Granada Granada, MS June 10th 1860 My Dear Eliza I recievd your letter yesterday/ I was in Holly Springs and I was very glad to here from you/ Im well at pressent and I hope this will find you the same/ this place Granada is 75? paper break miles south of Holly Springs/ my woch is all along the road but I get to Holly Springs evry few days/ my worch is digging wells for Tanchs along the road/ I have 7 men and somtimes 8 working for me/ I doo so much want to see you all but if it is Gods will we will all see each other again/ we must trust it all to him and he will doo what is best for for us, evry thing loks vey nice here/ the corn is nearly so high as a mans head and plendy of blackberys and plumbs and mallons and fruit of all discription/but still I would rather be at home, this weeke we expect to have pay day and by the 15th you may expect som muny in the expre f s office from me/ I will send home what I can spare. George Roberson is comming down here and if you can get 2 shirts ready before he goas away I would like it for you to send them to me/ you will find him at Logans I dont know nothing more to write at pressent only tell the children if thay will be good I will give each of them a gold doller and thay can buy what thay please with it when I com home and I will bring you something too/ and now may God keeb us in all his ways and keepe us all in good health is my pryer you affectionate Husband J. G. Burggraf direct your letters all to Holly Springs and I will get them when you get that muny doo the best you can with it but dont rob yourself