Geo W Ross being first duly sworn deposes and says that his is employed as Miller at Yakama Agency Wash Ter that he entered on the discharge of his duties Sept 1st 1880 that from the time he took charge of the Mill Sept 1st 1880 to Jan 1st 1881 there was ground into flour for the Indians of Yakama Agency ten thousand four hundred bushels of wheat to the best of his knowledge and belief, that during the first quarter 1881 from Jan 1st to March 31st the amount ground for the Indians was sixteen hundred and sixty two bushels that during said first quarter of 1881 the roads were in bad condition so that very little was brought during the months of January and February, that during the month of April 1881 there was 5 hundred and eighty nine bushels ground, making in all twelve thousand six hundred and fifty one bushels of wheat ground for the Indians at the Yakama Indian Agency grist mill between September 1st 1880 and May 1st 1881 Geo H Ross Miller Subscribed and sworn to before me this thirtieth day of April AD 1881 James H Wilbur US Indian Agent written sideways Mr Ross affidavit