Chicago May 27th 1868 Rev N. Rounds Dear Dear Cousin I have this day sent a Telegram to Salem Oregon informing the Secretary of the Board that you have been appointed by the xxx action of the commission, to the President of the Willamette University. I have also sent a Telegram to the same effect to yourself at Candor. Since I recieved your letter of acceptance I have been quite ill, so much so that it has been with great difficulty that I have written at all. I am now better, and think I shall soon be as well as usual. I think that we shall not be able to leave New York until the 5th or 11th of July. The Opposition Steamer leaves the 5th and the Mail Line the 11th. I think we could go for a little less on the Opposition. Our Conference will be held about the 10th of August, at Salem, and I would be glad to reach there in time to attend the Conference. I think it would also be a great advantage to yourself to be at the Conference. If however you require a longer time to get ready please inform me and I will arrange matters to suit. You will be entitled to carry with you 100 pounds of baggage for each adult member of your family and I think 50 pounds for minors. All over will cost at last 12 cents per pound, if taken along with you. You had better not take any thing with you on the Steamer but all the cloth-ing you need, and perhaps beds and bedding, all packed in Trunks as snugly as possible. It would not pay to take very heavy furniture with you on the Steamer. You can however send around the Cape whatever you desire. I shall be at Candor so soon as I can possibly reach there after Conference closes, but before I come I am in duty bound to go out to xxx and see some brothers of my wife, and from thence I must go up into the northern part of Michigan and see Adolphus, and on my way back I must also see my sister Melissa, and brother James who live in the central part of Michigan, after which I will come directly to your place. I think now that three Sabbaths will pass before I shall be able to reach you. I wish I could come to your place directly after Conference, but I judge that I aught to do as indicated above. In the mean time do what you can xxx the University, and I shall of course look after its interests as well as I can. With great respect I ams as ever yours Gustavus Hines.