43d june 9 '87 commencement of salem oregonProgramme Morning Session. March.—Greeting to Ems. Leibig. PRAYER. Orchestra. Medley No. 3. White. Misses Willis and Cox, Messrs Starr and Piper. Obligation Commensurate with Possibilities. William Deweese. “As the Twig is Bent, the Tree Inclines." Florence Cunningham. Imagination. John Peebles. Frankie P. Jones. Katherine Dearborn. Jonathan S wayne. Mazurka, in D. Major. Rubinstein. Woman. Ambition. Come into the Garden, Maude. “Open Sesame." Effects of Labor. Balfe. Benson Starr. Bertha Cunningham. John Goltra. Overture.—Golden Helmet. Ripley. Orchestra.Afternoon Session. King’s Hussars, March Brillante. Leonard. Misses Dalrympie, Moores, Breyman and Moores. The Problem! . Samuel Holmes. The Thought of the Age. Nellie Boise. Constancy in Labor. Benson Starr. Magnetic Waltz Song. Arditi. Mrs. J. H. Strickler. Address. Dr. J. M. F. Browne. Land of the Swallows. Masini. Misses Hall and Hatch. Gonferring of Deg rees and ^&arding Prizes. 11 Trovatore. Verdi. Misses Goltra and Scott. BENEDICTION. ORCHESTRA. Violin, Cornet, - Clarionet, Trombrone, Piano, H. Diamond J. (’comer - Geo. Mack E. Ryley Alfred LevyGlaggiGal. WILLIAM DEWEESE, JOHN OWEN GOLTRA, SAMUEL WENDELL HOLMES, JAMES BENSON STARR, JONATHAN SWAYNE. — Scientific. BERTHA CUNNINGHAM, FLORENCE LUCRETIA CUNNINGHAM, JOHN MARK PEEBLES. modern literature and art SARAH ELLEN BOISE, SARAH KATHERINE DEARBORN.