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Glee 1979 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1979 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionFRESHMRN GLEE 1979 FESTILIRL Of DRERMS Glee Monoger. Elso Helmick final Closs Stonding: 1st - 1980 2nd - 1981 lrd - 1982 4th - 1919 Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Seniors • ;. GLEE 19J~ lUDGING OF PRESENTATION In judging the presentation I of vocal rendition, tone quality I diction, and expression should be considered. Please rate the classes and have the results ready five minutes upon completion of the final class. l\V 1st 2nd 3rd 4th pIa GLEE 19'9 JUDGING OF PRESENTATION In judging the presentation, of vocal rendition, tone quality, diction, and expression should:be ·considered. Please rate the classes and have the results ready five minutes upon completion of the final class. GLEE 191'3 JUDGING OF PRESENTATION In judging the presentation, of vocal rendition, tone quality, diction, and expression shouldb.econsidered. Please rate the classes and have the results ready five minutes upon completion of the final class. 1st place __ ~~~~ ________________ _ 3rd FRESHMAN GLEE i~t~ OFFICIAL FORMATION BALLOT In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adapta­bility to the song and theme and total effect should be con­sidered. FIRST PLACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE FOURTH PLACE FRESHMAN GLEE .1~1-e.> OFFICIAL FORMATION BALLOT In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adapta-bility to the song and theme and total effect should be con­sidered. FIRST PLACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE FOURTH PLACE \ FRESHMAN GLEE. 1!:>'1~ OFFICIAL FORMATION BALLOT In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adapta­bility to the song and theme and total effect should be con­sidered. FIRST PLACE SECOND PLACE THIRD PLACE FOURTH PLACE { RATING SHEET SUMMARY FIRST * 10 points SECOND;::: 8 points THIRD;::: 6 points, FOURTH;::: 4 points FRESHMAN SOPHOMORES JUNIORS SENIORS _ Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points WORDS AND MUSIC judge #1 I 10 '~" b L 8 If 'I Judge #2 ~ h I , It) 2., 9 t.j ?t Tudge i3 '-I t/ -:J.... I g 3 6 I LO -----. TOTAL ;AD ll;t 4 .:lJ If PRESENTATION -- Judge i1 3 ?J '1' I 7 [ I /0 :!- [( Judge #2 I to '- I, f! ! .3 b "/ '"I ludge #3 ,3 ?~ 2- I ? f /t:) 1/ ¥ judge #4 I TOTAL Lh - '--' FORMATION ~! 'f I I Iudge #1 ..."..~ f Ie 3 ... ~ ! Iudge i2 if t!/ z '1/ t • /0 3 £? Judge #3 ~! c,' l I l~~.) ,I 3 to ?, J~ , --- / TOTAL . ; ;,:0 I "...- ( GRAND TOTAL , if S , ,,~- j ,'" } I PLACE . I i ,I ! >« 'V<? ovJSIi '1 l~ Brad Englund Lee House Willamette University Salem, OR 97301 'lOt Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey- Rutkowski Enclosed are the four scores containing both the lyrics and musical composi tions of the class glee songs. Judge them in a.ny manner that you mah, taking into account both the lyrics and the composition • .Also keep in mind the theme of this yea.r1 s Glee "Which is Festival of Dreams. Rank them below on a scale from 1 to 4 "wi th 1 being the best and 4 your last choice.. Any additional c6mments are welcome but not necessary. Please attempt to have your reply back to me by :March 5, 1979 if' possible. 'lha.nk you. Very truly yours, j)vacl -6A~J. Brad Engl~~ . 1979 Glee Judging Committee FRESHMAN: nEainbow of Dreams" ........ @ 22 3: 4 lDPHOIDRE, "Hopes and Dreams"' •••••••• 1 2: cY 4 ~ JUNIOR: "Day-time Dreaming"' .............. 1 ® 3, 4 tvv- ~ SElIIOR: "Everybody Needs a Hero" ••••• 1 2' 3 G 'A COMMEN TS:: It was very difficult to fairly judge these songs. The words were on the whole excellent, the tunes or music, had a wider degree of quality. We both just loved the Freshman song, "Rainbow of Dreams". It is extremely pretty and haunting. It was both· fun and a pleasure to be involved in Freshman Glee •. Thank you for asking us. ~v ~fS( G Brad Englund Lee House Willamette Uni versi ty Salem., OR 97301 'IO:-. Mr. Melvin Geist Enclosed are the four scores containing both the lyrics and musical conrposi tions of the class glee songs. Judge them in any manner that you wish, ta1dng into account both the lyrics and the composition. Also keep in mind the theme of trus year's Glee which is Festi"''Rl of Dreams. Rank them below on a scale from 1 to 4 with 1 being the best and 4 your last choice.. Any add! tional comments are welcome but not necessary. Please attempt to have your reply back to me by lmrch 5, 1979 if possible. Thank you. truly yours, ~vzJ ~J. Brad Engl~"i 1979 Glee Judging Committee FRESHMAN: "Rainbow of Dreams" •••••••• l ~ J 4-3 SOPHOMORE: '~opes and Dreamstt •••••••• l 2; 3 4- I JUNIOR: n])ay-time Dreaming"' •••••••••• 1 2: J 4 -- '-' SENIOR: "Everybody Needs a Heroft ••••• l 2' 3 4- f Brad Englund Lee House Willamette University Salem, OR 9'7301 'Rh Mrs. Alice Rose Jones Ehclosed are the four scores containing both the lyrics and musical composi tions of the class glee songs. Judge them in any I!lar'.ner that you wish, taking into account both the l:.;T1cs the compoai tion. Also keep in mind the theme of this Yl';ar1s Glee which is Festi'\'al-of Dreams. Rank them below on a scale from 1 to 4' w.i. th 1 being the best and 4 your last choice.. Any adm tionaJ. comments are welcome but not necessary. Please to have your reply back to me by l~rch 5, 1979 if possible. you. Very truly yours, ~~g~J. 1979 Glee Judging Committee FRl!SHMlIN: "Rainbow of Dreams" •••••••• 1 2> 3; €J SOPHOMORE: ''Hopes and Dreamsn: •••••••• 1 @ 3 4 JUNIOR: l1J)ay-time Dreaming"' •••••••.•• 1 2:0 4 SENIOR: HEverybody Needs a Hero" •••• ~ 2' 3 4 [ ~~. Alumni Associalllfn lJIIl.WWl WILLA.ME'rl'E UNIVERSITY SALEM. OREGON 97301 WILLA METTE UNIVERSITY'S 71st ANNUAL FRESHMAN GLEE Dear Alumni: The days are drawing closer to one of Willamette University's oldest and most festive traditions - the Freshman Glee. This year, the Class of 1982 invites you and your family and friends to attend the 71st annual Glee. The event will be held Saturday, March 10, at 8 p.m. in the Sparks Center. Our theme is· "Festival of Dreams," and we anticipate four exciting interpretations put to music and marching. Glee tickets are available for $2 per person. Children under 12 are free. For tickets and reservations, write to: "Glee Tickets" Sally Benninghoff Delta Gamma Sorority Willamette University Salem, OR 97301 Tickets will be held at the door. We are looking forward to your attendance and support for Willamette's 71st Freshman Glee. Until then, our best wishes. Cordially, Elsa Helmick and Chris Moore Please detach and mail as soon as possible. --------------------~--------------------------------- ------------- W.U. Glee 79***W.U. Glee 79***Festival of Dreams***W.U. Glee 79.*** We would like tickets for the 1979 Freshman Glee competition. (No. ) We are enclosing $ ($2 per person 12 and over), and will be bringing children under 12. -:'(~N-O-. 'r") Signed ____________ ~ _____________________________ Class __________ _ Address Phone ------~----------------------------~~-- ----------- FRESHMAN GLEE ADVISORY MANUAL It is._hoped that the information contained herein will be of some benefit to the newly appointed Freshman Glee Manager(s). Insofar as possible, we have attempted to list responsibilities and actions in a chronological order, although the exact order may vary from one year to the next. As soon as a Freshman Glee manager (or co-managers--we will use the term "manager") is appointed, he/ she should set up a Freshman Glee Advisory Committee. This committee shall consist of two members from each class, including the freshman class. It is desirable to have previous participants in Freshman Glee on this Advisory Committee, and it is usually best not to have individuals Who will also serve as song or formation leaders. The purpose of this committee will be as follows: 1. To offer advice and support to the Freshman Glee manager concerning activities and actions that take place. 2. To review, at the request of the Freshman Glee Manager, any requests from a class or classes that may be regarded as "unusual". These could be procedural matters, matters of dress, etc., involving Glee itself. It is important that the Freshman Glee Manager delegate responsibility in many different fields and he/she ~uld get chairpersons for the J\ follOWing committees: Publicity, tickets and programs. Glee week. judging and regulations, backdrop, stage setup, decorations, lighting, sound, and recording. Other committees may also be desirable. Page 2 The date for Glee is normally set at least one year in advance, but the manager should make certain that all parties in the University are aware of the date and subscribes to it. The Public Information Office will work with the publicity and tickets and programs chairpersons and help them in the design of programs, tickets, etc. This should be done as soon as the committees are established in order to give the Public Information Office sufficient time to get the necessary programs, etc. ordered. The Chairman of the Judges Committee should start rounding up judges as soon as possible. The following judges will be needed: 1. Words and music, 3 judges. 2. Presentation, 4 judges. 3. Formation, 3 judges. It is advisable to get individuals Who are well acquainted with Freshman Glee rather than "big names" Who do not understand what Glee is really all about. The words and music must be mailed to the three judges in sufficient time for their review and return to the faculty or administrative member Who coordinates the scoring of Glee. The results should not be returned to the Chairperson of the Judging Committee, but sent directly to the person in charge of scoring (the past few years this has been Buzz Yocom, but it can be any designated member of the faculty or administration who is acquainted with the scoring system). While it is not necessary for words and music judges to be in attendance, they should be invited to attend and encouraged to do so if possible. Page 3 With regard to all judges, the following rules apply; 1. Parents and/or relatives of current students are not eligible to be considere4 judges. 2. Graduates of Willamette University are not eligible to be judges until five years after the graduation of their class. 3. If possible, judges Who know about presentation and rendition, as well as formation, should be sought. During Freshman Glee itself, each judge should be assigned a host or hostess. This person will sit with the judge at the Freshman Glee dinner, accompany the judge to Freshman Glee itself, and assist the judge in any way possible. After the dinner, the chairperson of the judging committee will explain the rules and regulations for presentation and formation and hand each judge a packet and rating sheet. Upon conclusion of the contest, the judge must fill out the rating sheet in accordance with the instructions, place it in the envelope provided, seal the envelope, and give it to the host/hostess. The host/hostess will then immediately bring the envelope to the chairperson of the judging committee. After collecting all the envelopes, the chairperson will bring them to the tabulation table. FRESHMAN GLEE 191~ GLEE FORMATION ·RULES This is not the official scoring sheet. It is for your per­sonal use only. When making your decision, please refer to this as a guide. Rate the classes on the accompanying sheet marked, "OFFICIAL FORMATION BALLOT." GLEE FORMATION RULES 1. Any uniforms used by the participating classes will count no more than their neatness and uniformity contribute to the judging of the song and formation. 2. Glee will be presented with one basic formation in each class. (Not more than three formations allowed per class.) 3. Participants shall not change their relative position dur­ing the singing of the song. 4. All participants in the formation must march, or count time until the formation is completed. 5. After the formation is complete, the participants may stop for no more than 10 seconds. 6. Judging will start when the participating class is announced and the judging shall end when they return to their seats and all have been seated. 7. No stage properties, nor change in appearance of wearing apparel is permitted. A stage property shall be any item other than the original costume. In judging the formations, execution of the formation, adaptability to the song and theme and total effect should be considered. Using a scale of one (1) to ten (10), (ten being the highest) please rate the classes after each presentation in the above-mentioned areas. Execution SENIOR JUNIOR <J?_ n/t ". Ada \ otal Effect %3(2~~9PHOMORE \ /--------l-------+--------t-----i FRESHMAN 2. Lyric Juqges John West G73 29.0 Huntington Ave. Boston, Mass. 02115 Mr. &: Mrs. Geoffrey Rutkowski G63 - G61 3780 Hope Terr. Santa Barbara, Calif. 93110 Sonja Behrens G60 P. O. Box 1695 Bakersfield, Calif. 93302 Dr. David B. Welch 26 Cornelia St. #7 New York, N. Y. 10014 Melvin Geist G67 49.87 Orchard Hgt s. Rd. NW Salem, Oregon 97304 Terry Murray G51 Rt. 2, Box 289 Albany, Oregon 97321 Michael C, Johnson G72 1077 Browning Ave, S. Salem, Ore. 97302 Gary C, Frame G62 1347 Morningside Dr. SE Salem, Oregon 97302 Alice Rose Jones G47 1156 Manzanita Way NE Salem, Ore. 97303 David &: Carolyn Hjelt G72- G72 1589 Bocp. Rathan Dr. Lake OsV{ego, Ore. 97034 Student New England Conserv. She is a voice instructor­He is a musician Assoc. Prof. Music- Ramapo College Former Dean of College 9£ Music Vice Principal-North Albany High School Chor~l Director- So. Salem High School She teaches music at Parkrose Dist. 1 ,1 !," J 3. Formation Richard Mille r Lt, Col. Don F. Snow 4:95 NE Sunrise Corvallis, Ore. 97330 Charles J. Odle 3930 NW NW Witham Hi Dr. Corvallis, Ore. 97330 Dance Instructors Novikoff School of Russian American Ballet 248 Commercial NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Carole France School of Dance 509 Apple Blossom N. Sale'm, Oregon 97303 '. J. Courtnay Jones 149 932 Normandy So. Salem, Ore. 97302 Joseph W. Much G70 2615 Sunrise Ave. So. Salem, Ore. 97302 Ward A. Nelson 3116 Vista Dr. G66 Forest Grove, Ore. 97116 Mrs. Robert Anderson G38 3615 Croison Scenic Way So. Salem, Oregon 97302 Major General Prof. Military Science- Ore. State Univ. Cadet Col. - Brigade Comm. - OSU Director Flamingo Drum & Bugle Corp. Vernonia School Dist. Brad Englund Willamette University Lee House Salem~ OR 97301 Dear Dr. Trueblood:. Thank you for participating in Freshman Glee again this year. I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did. Everyone connected with Glee this year worked very hard, and your contribution as a judge is very much appreciated by the entire student body_ . ~ I hope that this year's experience with Glee "Was a posi ti va one. If you have any suggestions that would be, helpful for future years~ do not hesitate to send them to me. Once again~ thank you for sharing your time-especially at such short notice-.n th Willamette to allow the old tradition of Glee to take place. Very truly yours~ ~~~~. Brad Jlhglund 1979 Glee Judging Committee 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. SUGGESTIONS FOR FRESHMAN GLEE: Senior misconduct during entrance of other classes into the building. Brutalizing with water. Humiliating to participants. Disgusting to spectators. Unsportsmanlike interference with performance of formations during presentation (by student spectators) General rowdiness of student spectators (not participants) - -- throughout entire evening. More like a Roman Holiday. Disintegration of the occasion int'o chaos during the period between performance and return of the MC with Judges' decision. Japanese group very good, but should be entertainment provided during entire intermission. Senior Cut-Ups Friday night completely gross, crude, and insulting. They lost their audience before half over. - Review of Glee needed and renewing of some basic guidelines for Glee (probably 'including Blue Monday). He; Willamette University Freshman Glee Willamette Uni versi ty is one of the few schools in the United states still participating in Freshman Glee. This annual tradition of 71 years is a non-profit activity designed to enoourage partioipation and oonnnunication among the ola.sses, community and alumni involved 'Wi th Willamette. The festivities oommence with a special banquet honoring judges" alumni aIld participants, followed by the song and formation oompetition between the four classes of undergraduate students. Since Glee involves competition, the judges playa vi tal role in the success of this annual event. T.he vocal rendition of each class is an important determinant of victory. On behalf of the 1979 Glee Conmrl. ttee, I invite you to participa.te as a judge in the vocal ren­dition category. T'nis year's Glee date is set for Saturday, March 10, 1979 with the opening ba.."'lquet at 6::00pm. Your personal attendanoe would be very welcome and accom.modations provided. I am a.ware of your busy schedule and I only hope that you will be able to preside at the campus ac­tivities. Glee involves not only t...1.e participation of the undergraduate stu­dents, but the efforts of the many judges. I sinoerely hope that your participation, comments, and ori tioisms will be a vi tal faotor in the suocess of this tradition. Very truly yours, Brad J'thglund 1979 Glee Judging Conmrl. ttee P.s. If pOSsible, please respond at your earliest convenienoe. Re: Wi e is one of few schoo the parti Freshman Glee. s annual tradition of 7~ years a non-profit activity designed to encourage participation and communication among the f community and alQmni involved with llamette .IPhe fostivi1;ie~ QGlHHBenee ",.'ith a spe~l banquet ftO~fig ~uegcs, al~ni and partieipan~ ~ It:''')f'od- 'By '"the song a.l'lEi forma'tiion cOmpe M:4;~on be:tween-;;the . f~~ of ""undct'g;r.aquate s~. ¥O etc:.c...> ~~ --c:ru.... ~ ~. Since Glee involves competition~ the judges playa vital role the success of this annual event The vocal rendition of each class is an important terminant of victory. On behalf of the l~ Glee Committee. I invite you to participate as a judge~in tho vocal rendition category~ set for Saturday~ March , ~he~. Your personal attend-~ ance would be very welcome and accommodations provided. I am aware of your busy schedule and I hope that you will able to preside at the campus activities. Glee involves not only the graduate students, but I sincerely hope that your criticisms will be a vital tradition. Very truly yours, Hutchens Glee Judging ittee participation of the under­efforts of the many judges. participation. comments~ and factor in the success of this P.S. possible, please respond at your earliest con-venience. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY January 13 I 1981 Once again spring is approaching, signaling the arrival of Freshman Glee. This seventy-three year tradition is the only one of its kind in the United States today. The theme, .ITo The Future - Through The Past I It emphasizes the unity and pride that exists among both past and present Willamette Students. Improvements in Glee procedures have been made with a conscientious attempt to increase the involvement of faculty. We are confident Glee 1981 will be an enjoyable and memorable experience, for all who attend. In addition to the traditional Glee Festivities, the Salem Area Alumni Club invites you to attend a post Glee function at the Pringle Park Club­house, 689 Oak S.E. The cost is $3.00 per person which includes beverages and hor d'oeuvres. Glee is March 14th at 9:00 p.m. in Cone Field House at Sparks Center. Tickets are $2 per person. If you would like to reserve tickets for the Glee competition and for the post Glee Alumni FtL~ction, detach the provided form and send it along with your check to: Sabey P. Grange (Asst. Dir. Alumni Relations), Willamette University, Salem, OR 91301. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door the night of Glee. Attention Eugene Area Alumni: If you are interested in carpooling up to attend Glee, please call Toni Unfred at 747-3774 for additional information. We hope you come join the fun of Glee, 1991. SinCerelY'~ Glee Co-Chairman ~ ___ Yes, I (we) will come only to Freshman Glee, enclosed is my check for $ ____ __ ____ yes, I (we) will come to both the Alumni post Glee function and Gle~ Enclosed is my check in the amount --of" $ for people. N&~ ______ --... ________ ....-_____________________________________________________ ____ ADDRESS __________________________________________________ PHONE _______________ __ College of liberal Arts


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