc. 11:48 Students line up for dinner. 18:00 Dinner. -i l 4180 Supper line-up and roll-call. 8100 Saadey cupper. 1 8148 Sunday Chapel line-up and roll-call. 8158 Kerch to Chapel. ' 1 7:00 Chepel, ; vi / 1 V daily scnnm. STJ a. a. 6:00 Rising bell. 11 students shall arlee, prepare for breekfaet, end put rooms in order. 6:40 Students line up for breekfaet roll-call. 7:18 Dormitory details re art for work, Beyo report to hospital for minor ailmenta, uslsg walk by depot. 8:00 Soya auet heve completed dormitory work and report to chop for work, 8:30 Students report to classroom* 11:50 Students line up for dinner* 18:00 Dinner P u* 1:00 Sttttente report to eehool and work* 3:00 Football practice on Tuee., Thure., and Fri. 4:00 Football practice on Mon , and wed* xtre duty atudente re art for work. Recreation hour for thoee free from Extra duty. 8:80 sapper line-up and roll-call. 8:80 Supper. 6-7 Library open for boys. 7tSO Fropars for study hour* *XV DAILY SCHEDULE, CONY. Boys 7:30 Study hour. Students must be in their rooms unless they have passes to be elsewhere. 8:30 Recreation bell. 8:55 Bed check* 9:00 Lighte out. COU as opportunity will fee ranted students with ut standing acedeale ability to attend college at elem* This is based on the assum tion that those enjoying this opportunity are to conform to all eehool re uletione end ere to do not leec then two hours work each day for thie eehool to help pey for their board end room. Tuition end coet of books must be carried by the student* Thie amounts to aoout two hundred dollars a year. * ral zirroiaiATicM CLLZOi, CYtB HT8- Boholarehlpe say be graatod students attending rlllaastte 'dxlvereltv, clem Buclnece school, Beauty rchool or Salem Hig chool* These atudente will be expected to live up to the schools rules and set en example of proper conduct for younger students to follow. (Thece stutentc are expedtct to work 18 hours e seek for room end ooerd*) vsawxean gt; Psrents, rolatlvss, raduatee are welcome to Choaa a, but, because of the shortage of gueet rooms, visitors are not permitted to remain longer then three deyc in echo 1 dormitorieo. Thie courtesy will be cancelled if guest fills to observe the schools regulations. viSITv * - Vie tors to the grounds will be given a paaa which will assure them of all the eeurteeiee of Chemawa, 11 paeeee, overnight or otherwise must he eecured fro the Superintendent or Senior Clerk in charge* VACATYG8B* Students leaving for visits et borne or for vacations must check out at the mela Office end eitb their advieere* .-areata muet eleo eesd written permission for such visits through the Lain Office* If ctudente go on week end visits, it is compulsory for thou to return in time for Chapel at 1:00 P* W. en Sunday ting. Cli .. .-. v. . - Chaperons will be provided for Soadey walks, danecc end other entartainaentce Che erone and thooe on Campus Duty are to eee that good conduct exictc among etude, ta. Che crone accompanying .iris to Sunday Moviee, etc* muet eeceapaay etudenta in come vehicle. Asy exchange of dates ehould ba gt;de throuph the Saperiatendentt Office. In the event that eny employee cannot perform the detail on the date aesigned, a substitute ehould be obtained and the nana of the eubetltuto reported to the Superintendent. v* ( 0.fiUA-ri(8iS FOR C1RL8- Clrl Scouto, Little Flower, Y* 8e Young reoploe society, Y* W, Choir, Salon Indian School Choir, renior Clecc Pica, Croup Leaders Cocao11, Spinning 'heel. aurnito days* Clubs saet Monday, Tueedey, wodneodey, and Thursday from 6:18 to 7:15 P* K* All meeting must bo over with ee tfcet girlc will not be late for ctudy hour* Athletle events will, ee far es poeclble, be confined ta Friday and Saturdey evenInge, eat not on eehool nigh to, storr mxm DoionTORixs* Between the houre of 818O and 8:C0 Y all etudente muet be in their rooms studying leeeoa assignments for the following day. Stsdentc will not be prealttad to study elsewhere without permission of their matron or adviser* 11 Treehmen report to Freshmen Study Hall* Room choeke will be aade each slant during tbeee hours. He etudente lc exempt from study hour. TO** PaTVIlKHS- remission to to to town to do necessary shopping is granted girlc on alternate Saturdays* Penetration must be made with Girle* advioer for permission to po* Oa site mats Sundays iris ore permitted to attend Sunday asvlss* The girlc ore chaperoned, the chopcrcao going in the came vehicle as the rlrls* Oa alternate Seturdeye the adviser or assistant gone to town to ceo thet there lc proper behavior of the etudente* students f*illn/ to return on time, or felling in proper conduct in town, etorifice their next teen day. ...TlfciKT LEADERSHIP- A ecaaittee of 8 girls will be eeleeted to lock after rule enforcement eat atjuatacnt. These girls put Is es application for loederchip, end 8 epplioente ere voted oa by the etude t body. The applicants must be approved by the edvicar and metccaa, efficero will be elected et their first regular meeting* Reguler weekly meetingo chsll be held* ry* Saturday morning le devoted to oleenlng the eempus end buildings* All eehool dlvlelonc take a turn In the laundry during the eehool yecr* Alternate Saturdays ere town days for boyc and girle* (The entertainment oa Saturday evening in eoaetlace a pay event.) . 88 s- Seet b Dining r. 11; outh by 3reaer Kail, Seat by Front of High School building j north by laploycec Club, exception when boyc and iris are plsylag tannic* These ere the bounde during eoclal hours* At ell ether timec the dividing lino sill bo c ine running coot end west on north aids of Sendstand, oil evening vlcltlne auet take place on Winona Hall lawn. n i J SUGGESTIONS FOR. COUNSELLING.GROUT It is our* hopo this year to create a closer relationship between the employees and. the students. This we plan to do by setting up an organization of councelors; that is each employee will be a councelor and have a definite group of students in her charge who nay cone to her for counciling at any time. ' e are asking every councellor to meet with her croup at two o'clock, odnesday afternoon, September ninth, to r;ot acquainted and to do the following: 1. Explain campus rules and regulations. 2. Explain scrip system. 3. Any other points which the counsellors feel should bo considered may be discussed at this t ime. The plan which thy councellor carries out with her group during the year is left open to the councilor to decide upon. The following suggestions are made for your consideration and use if you find thea of value. licet at least once a month vrlth your group as a while; Meet individually with members of group once a month,, and as much of tenet- as they need youi council. Learn early in the school year what the background is of all members of your group and something of their personalities, handicaps, and talents so you .can intelligently guide them. Encourage a spirit of good fellowship between pupils and employees urge the student to bring any problems such as social, financial, health, or classroom problems to you. Have at least one social gathering possibly early in the year to help promote friendliness and to get-acquainted. In the above, or in other Ways you nay devise, let us give every girl the assurance that she has someone in Chemawa to whom she can bring any problems, with the confidence that that person is personally interested in and desirous of helping her to get the best solution of her problem** v