The Indians of the Yakama Indian Agency who were taken from the war path in 1856 and gathered upon the Agency 1860 then poor have now as near as I can estimate Property as follows. 4,000 head of Cattle worth 15 per head 60,000. 17,000 Horses Say 15 255,000 10,000 Acres of land under fence worth Say 3 Dollars per acre 30,000 6,000 Acres in Cultivation with houses Barns and improvements Say 8 per acre 48,000 50 Wagons at 60 each 3,000 100 Sets of Harness Ssay 15 each 1,500 42,00 Bushels of grain Raised this Year worth on an average 50p 21,000 500 Tons of Hay Cut at 4 per ton 2,000 300,000 Feet of Lumber 20 per thousand 6,000 Building 8 houses Say worth 300 2,400 Building me Barn at the Station 75 long by 44 wide Stabling below and loft above for hay worth 2,000 Making 100,000 Shingles 5 per thousand 500 Putting on a Story and finishing it to accommodate the boarding School 1,000 Cutting amp; hauling 300 bords of wood for the Station 3 per cord 900 The Indians of the Yakama Indian Agency who were taken from the war path in 1856 and gathered upon the Agency 1860 then poor have now as near as I can estimate Property as follows. 4,000 head of Cattle worth 15 per head 60,000. 17,000 Horses Say 15 255,000 10,000 Acres of land under fence worth Say 3 Dollars per acre 30,000 6,000 Acres in Cultivation with houses Barns and improvements Say 8 per acre 48,000 50 Wagons at 60 each 3,000 100 Sets of Harness Ssay 15 each 1,500 42,00 Bushels of grain Raised this Year worth on an average 50p 21,000 500 Tons of Hay Cut at 4 per ton 2,000 300,000 Feet of Lumber 20 per thousand 6,000 Building 8 houses Say worth 300 2,400 Building me Barn at the Station 75 long by 44 wide Stabling below and loft above for hay worth 2,000 Making 100,000 Shingles 5 per thousand 500 Putting on a Story and finishing it to accommodate the boarding School 1,000 Cutting amp; hauling 300 bords of wood for the Station 3 per cord 900 List of Work done By the Indians Yakama Agency Private To be kept.