Camp in the woods 7 miles from Corrinth May 12th 1862 Dear Eliza I thaught I would write you a few lines as I have a chance to send it to you hoping this may find you all well/ I have not bin very well for a few days/ I have got a very bat cold but I hope soon to be over it/ I receivd a letter from Margret about a week ago and I sent her one in return the same day I receivd hers/ we are expecting a Battle now evry day at Corrinth/ our army is advensing all the time on them/ I hope this mgy end the war/ I think thay will make a great stand here/ the pay master is here but he will not pay till after the Battle/ I am verry sorry that I could not get any muny to send by Mr. McClerker who brings this letter/ he will go to Mrs. Pease and bring her a letter and thair you can here all the perticulars about us I dont feal like writing any/ tonight my head akes very bat my love to you all your affectionate Husband J. G. Burggraf