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[Page from chant manuscript] ca. 15th century
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[2] p. ; vellum; Neumatic notation on four-line staff with Latin text; Gothic Script below staff. Four lines of staff on each page.;Text and notation in black ink, staff lines in red. ; Illuminated initial in lower left-hand corner of p. [2]; At top of p. [1] in red ink: cccxxvii. ; Notes from Robert Chenault (Willamette University): "The main text appears to be verse 1 of Psalm 150. Clementine Vulgate: Alleluia. Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius; laudate eum in firmamento virtutis eius. King James translation: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. At the bottom of the verso page, beginning with the large illuminated initial, the text changes to something other than Psalm 150."; Notes from Richard Robbins (University of Minnesota-Duluth): "I believe this would be from a Missal, seems to be the end of an alleluia verse (Laudate Deum, mode IV), followed by an offertory ("OFF.") on Anima Nostra (mode II). Both chants use F clef. Alleluia tune is the same as those used in the modern Mass for the second Sunday in ordinary time (formerly second Sunday in the epiphany) and Anima nostra same as for the offertory for the feast of a martyr. There is a text variation in the Alleluia verse. ... Remember that the B's in the first chant should be transcribed as B-flats because of the mode ... If the manuscript is truly from the 15th century, this would have been well before the reforms of Trent, and there was much variety in Missals around Europe, so you can't really know for sure when they were used -- but I'd still guess Christmas (Holy Innocents is Dec 28)/Epiphanytide based on the tunes and the fact that they appear in those places in post-Trent Missals. The illuminated letter A is fancy, and that would have also been more appropriate for a Christmas use."; Notes from Otwin Knorr (Willamette University): "The second part ... starting with the illuminated initial, could be: Psalm 32:20 Anima no(stra sustinet Dominum quoniam adiutor et protector noster est). Our soul (waiteth for the Lord: for he is our helper and protector)."
Date Created
ca. 15th century