Camp Bathel Tennesee June 30th 1862 Dear Eliza I receivd Margrets letter today Sent by Allick Welman and I was very glad to here from you/ this leaves me in good health and I hope this may find you the same/ we are still in the same plase we was when Col Pease left us/ it is the best plase we have tin to yet for water/ thair is good springs here and nice high ground where we are campt wright in the age of the Town and the cars are passing here evry day from and to Columbus K.Y. how I wish I could get on sometime and come home/ I feel very lonsome since the Col P. is gone home/ I have to doo reguler duty now with the rest since he is gone and I like it better then I thought I would to stand gaurd back the muny that you got you must have made a mistake with it/ that was sent in a Package thair was 85 dollars in it/ 80 dollars by itself and 5 dollars in Mrs Wiggins letter -th- that belong to her/ may be you dit not notis it Jasse Hues Jesse R Hughes give me 40 and Isich Barton Isaac Y. Barton 40 that I put to gather and Mrs Wiggins 5 was in her letter/ She must pay it back if you have not found out the mistake by this time/ no more at pressent I remain you affectionate Husband J. G. Burggraf Write Soon again inside - left side I am sorry that you can not get that Box that I sent with McKee James W. for thair are things in it that would be very useful to you and I am afraid thay will spoil by this time/ thair is about 8 or 10 pount of Coffee and and about 20 pount of Rice that we could not use here and 3 or 4 bound of Hommaniy one ceader buckit and 6 plates in it/ two of them belong to Mrs P/ She sent him some pies on and thair is two blankets in the bottom of the box belong to William E. Farrow for you to keep till he gets home from the war and a bible that belongs to him he found at Fort Donnelson and one single blanked that belongs to me/ the blankets cost .25 apease from the Governmant and thair was 4 overcoats in it/ one belongs to John Daly and one to Wm Parkerson and one to a Frind of Wm Parkersons and one to a Lutennent that wanted me to send inside - right side till he called for it/ you will find the names on eac-k-h one of them who thay belong to and thair is a little Sattle for Frank Peare and a sack with some things that belong Col P. and some few little things I put in for our children I dont just recollect what all thay ware/ some little notions and the Box was directed J. G. Burggraf Centralia Ill in care of James McKee and thair is a letter in the box telling all about the contents of it/ I don t know what to tell you to sent me when the Col P. comes back/ send me what you like so it is somthing good/ I shal be very glad to get it but I would rather go after it miself the wather is very warm here/ this plase is 35 miles South of Jackson Tennesee on the Moble and Ohio Rail Road 142 miles from Cairo