j SS The class of 1992 Proudly presents The 81st Annual FRESHMAN GLEE Saturday, March 11, 1989 Freshman Glee Program 1989 Introduction. Alma Mater. quot;Childhood Memories quot;. quot;A Vision of Harmony quot; quot;Discovery quot; Entertainment. Presentation of Glee Banner. Glee Managers Dr. Paul Trueblood quot;Looking Through the Eyes of a Child quot;. . Class of 1989 Class of 1990 Class of 1991 Class of 1 992 T.I.U. Students quot;Buzz quot; Yocom Dedication Freshman Glee 1 989 is proudly dedicated to Dr. Richard M. Gillis. Dr. Gillis did his undergraduate work at Tulane University in New Orleans before going on to the University of Pennsylvania for his Masters degree and to the University of Oregon for his Doctorate. He first arrived at Willamette in 1956, as an Associate Professor of Economics. In the late x27;60s he was a swim coach for Willamette, and he was the first faculty member to take a group of Willamette students to Japan in 1 973 As a student and a professor, he received a grant from the American Securities Industries, and he has been commended by the Atomic Energy Commission. This is Dr. Gillis x27; final year at Willamette as a Professor of Economics. Within the next few years, he hopes to work with students at the University of Maryland on an overseas program that could possibly take him to London or Athens. The basis of this dedication is Dr. Gillis x27; service to Willamette and to the spirit of innovation for over thirty years. Alma Mater quot;Old Historic Temple quot; There x27;s an old Historic Temple Rising grandly through the years Where the oaken - hearted fathers Drew their strength for strong careers; Down the years its portals open, Gather wise ones to its fold; Breathed the spirit of the Westland, Card x27;nal emblem x27;bossed with gold. Dear old School; How strong we love thee x27;round thy memories how we cling Glad some hearts beneath thy shadow, loyal hearts to thee we bring. Old Willamette how we cherish All thy legends and thy lore. Born upon the clam pacific, Guides us onward evermore. Spirit of the Golden Westland, Breathing through the fathers tears, Tells the story of the temple. Bids us hope a down the years Sing, oh sing of old Willamette Sing while hearts are young and true: Sea to sea the chorus swelling, Dear old School, our W.U. Music by F.S. Mendenhall, Dean of the School of Music Words by Pserry Riegleman, x27; 12 CLASS OF 1 989 Looking Through the Eyes Of a Child quot; Looking through the eyes of a child. Thumbing through the pages of my memory, To a time when I was small, Decorations, red and green And the thrill of the first snowfall. I can still recall the package That Santa left for me. As I opened it up on Daddy x27;s lap. For all the world to see. Chorus: I wake up to a new adventure Knowing a novel world awaits me. The discoveries I made yesterday Give me inspiration for tomorrow. And I don x27;t know what lies ahead... It x27;s like looking through the eyes of a child. Many chapters later, as I x27;m reading on, I x27;m a part of the high school scene. I wonder at the faces x27;round me, Do they share the dream I dream? We have all grown up together But, soon we x27;ll drift apart. We x27;re setting out into the world. On separate paths we x27;ll start. Repeat chorus In my years at Willamette Remembering all I x27;ve done; From the hours spent on Freshman Glee To the hours spent at the Library, I think what I have become. I x27;m ready for the next step forward. My future is no longer a dream. With these friends standing here beside me, I share the bond of opportunity. Innovation is our new theme Filling in the pages of my life, Growing old and hopefully wise, Every challenge facing me. May I greet with sparkling eyes. Every day is an unopened package Restoring excitement in me, Like the child from so long ago, Who sat on Daddy x27;s knee. Repeat chorus Looking through the eyes of a child. It x27;s like looking through the eyes of a child. Words by: Darren Board and Wendy Shoemaker Music by: Darren Board, Wend gt; Shoemaker, and Diana Young CLASS OF 1990 Childhood Memories x27; I sneak out the door and head for my playhouse My wagon is there, ready to ride Out to the street with my bright new red flyer I jump in my car, Vroom Off I go Wind in my face, blurring my vision The checkered flag, 1 win the race My daydr earn is done now I pull my wagon home Waiting to see what tomorrow will bring Go with my mom down to the toy store So many toys, I couldn x27;t decide A chance to show imagination Because my toys are what I make them Chorus Childhood memories The way things used to be Now those times are gone But the dreams of a child live on and on Inside my mind I see something new Which new idea can I make real? I x27;ve got my whole life, what should I do? Can it all be what I want it to be? Looking towards the future The grown-ups rule this land Someday I x27;m gonna be there And help them understand Looking towards the future The grown-ups rule this land Someday I x27;m gonna be there And help them understand I went to the gameroom, put in a quarter The lights and the sounds, filling my mind A slip of the hand could have been fatal But time and again, ZAP I win the battle Repeat chorus twice Words by: Lanny Ball, Dave Bertholf, Dawna Davies, Rob Patridge Music by: Lanny Ball CLASS OF 1991 quot;A Vision of Harmony quot; Look to the West you cm see them young and old Men with their money but they x27;re lost in a world of gold Listen to the East you can hear the children cry Mommy x27;s lost her job again and Daddy has said goodbye On one side there x27;s hope on one side there x27;s fear On one side there x27;s smiles on one side there x27;s tears They x27;ve cried for all these years One side is blind one side can x27;t see Blinded by their greed to the other x27;s need Only we can help their dream Chorus: Caught in between (caught in between) two different melodies two separate worlds (two separate worlds) neither one is free But we are young and we still have dreams That the world could see A Vision of Harmony Look to the past to visionary men John and Bobby Kennedy in our hearts they will live again Words and Music by. John Horton and Laura Zinniker Listen to the dream of Martin Luther King That every black and white could live in harmony What these great men could see we can have a hand In a lasting peace if we take a stand To set the human spirit free For though we stopped their heart we could not stop it x27;s beat For the soul of man death is not defeat Hope for all humanity Repeat chorus What can we dream when all the heroes have died Sometimes its hard to find the answers deep inside So where has all the hope gone can x27;t we sing what we feel We can have the power to make the dream real Look to the children see the future in their eyes Their hope for tomorrow it x27;s a hope that should never die Listen to old men when they share their memories But they can x27;t help wondering what has happened to their dreams No more melodies without a harmony For what would Glee mean if we could not sing about the Heartache by our side and why great men have died if we look deep inside we x27;ll see the vision still survives Repeat Chorus CLASS OF 1992 quot;Discovery quot; I opened my eyes to the morning Not quite ready to wake Yet I threw myself into the mid-morning darkness And figured this was my day to make. Chorus: Today was my discovery Today was my discovery I don x27;t look for new things They seem to look for me They give me new perspectives And allow me to see. You too can feel the sensation Of the things I said before Just reach down deep within yourself And open up the great big door. Chorus: To discovery Today was my discovery Try some new things, try new beginnings Put away with days gone by Look for tomorrow, don x27;t dwell on sorrow Everything will work out just fine. Repeat chorus Try some new things, try new beginnings Put away with days gone by Look for tomorrow, don x27;t dwell on sorrow Everything will work out just fine. Music by: Tim McFarland Words by: Lila Brown I took a step into the future And gathered all the ideas I could see I let them drift freely in my mind And they somehow fulfilled my dreams. Ac kn o w le dg em en ts Freshman Glee Managers Livia DiMare Dawn Gillette Melanie Kirkpatrick Chris Meier Brian Peterson Senior Class Managers. . . . Darren Board, Alan Harper, Audra Harwood, Wendy Shoemaker, Mike Tewfick Piano Player. Diana Young Junior Class Managers. . . . Lanny Ball, Dave Bertholf, Dawna Davies, Rob Patridge Piano Player. Lanny Ball Sophomore Class Managers. . . . Mike Dodson, Ginger Enden, John Horton, Amy McCann, Karen Mercer Piano Player. John Horton Freshman Class Managers. . . . Piano Player. Jennifer Campbell, Andrew Cronk, Bill Hansen, Mark Lovre, Jennifer Sedivy Jennifer Sedivy Judges and Judging Lyrics/Composition. . . Vocal Rendition/Presentation. Marching /Formation. Mrs. Helen Benner Mr. David Welch Mr. John West Mr. John Barker Mrs. Jean Ann Caldwell Mrs. Mary Ann Robinson Miss Laura Scarborough Dr. Allan Fernin Mr. Robert Voigt Mr. John Welty Freshman Glee is judged in three major categories: musical composition and lyrics, vocal rendition, and marching and formations. Musical composition and lyrics are based on originality, coordination, adaptability to the Glee theme, and overall impact of the song. Vocal rendition is judged on expression, tone quality, and musicality. Marching and formation is judged on precision, originality, and total effect. Using an established point system, the judges award points for each of the three areas. The class accumulating the most points will be the winner of Freshman Glee; the losing class will walk the Millstream for more marching practice on Blue Monday. Many Thanks to this Year x27;s Judges Freshman Glee 1989 would not have been possible if not for the help and support of the following people and organizations: A to Z Rental Alumni/University Relations Anderson-Mcllnay Florist Lanny Ball Dr. Martin Behnke Beta Theta Pi Fraternity The Bistro Susan Blettel Boise Cascade Ashley Boyd Cascade Sound Holli Davenport Dominic DiMare Sid Elliott Brenda Freeman Harmon x27;s Piano Co. Susan Jack man Gordy James Media Center Mr. Formal News /Publications Office 1988 Overall Glee Managers Tony Noble The President x27;s Office Marty Steingrebe T.I.U. Students U.C. Staff Willamette Food Service Willamette Maintenance Buzz Yocom Boise Cascade SPECIAL THANK VOUS SENIOR ClASS The parents of the class of x27;89 Bill Drew Dan Morgali Tony Noble Karen Schulz Diana Young JUNIOR CLASS Becky Donigian Jeff Fowler Mark Mills Christie Jo Robinson Michelle Schultz Mark Walker Bill Wilkerson SOPHOMORE CLASS Suzanne Allen Creative Imprints Kris Gates Beth Goeckner Laura Zinniker Set-up: Phi Delt Society Attache; Jeanette Reid Spotlights: Jean DeVour, Kevin Morrison, Noel Snodgrass Videocamera: Grant Robbenolt Escorts: Cari Bacon, Nick Bartholemy, Tom Brown, Mike Carter, Melinda Filbert, Tom Hayes, Jeff Hem street, Rhea Ledda, Brian Weir, John Zinn FRESHMAN ClASS Lila Brown Creative Imprints Ann Kohtz Tim McFarland Wendy McPhetres Kevin Morrison