1862 Savannah Tennasee March 19 Dear Eliza I write you a few lines that I am well at present and I hope this may find you the same/ I am sitting by Col Pease for his is quiet sick/ he has bin taking medison and I think he will be better when his Madison operates on him/ I send some things home in a box/ 9 blankeds and 1 sesash gun that I got at Fort Donnelson and 2 hatchetchs/ 1 for William and 1 for Frank/ each of thair names marked on them and the whip is for Lisy when she goas horseback -w- riting and the coffe is for you/ 2 of those blankeds are new/ I just drawn/ I lost my blankeds at the fight of Fort Donnelson and found them again afterwards/ so I dit not want the new ones/ I waouls have send you some rice but I forgot all about it till I had the box nailed up and I would have written a letter and pud in the box but I had not time at that time/ that was only yesterday/ I sopose you here from me most every few day at Mrs P Peases as he writes home every few days and he sayes most always some thing about me in his letters as I am always with him/ we are now in a real sesash country/ Thay are thick all around us/ it is a beautiful country here every thing is getting green and getting more plessent whether/ I receivd your letter dated march 4th and I was very glad to here from you/ write me as soon as you can and send me some Post stamps as thair is none to be ahd here/ and Direct your letters Savannah Tennasee as we are here now but know not how long/ your affectionate Husband J.G. Burggraf