White Station Tennesee April the 19th 1863 Dear Eliza Your letter of the 12th has come to hand day before yesterday and you may think that I am always glad to here from you and how you get along/I am sorry to here that you suffer so much with your back/ it must be very hard for you to get along but I sopose it is Gods will it should be so and to be thus seperated but I hope the time may soon com when we shall all be together again to enjoy each others society in pease/ our Regement has not got such good times here as we had in Bethel/ thair is so much gard duty to doo here on this Railroad to keep the inside left gurilles away from distroying it/ thay are all the time overing around here to see where thay can doo som damage/ some of our men go out scouting most evry day and bring in som of them/ we caught one captain two Lieuteunents and one privet last Friday/ all well arund the captain had a splendid hore sadle bridle and three revolvers we will get pait this week sometime and I will sent some muny home with Owin Brease Owen Breese / he will start home as soon as we get pait/ he has got his discharge I must stop writing just now the misqeters are bothering me to much/ I hpe this ma-g-y find you all well as this leafes me the same inside right I want Willy to write again soon/ I think he had improved very much in writing/ you can do what you are a mind to about inshuring the house your affectionate Husband J. G. Burggraf write soon again and dont let me wait so long for a letter