Fort Simcoe W.T. Aug 2d 1880 Hon R.E. Trowbridge Commissioner Indian Affairs Washington D.C. Sir, I have the honor to renew my Request to be Released from the duties of this Agency as Agent. Within Eighteen Months last past I have Made the Same request to the Corresponding Secty of our Missionary Board, and to the Hon Commissioner of Indian Affairs and through the Combined influence of the Missionary Board the Honorable Secty of the Interior and the President I have been influenced to Continue until this time. My health and that of Mrs Wilbur is Such that it becomes imperative that we leave and leave as soon as it is possible to fill the place. It is not on the account of any dissatisfaction with the Department or with the Service here, but solely, on the account of health. In leaving the agency as agent, and going out of the work it will always be my pleasure to do any thing I Can to assist you and the Department generally in the great work of Civilizing amp; Christianizing the Indians of the Nation. A Correspondence with Rev. JM Reed D.D. Secty of the Missionary Board of the Methodist Episcopal Church 805 Broadway New York would facilitate the Change and bring it about the Sooner. I have written to Dr Reed recently and he will be prepared for prompt action when he hears from you I am Sir Your obedient Servant James H Wilbur US Indian Agent J.H.W. to Trowbridge Resignation Aug 2, 1880