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Glee 1953
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45th annual Glee
Glee 1953 was dedicated to Dr. G. Herbert Smith.
The winning class of Glee 1953 was the Juniors (class of 1954) with the winning song “Willamette, Alma Mater”; Second Place - Sophomores (class of 1955) Song: Hail to Thee, Willamette; Third Place - Freshmen (class of 1956) Song: Willamette, Our Guiding Light; Fourth Place - Seniors (class of 1953) Song: Willamette, Our Alma Matter
Manager: Vaughn Blankenship; Executives: Bill Freeman, JoAnn Bernard, Bob Miller, Gay Weeks, Bob Alfred, Dave Weeks; Program: Bob McDonald, Judy Mortz, Frank Dobbins, Jeanne Holmes, Joyce Karn, Lewis Schadd; Publicity: Duane Alvord, Marilyn Parker, Joann Pym, Lorelei Lantz; Tickets: Paul Ackerman, Dale Gustafson, Yvonne Bowles, Rich Butler, Dan Dearborn; Stage: Dave Finlay, Tom Carr, Jim Gilliland; Formation: Dick Ruff ('53), Jim Hitchman ('54), Bob Alfred ('55), Bill Farr ('56); Class Song Leaders: Bill Covert ('53), Don Morrison ('54), Keith Mirick ('55), Page Bailey ('56); Decorations: Marje Little, Eugene Mead, Jean Kimberling, Doris Hering, Marie Mallow, Margie Swanson, Charleen Miner, Frank Dobbins, David McKay, Bob Buckendahl; Lights: Bob Kaufman, Chet Daniels, Doug Tripp; Chairs: Dale Patton, Doug Wall, Lloyd Detlofsen, Dean Benson, John Ray, Pat Dering, Gary Jones, Ross Kines, Bob Miller; Entertainment: Jill Gellerman, Dave Townsend, Delpha Short, Tom Larson; Music: Beverly Rands ('53), Lisbeth Shields ('54), Carol Emerson ('54), Keith Mirick ('55), Paul Ackerman ('56); Lyrics: Amaryllis Lilles ('53), Eleanor Oakes ('53), Margie Leonard ('54), Marylane Stewart ('54), Julie Mellor ('55), Barbara Jackson ('55), Dale Gustafson ('56), Helen Callaghan ('56)
Glee 1953 was dedicated to Dr. G. Herbert Smith.
The winning class of Glee 1953 was the Juniors (class of 1954) with the winning song “Willamette, Alma Mater”; Second Place - Sophomores (class of 1955) Song: Hail to Thee, Willamette; Third Place - Freshmen (class of 1956) Song: Willamette, Our Guiding Light; Fourth Place - Seniors (class of 1953) Song: Willamette, Our Alma Matter
Manager: Vaughn Blankenship; Executives: Bill Freeman, JoAnn Bernard, Bob Miller, Gay Weeks, Bob Alfred, Dave Weeks; Program: Bob McDonald, Judy Mortz, Frank Dobbins, Jeanne Holmes, Joyce Karn, Lewis Schadd; Publicity: Duane Alvord, Marilyn Parker, Joann Pym, Lorelei Lantz; Tickets: Paul Ackerman, Dale Gustafson, Yvonne Bowles, Rich Butler, Dan Dearborn; Stage: Dave Finlay, Tom Carr, Jim Gilliland; Formation: Dick Ruff ('53), Jim Hitchman ('54), Bob Alfred ('55), Bill Farr ('56); Class Song Leaders: Bill Covert ('53), Don Morrison ('54), Keith Mirick ('55), Page Bailey ('56); Decorations: Marje Little, Eugene Mead, Jean Kimberling, Doris Hering, Marie Mallow, Margie Swanson, Charleen Miner, Frank Dobbins, David McKay, Bob Buckendahl; Lights: Bob Kaufman, Chet Daniels, Doug Tripp; Chairs: Dale Patton, Doug Wall, Lloyd Detlofsen, Dean Benson, John Ray, Pat Dering, Gary Jones, Ross Kines, Bob Miller; Entertainment: Jill Gellerman, Dave Townsend, Delpha Short, Tom Larson; Music: Beverly Rands ('53), Lisbeth Shields ('54), Carol Emerson ('54), Keith Mirick ('55), Paul Ackerman ('56); Lyrics: Amaryllis Lilles ('53), Eleanor Oakes ('53), Margie Leonard ('54), Marylane Stewart ('54), Julie Mellor ('55), Barbara Jackson ('55), Dale Gustafson ('56), Helen Callaghan ('56)
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