Camp Mc Clemand 2 miles South Pittsburgh Landing Tennessee March 26th 1862 Dear Eliz I thought I would write you a few lines that I am well at present and I hope this may find you the same/ I wrote you a lletter on the 19th and send it by mail/ but doo not sopose you receive d it yet and as Mr Rowly Albert S. one of our Lutennents was coming home to Richvew I thaught I write you another letter and send by him you would be more likely to get it/ and as he is coum ing back again you could send by him and perhaps if Mrs Pease will send something for him you can put something in for me the same time if you have got anything to send/ we are in the woods about 2 miles from the River incampt and the whole Woods ring constantly with drums and pipes and Bands of music from 5 in the morning till 9 In the -eaving- eavning/ and thair is about One hundred thousand Trups here now and In a few dayus we expect Bual here withone Hundred and Ten Thousand more/ Aand then we will make an advance again upon Sesash/ thay have an army of about one hundred thousand strong about 18 miles from us now and we expect to have a fight with them/ thair our trups are all eagar for a fight with them and get thrue with it/ I think this will be settled up before long for I doo not think thay can stand it much longer/ I hope the boys will be good and doo all thay can this spring in the gardin and be industreus and help you all thay can and when I come home again and God spare my life I will bring them each a horse or mule to go on a farm/ I could get plenty of them now but have not way to send them home now/ I have a nice saddle and bridle now of my Own that I use most evry day as I have a Good many massigis to cary/ I most always rite/ Thair is some talk that the mail will be stobd for some time/ you had better take the letters to Mrs Pease as she may have oppertunitys to send them by some one that is coming here or know more where to direct them to/ (end of page two, continued on next page) -We heard that Col Pease- We heard it reported at home that Col Pease had run in the battle at Fort Donnelson but that is not so/ Thair was not a braver man in the battle then he was/ he stuck write to his post all the time perfectly cool and never left his men one moment/ for I saw it my self/ thair must be a great deal of talk about him in Centralia but the Genneral praised him very highly for his bravery and coolniss and how he managed his men/ he has had quied a sick spell but he is well again and able to go about his business/ I know nothing more to write at present/ Mrs Pease can tell you about us/ I remain your affectionate Husband J.G. Burggraf When you write direct In care of Col P Pease Send us stamps