EXPLANATIONS OP CUP AJSE SPOOB IIEAJURES As used by Chefs and Pastry CooBs. 1 Pint of liquid Equals 16 ounces 1 cup n ft 8 tt 1 Butter n 8 n 1 Lard n 8 ti 1 Sugar n 7 n 1 Hour n 4 it 1 Molasses n 12 it 1 Corn real n 5 it 1 Oat meal n 6 n 10 Egg* tt 16 n 10 I rt 1 Pint 18 Whites of oggB tt 1 n 25 Yolks n it 1 tt 0 EggB ft 1 Cup 9 Ahites of gg it 1 n 19 Yolks n n 1 ti 1 Teaspoon dry measure 1/2 ounce 1 Tablespoon n 1 n 1 n liquid TT 1/2 n 1 Pennyweight n 1/2 cup 1 cup of Cornstarch . n - n 6 ONS ounces Chemawa, Oregon April 11, 1930 MEASURED'ENTS SD PROPORTI t Teaspoon T Tablespoon 0 Cup 3 t per f 16 T per cup 2 c pint (pt) 4 9 qt 2 Pt qt 4 9 1 lb flour 2 e n 1 sugar 2 1 butter 32 Servings butter per lb. hasurehsks NUT BREAD 8 lbs. Flour, soft wheat 2 9tg*r 8 o2. Baking Powder 2 Salt 2 Lbs Nut peats 15 moi 3 ts L.llk Sift the dry ingredients Add r ilk and beaten e g Reserve part of cilk until last* Add the coarsely chopped nut meats I'ix to the consistency of soft dough Fill oiled bread p ns 1/2 full Let stand for 20 BlMN before baking. Bake for about 45 rinutes, Use for luncheons, sandwiches and tea sperviess, (Serves 100) MJT BREAD CREAM 01' TulUTO SOUP 16 gal tomatoes 40 gal lis e salt 1/4 o 1 qt onions, chopped 3 lb 1 o soda 2 gal Strain tonatoes, oook with onions. milk pepper butter thickening Heat milk, add season- lags and thicken slightly; add soda to tomatoes and combine with milk just before serving CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP ROYAL SCALLOPS 6 Doz. Hard cooked eggs 6 Qts Wh lt;te Sauce I 4 n Mtft Has, 3 H Bread Crumbs nce ham, chop or sl ce the eg'S, oil baking pans and coTsr bottom wi h thin layer of buttered crumbs. Fill pan with alternate layers of har and eggs and uhite sauce. Cover top with buttered crumbs. Bake until heated through and browned. (Serves 1 0) f ROYAL SCALIOPS BEAU STEW 25 Qts. Beans 12 Gal atoes 1? Qts Celery 25 Cu s UA ons 50 :ts Water 12 C Butter 50 QtS Potatoes, diced Soak beans over night i'ut all ingredients except potatoes in Izettle Sim er 5 hours, add potatoes and cook 40 mins. Dish and serve* BEAJ STEW RAG-OUT OF BEEF 12 lbs. Beef 1 t Rice 12 Cups Tomatoes 12 Einced onions Salt ?ind pepper to taste. Simi er ceat until tender. Cut into snail pieces. Line baking dish with rice, cooked with tomatoes and onion, fill center with meat, cover with the btewed stook. Bake 45 minutes. (Serves 25) RAGOUT OF BEEF BAKED LL'A BEAUS 6 Qts. lira Beans 6 n v/ater 2 Cans i entoes (7 oz cans) 2 C Baoon fat li Lbs. Onions 1/3 t Salt 3 T a rika li c Green Peppers :'olasses (light) 1 e Soak beans over night. Drain ano cook in 6 qts of boiling water until tender. Add the chopped onion, pimrntoes, green peppers and seasonings Bake in a roderate oven unt'l the beans are tender and browned on top. (Serves 100) baked li::a beaks CHOCOLATE CREAM 6 Qts Milk 3- 1/3 C. Cornstarch 7 C Sugar 2 f Salt 1 qt. cold milk 3 o Cocoa 16 Egg yolks 16 Egg whi'es 1 T Vanilla Dissolve the cocoa in boiling water and add the milk Scald- r.ix dry ingredients together and blend to a paste with the cold milk- Add to the scalded rilk and oook to a paste-smooth thick Add the wel1 beaten yolks and oook until the eggs are cooked- Cool until luk warm old in the stiffly beaten whites and vanilla. Serves 100 CHOCOLATE CREAM ra oiA* 200 Eggs 66j Cups Sugar 50 Ik 100 1 runes l j Peanut Butter 100 Cooked Bios Vanilla Beat egg polks and whites separately. To gg yolks add 1/2 of sugar, the milk, prunes, rice and peanut butter to egg whites- Add other half of sugar gradually- Add vanilla- fold the two mixtures together oarefully- Pour into buttered d sh and bake 30 mine., in slow oven Serve while wars, with ailk, (Serves 650) PRU-.0LAR Q...:.J.i JUT BREAD lbs. flour, whitt ft n 3i- qt. milk 4 lbs nut meat sugar 15 e rs os baking powder S os salt Beat the eggs until light, add sugar, beat until well blended* -ift dry ingredients, add in sifted graham flour, the rllk to the 9gg Fixture; add the flour to make stiff batter. Pour Into oiled pans, let stand for 20 minutes Bake in moderate oven 1 hour. (Xield 10 loaves) add 0. BUoTOH BRQ..H BREAD 3o lbs oornmeal 1*1/3 qt molasses li rye flour Si to 4 qt sour milk 2 whole wheat flour 2 Lb raisins 2 oz soda l os salt i-'ix the dry Ingredients thoroughly. Sift the soda with the oornmeal and add to the other flour?. Make a depression in the center of the flour rlxturs and add the liquid gradually being careful not to form Imps. If the batter is too stiff add water to make of the correct consistency. Flu oiled molds or bake pans 2/3 full. Steam for from 3 to 4 hours, being careful not to have too rush steam at first. (-erves 100) ORAKGE B.iLaJD 2 orange peel cut in tiny shreds 2 o water boil ti'l water is gone dash salt- then add 2 cups sugar and boil again till a gooey mess 4 c. 3 T 4 t flour butter baking powder lj e milk 1 beaten egg (A few nuts can be added, also cherries in tiny bitsf n 2 snail loaves or cans 45 rlnutes in moderate oven. The prepared o nge can bt rade days or weel:s ahead of time and can be softened by pouring warm r ilk over it. GRAHAM UT, BoST S BROWS CulliGE BREAD CHL EGOS Hi C. Butter 15 its Corn 5 C. Onions, chopped 15 its Chopped ham 7 Grated cheese 20 Dos Eg s 10 T Salt 10 T Paprika CHEESE EG S CHEESE FOUDUE 6 Qts. Scalded Mi lk 6 n Bread crumbs (scft) 6 it Grated cheese 1 Lb. 3eomargarine 4 t Salt 5 Dz Eg-s 1 t Paprika Pour the scalded milk over the bread crumbs Add the fat and the seasonings Add the cheese whieh has been ground fine Add the wel beaten yolks of eggs Fold in the stiffly beaten whites Pour into oiled baking pans and bake in a slow oven HP one hour or until well pufred and set and a golden brown color. (Serves 100) CHEESE iOUDUE PIGS I POTATOES 2 cups lef'-over mashed potatoes 1 egg beaten lightly with 1/4 t onion .'uioe 1 T cold water 1 T minced parsley dry bread crumbs 1 ogg yolk Crisoo for deep-frying 6-8 cooked sausages (small links) Add onion juice, par ley and beaten egg yolk to po atoes. Be t thor ughly. Cover sausages with potato mixture and shape into croquettes, (if sausage links are large, cut in two.) Roll in bread crumbs. Dip in egg and water mixture. Roll in crumbs. Fill saucepan two-thirds full of Crisoo, the pure, wholesome fat that akes fried foods digestible Heat Crisco slowly. When it browns an lneh cube of bread In 40 sJswtss seconds (390 ) deep-fry the croquettes. .*hen brown, drain on absorbent paper. Then strain your Crisoo back into a can, for the same Crisoo can be used for frying, over and over again. 0 CHEESE CORK i-QAg 2 cup butter or margarine 2 oup green peppers 4 qts bread crumbs 4 qts ground cheese 1/3 oup salt 2 gal milk 1 gal corn 32 eggm 1/2 t paprika 1/4 t cayenne 1 t black pepper Cook the m need green peppers in the margarine. Mix all the ingredients together except ege: whites. Beat whites until stiff and fold Into mixture. Pour into oiled baking pans and hake in moderate oven for 1 hour or until knife stuck in center cores out elean. erve as meat substitute. (Serves 100) 0 - To-A JOE CATsJP 6 qt. solid mraoure sliced tomatoes 3 large onions 1 oup sugar 1/4 oup salt 3 white vinegar 2 red peppers chopped 2 T whole pickling spice fine seeded Slice tomatoes and onions, add other ingredients and simr.er until reduced to half, tir often or oook in slow oven. Strain and put in jars or bottles. PIGS a PO ATOES, CHEESE CORH iOAJT, fUmATO tt*TfH PICCALILLI 1 peek green tomatoes 8 large onions 1 head cabbage 1 oup salt 3 peppers, red or green Chop and rlx together toratoes, cabbage, onions, eppers, add salt and let stand all night Drain and add following ingredients: 2 qt. vinegar 2 t baking powder 2 e brown sugar 1 t cloves 1/2 lb mustard seed 1 t allsp oe 2 T Cinnamon i t cayenne pepper -lace allspice, cloves and ginger in a bag. Boll mixture for 30 minutes- stir frequently Pour into hot jars. Seal lm-ediately. KUSTABD PICKLES Pickles out up put ia salt water over night, also onions and aauliflower. 2 qts, vinegar 1 qt. sugar 2 T mustard mxz x 1 T mustard seed 1 T tumeric 1 o flour Put vinegar on and boil- then stir the rest Into boiling vinegar and put piokles and onions and eaullflower all In and cook up good. DJCLL PICKLES p j Important use eoarse salt. 10 gal barrel. FIRst put a layer of grape leaves, then a layer of pickles, packed in tight still, then grape leaves and p ekles. fill about 4 inches from top. .or 10 ga.l use about 4 os. alum. - ake brine strong enough t h 14 egg up. Just let come t boil. Cool and pour over packed pickles, can use a few red peppers if so desired. Put dill all over eaohl layer of :lckleB, Put a cloth over top and weight down when soum raises on top- rinse cloth and put back again 0 DILL PIC..1E3 w- 2 select small ououmbers, scrub witna brush, rack in jars, alternate layer of cucumbers and dill with a few r.ustard seeds. Until jar is filled, lay a small pleoe of alum and a bay leaf on top. Let one oup of vinegar and 2 oups water, 1 tablespoon of salt ooms to a boil and pour over pickles while boiling hot seal. PICCALILLI,- l.OJSTARL, DILL'S Bob. 2 PICKLE* ORAx.GE PUL IiiG 1 oup Jncfcfcexx sugar baking powder 2/3 oup butter 2 cgrs beat well lewther l cups butter milk with 1/2 t soda j gt;uud raisins 1 cup chopped walnuts 3 cups sifted flour with 2 t Grated rind of 2 oranges. To nlat add flour and buttentilk alternately Add v.alnuts and raisins, mis well, all together. Bake in drippis pan aboat 14 long- 7hn wide- 2 deep, about 45 rlnutes. DI G To pour over .range Pudaing 1 oup oranfe juice (4 oranges) 1 oup sugar Klx together while cake bakes iour over cake when taken fror. oven- hot - a little at a tire. Serve with whipped cream. 0 I... ICO PULLING 1 pt. 5 T 1 i cup milk Tapioo Pinoh of g Sugar Salt Heat milk- stir in Tapioo and salt. Lrix sugar and egg yolk together. After Tapioo has cooked for about 15 minutes stir in sugar and egg yolks. After mixture Is done beat one bite of egg and fold Into the pudding. Flavor to taste. RASSIH BREAD PULLING 245 egtfs 13 lbs. sugar 70 qts milk 5 lbs. raisins 1 oup flavor i c nutmeg 60 qts stale bread (dloed) Put crumbs in pans- cover with custard- sprinkle with r isms and nutmeg. Bake slowly. ORANGE, TAPICO and RAISIH BREAD PUD. IiiG PICCALILLI 1 bu. green toratoes 2 qts onions 14 green peppers 1 qt salt Sliee tomatoes, peppers and onions- sprinkle with salt and let stand over night. Drain and shop. Place in kettle, cover with vln gar, add 1 qt. sugar, 4 tablespoons cloves and cinnamon, some horseradish and boil ua 11 tender. If vinegar bolls away add more. 1 or 2 more quarts of sugar may be added, if desired. -0 - ....: - ::e.. * ic. ll.. lice 25 medium cucumbers Slice 12 medium onions Sprinkle with salt and soak over night. 1 t, vim gar ( Bring t' is mixture 1 t dry mustard to boll and add cucumbers 2 t celery seed ( Boll 3 minutes. Seal 1 t tumeric seed ( 2 o sugar ( Very good rs. n. Pornler Aug.21, 1933 Chemawa, Ore M'wgTARP PICKLES Peel and out 1 qt. cucumbers in pieces,- add 1 qt. of white onions out s. all,- 1 qt. of green tomatoes, 4 large sweet peppers, 1 cauliflower,- all are out a small pieces and put in brine made of one gallon of water to 1 oup of salt and let stand twenty-four hours, then scald in same brine and drain well, For the mustard dressing mix 1 oup flour with 2 cups sagar, 6 tablespoons of nustard, 1 tablespoon tumeric, 2 qts. vinegar,- scald all together and the pickles are ready for use. Skoo-kum auok-a-muok, hi yu 10-12- 22. 0 LAgY HOUSE rilFggS PTCKLES 3 o. dry mustard l.r o. Bait 3 e sugar 3 gal vinegar - 0 lY HJBoE m*j iCr-LES 1 gal vinegar , 1 1 -ordered alum 1 oup mustard (dry stick cinnamon, whole cloves 1 cup salt whole allspice to taste. Mix, add cucumbers as you .ick. PICCALILLI-, BftEAD BUTTER, MUSTARD, LAZX HuU-E ..IiE'.. ..os.l 2 Pickles J LLP PUT' PULLING 10 oz gelatine ( Dissolve geletine and sugar 5 pt xvater ( in hot water. 3 lbs sugar 2i pts lemon juioe With this mix ure add enough water or fruit juioe to make 10 it. To this hot mixture add: 6 o grape nuts 6 o cooked prunes 4 o ralsin3 4 s currants 4 o walnuts Season vlth cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice 1/2 t each, Sot and nerve with plain or whipped oream. (Serves 100) 0 - COCOA PUDDING 6 qts milk 3 o cornstarch 7 e sugar 2 t salt 3 s coooa 1 t vanilla 12 eggs Disolve the cocoa in boiling water. Add to scalding milk Mix dry ingredients and blend to a paste with oold milk Add to hot milk and eook to a paste. Add beaten yolks of eggs. Cool until luke warm and add whipped whites. (-ervee 100) 0 - RAISIN BREAD PUDLI..G 24S eggs 70 qts milk 13 lbs sugar 5 lbs raisins 1 o xxormx flavor 1/2 o nutmeg 60 qts stale bread (diced' Put crumbs in pans. Cover with custard- sprinkle with raisins and nutmeg. Bake slowly. JELLO PLUT, COCOA RAISIN PUDDING pin .: le 2 6 3 4 2 - 2 lb. tapicoa qts water lb. sugar Cans Crushed pineapple ITo.lO's lemons T salt t Cinnamon Soak Tap-1'coa in water over night. Cook until almost smooth and clear Add sugar, pineapple, lemon juice and grated rind Finish cooking. Serve cold with cream. (Serves 100) : nre it salad 10 doz bananas 12 gal canned pears 2 bu. apples 2 dz pineapple, No.3 cans (sliced broken ends) 10 lbs marsh mallo 1 crate oranges Peel and slice fruits into cubes- add pears after other fruits are partly mixed as they are softer and will mash up more; clip marsh mallows into bits and stir in. Use juice from pineapple and pears with juice of 1 doz lemons to make dressing. T scalding juice add flour and sugar tirred to a paste with so e cold juice. Hake a thick custard with cream and pour over fruits. (Serves 650) PERrECTI - .LAD 2 gal water, boiling 1 pt vinegar 3 qts shredded cabbage 1 pt celery chopped 1 c green peppers, ch pped 1 pt lemon juice 2j c granulated gelatin 2 qts small green peas 1 c pimento Salt and Paprika Soak the gelatin in one pt of water- bring remainder to boil; add gelatin, stir till dissolved; add vinegar, lemon juice. Lt and pepper to taste. Cool, put vegetable in layers in flat pans, pour cooled gelatin over them. Chill until firm. Can serve with dressing. (Serves 100) 0 fONmAlsE 8 BOECfexxhH E eQC yolks or 4 whole ones 1 gal oil 3 T Salt I- cup vinegar 1/3 T paprika 1/8 T cayenne cup lemon juice Add the spices to the eggs. Mix well; add 1/2 of the acid; add the oil pouring very slowly from a pitcher beating stead:lv until an emulsion is formed; then add the oil in amount J cup and later 1 cup at a time; beating well afjrer each addition. The mixture should be sufiiciently stiff to hold its shape. (Serves 100) FRUIT 3a: . , riON SALAD, CRUST. - EAT -IE 9 qts ..lour 6 t salt 2-h c fat 12 c milk 15 t baking powder ALE LOAF 1/3 cup Crisco 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cupc canned tomatoes 1 cup corn meal 2 cups left-over or raw pork, or beef, ground Fry onion with Crisco, the browned. Crisco won when hot stir kx to prevent 2 1 eggs t salt t pepper t paprika 3/4 cup canned corn digestble fat, until lightly * smoke, up the kitchen I Add tomatoes; in corn Teal. CTiok 10 minutes. Stir lumping* Remove grom fire. Add seasonings, meat, ce,nned corn and eggs. Blend thoroughly. Pour into Criscoed loaf pan. Bake 45 minutes in .moderate oven (350 ). 0 .TY1 S EAT ROLL 2 cups flour 4 t baking powder 1/2 t salt Sift dry ingredients. (Crisco, the digestible biscuit.) Add milk to maki Spread with meat mixture Cut slices 1 inch thick. 4 T Crisco 3/4 cup milk Cut in Crisco with knives or fork, fat, gives you a flaky digestible a soft dough. Roll out 1/4 thick. (see below). Roll up like jelly roll. Place slices in Criscoed baking pan. Dot with Crisco. Bake :n hot oven (450 ) about 15 minutes. Serve with additional left-over gravy. ...ea lling: Combine 1.; cups chopped left-over eat with 1 tablespoon minced onion, 1/4 teaspoon salt- and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Moisten with 3 T of left-over-gravy. CRUST, Heat Pie-- TAMA1E LOAP .IITY'S AT ROLL