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Glee 1976 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1976 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionGLEE 1976 RATING SHEET SUMMARY 74 17g '7 , 76 FRESHJvfEN SOPHOMORES JUNIORS SENtORS Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Point " WORDS AND MUSIC Judge :lt1 !i 1/ '2 I g I /6 :; t:;. }adge #_2_ I /{; 7- }( q </ , (. Judge ft3 df </ .~ , I It!) 2- L ! TOTAL qi , /~ 2 22--- . f\. t.!~)) (2,/) (8) ric PRESENTATION I Judge #1 '4 -'-{ ,b K I /0 ,-:$ (v Judge #2 "~ (j) J IU ~ % L1 "'-/ Judge #3 :2- ''is' I - 10 ~ (r; ,L.../ At' Judge 1t4 GL -6 I If) ./-.I .</ 3 W , TOTAL (J/:) riG) (5) ~. (IO)I(~~) (71) (56 ~ \...-/ ~ -~ FORMATION' Judge if 1. ~3 6ft {o r ((I ( I 10 -c:./ Z/ Judge #2 ~ g '?:> (I) I /1) .c:::/ "-I Judge !f3 :;; ~- c2. 9:_~ '/ /0 3> &2 -- @J T (G?;\ // :-~ TOTAL (/~~1 (3) (3if') (; 1__ _) M - "--------:- . - '-- - -~""~ d~ ('7) 1)4- UA, <"i/:2 '> 5t, GRAND TOTAL J 2, / 2. d- PLACE ...........-'" "7 ~ , .- ,..-..-::-~. ; "'fal\.il"J.z; t':y l"ear's Awa:v" Clu~ of 1977 KC Humphrey, larry Jackson :ve$ter~ay t I walker! alone l'I'IOuntain trails anrt 1'I\oonbri~ht ston~ I ~on't know why 11m. here so far away ant'! on my own then you appear an~ call my naMe t.ltinF my rears away sooner or later~ pietures Otlt rieepet" in me they stay. on our way, you walk 'tX!aide s'tarles$ nights, Ii river side I I'lontt know where the river leads , somewhere past the tearR I've erie'" then you appear and call my name takinr. '!fly fears a;wa.y r.OOne:r or later, pictures fade but til?eper in me they stay. time for thinkinjl; over the trails that we have travelled'. a photol<r.aph just takon yosterday ~ was never 'better ,for the stOrtflS or eloudy weather icar:tt ex'ase the sunlight in the picture frame, now; now that ! see all the paths left f()r me ,.OW ! have the m~mo:ry of the rlay ~her. you came to me and oalle" mY' name. ~ester-oaYt I walke,; alone flomethings new l the rivet" t!'loweti l rlon't know how it eafl\e to be t wAs lost, you shared my lQad \ i~:in~~~ya~~:~~ :~~~rcall nw name \ soone'r or later, pictures farffJ ~ but <'leeper in !"Ie thl?y stay. I 'ti~terrlraYI you call1i)'' rw nam~ 101'1113 thin,<r8 never fa';e~ then 1 ''''atcher- ,You "take my fears aW!l:{, I, 19T~ "ficturebo<!K IJreams" Cl/l.6S ot 19?5 A.nlil:"CW 1. Qt'e~fi! thollllUl I{. :lpivey,[1,a. When I 'fII htiling lonely and tr,$ ra,l.O or: 'the winrtQw i13 running dQ'Im I oP.f1 II)' plctUIl1bouk, ,iu,ty and t;:)l"'n anl1 Itt myaelf fly- With <1~UiI!l ,;one 'Vy- The sun ns fJtiU 6hinin~ thin, inQrM' cl(ttJ~s ant') hlltartpna~fJ sUll far out 0-1 sight The fac&B ane<l pl.en long Tlme washer! them away Llke wavt$ on thO' beach-so far out Qf r •• oh.. Thoae ora;y old 1r.altUS w,;:: I ""e: thou,;ht they woulr1 never eome t.l"ue The plans and prombes. bt"'{l)t«m and kapt now lost in tne Y'ear.­Betw •�� n laugh, Ul~ tatli"l1- 'l'h. tim., Wt had 't1>J(*thtr, now aU 'ra~tn:~t: :re tlf~'f~~~~~'ii;;a 6c.a'tU4"~k liKe havu But. theY never ;:,row 0101, alwil.;t$ Jl'line to holt!. CHCRV, Ahh .. PIC'rOlt~BOvl\ rlllM.MS t nliving my life on lI'la~ a Rainy now t know V'hllt It means t('f have and to hf,ve lo~t, Still 1 keep hcl,tiiM on fl'y yer:te:r-taYfi ha.,e al~ ,onD ~;! •.. INt":;.iUUIJt: l¥Iy minl'l iF. Q ltalle~y, POl'l.raits of times o\,;t of my past VhitHy cap'tiJ:-e thcn l~ng a€;o days Hotur.1f of you anrl rttt Cl,.!r thne was s".:Ul co-min€!; 'then, SI''''l),HI+t ou~~ lives ~y!tteam8 a('lt! n~nR :!;motions anl Notio,'is swi:-h1 in n(la:' .;.1,':",,, '>et ... ;; frEt,;., PlI': thflY took 1'ron: Me, r rllm~mbe:r thinking lon~ aF.OI t'llat 11'; r.ever, n&VfH' 'tie r;roW".np: Q1A ..;¢ I as.kQ-i all of Y'O'.l. and' you a~rel:rl in aonge: we'rl non, at nltart we're yo-unp,- :!Q whU. wetre "till I'ratlierert net"et '"Jsh1ne anfi blu~ sky IJurrounrl un above COl'lle, take my h'U'ltl tO~tJtther we'll slip n .. ck: int!) 'fty PrS'!'L"'J:::~OOr, r<Rt:A~'r.;i, :iKOHl;;'; iShr.- PIC'l'UR~~C{..l; l!RiAt.;s l Melf'ories capture!i to hQ1A in my hantis for a while ~ow I It'now what it means to see fac.,? ann ple.(:~a New lost to tne World But ley are still here with llill:t, o 1977 "Pass inp: Til"le" Clus of 197'9 ~ll.n Baldwin Benjie Sratlforrl .3ittirw at honE! alone. tt .. rninr: back the han"~ of t.ime. LattiN: the rnenories of' your yester­~ aY's float throu/th your mlnrl Re-mem:Per\n~ that you bali so muc;, tim~ rireaminp of the person to be. An" the thinf!!'! you want~<i to ';0, y-etJ Time passQ'i so slowly. Ahh-toriay your rl:reams aren't SQ many an~ the time that once passe'" slowly, is no .. apo.Hn" ril'ht on by, The W'Qrlrl you wa.nt to c~mquer is still tumitl/l. You realite that you1re not the per­son you wanterl to be, but you· re still goil'lj< to make it throul\h. One nay. many tomOrrows from now, when our dreams have been fu1 ~ f111.~. we'll sit a.ncl reoall the hopes o-f our yesteryeara. .. N~:n~i~!~Q w~~ti~e ~:i~. t-~u~e~opes anrl (IreaM of the sUO'S itie as tomorrow becomes yestert'lay~ an" yesterl1ay is no mQre-. Se all the thinp:s you want to be. Let yourself 'be ycnmp: l\n1 free. for 1 ife 15 yo-uth4"ul ann FlO are we. 'r-he enemy W~ selvePl! b\.lt ni ty. is not our­IT. oV'inp' of fyter~ ":;ollecteli fl,emories" h:i.chael C. C'Erien i,:other :-"atut'@ she sent me here :11th only the shirt 0)'\ my llaok An'" thOLlp;h fl'hlfMories of the "'RoO-'" time~" haur,t me l can neV'-er ~ on baCK 'to where !'ve come from. Trail\nlZ flOW'fl frop! Ol(ten Rivers $a.11ine: ",own to :';011'\8n Rivet's AfF~ Y::JU kT'lolrf, I~ll keet'l travelinJt for­ever. An'" you know, !Ill keep travelin~ for­ever. "ream Let's 1001( at our lives Let's travel the skies An-i1 Live! If 1 han ;:l, wish, you knew, you kn:J ..... what 1'd i!o'? 11 ~ liaVe un all the rest o!' my "laYR An'; spanl! m~' whole life with you. But you' re $0 far away. 'lou're S.o far away. I look at VO'J1" pho'toe.raph Anrl thinK of all the tr,emorles we 1 ve sharer; , C.f ol~ times an~ present times t t.oo. AnA all the crazy t.hinJ{s that we rlarert. Bu\: you fre so far away. You're so far away. I'll write vou a letter. 3ayin-f. I'm f'ine, an~ hew are vou~ An'"' I l11i55 you, 1 tve been thinkin~ a.bout you anti wiahinf" VO\J were here: ¥l1 th me. ~"'~;w. ;, tl KpP.'n -t.ravelinp fOreVfll;". 1 know. I'll KPep travelinv forever. ... v "'!l;.'. ,'r. ""t.\' vt~.:J • Sukiyaki Song (ueomuite aruko) Let's walk watching the sky. Happiness is on it. Sadness is behind the star ••• Let's walk watching the sky So that tears never fall down. Peace Chilnren who Don't Know the War (Senso 0 shiranai Kodomo tachi) Children who don't know the war We were born after the end of the war Flease remember we are children who don't know the war. "CORti1i~R$'1'{)fies" 1916 SophOIlO::e& AMutt J. Gre" 'l'OIft Splvey lEI all 1;.Itanjf here together, each One of us alone. Lookirt4t rlawn the long, lQ-rt« road that leah away tNa bOM. Ite don't know -where it's taking us, but then t wl\o' s ~v... ltnown? l'ou 81lY goort .. byet you clo •• tlv.t 4(tOrt and then YQU'''' on your own~ TIl> blOl>d-red da"" lIto!ore .... rig!lUnK all around. ~. Friends I've known and loved t now lost l~ing on tne poound. We tnaret\ now to .. new 4ay, the t1i,hti:ng ~!ngo!O:~h p&in dQ1tfJ fNtJdoa oest, tor now our htarta are ttound. CHQRUS Listen to our f'Q1U9re, like eChoa$ tt"Ollo the pa.att Llsttnt to our f',Jlllli ��• who've Mde our f"ret,,101f1, last; tist&n tt) tht other • cross tho aea of tears tht!ly~v. cried, '0 live a lite of lil>erty tor which oU' n.lg!1"''''' died. Be proud of wbat our fathers earned to keep us 1'ree. Roalh. jl.Uf,t hmf th4tY ye&rmld, there". ~:rf o~ ~:h!if~~the;y had to pay, Be Itlt'e it :never 811 P8 away. ,mSTRtrl!ENTAL So now w. nave- QUT froodont, we hac tal tb enough to win~ No. atu.)ther struggle 16 waiti~ to lte,:in. BrQtnerfl w111 seQ brothers die, but hop$ wUl not run thin, If Ulo'the-r war besieges 1.18, "etH. loin ... 0)">0 _In. REP!!A T CHORUS "Somewl}lt" AlanK the Wa¥" KC Humphr,y -1915 sophoroHa '111. 8tt.nd alon. an" watch the world roll on \~Qnd.r it tney notic. ua Ol" miss us when we t H gone 'lou' n •• king 1M "\Vnln dO "e ge i"rQm here 7'" inJi!tari:;'AO~.~;~ ey.s So thia h my .~ci.l BOng to you I\n~ with .. a.U. to ahan: W. '11 se. the n_ .. year tht'OUf(h So uny trouble. that Z'\UJh UII day to d.y But w, can find 110M "'lit. SOIl.whlt,"" al.cmg th. _*' CHORUS SOMwhat'. along tn. Wfl.'Y 'lie must learn how to lovit There' 8 nQ time tor ilUmay ~j. must learn how to cart How to f\lhare SomeWhere .. long the way I know you' r. w(rrr1e<'l abOut the: Itaya 'to COM W. can tace them aid. by alde ·t'wo 1nl!taa~ of On6 Tomorrow is a mya'tery we cannot ",.lay 1'1'uJre will be mora sunny dalS SOll\ewl'HtN: along the way. ~HORu.; SUnshine - blue sky Sh int in - your ayeQ ':(QU laugh - I try Sunlj:hine - blue ~l(.:y Ccme at t beside mt Listen to the winn Let your worrieR fall away r.:njo)," the times "".11". in Let the worl'" roll Qra ah •• .1 l' '11 Iltay here with you HeT, with you l' 11 Btay with you I'll sta.y, today. CHCRW ~o 'this h If!'! s:pecial !len;; 'to yO'u ~inp' it when you net'" a t'rienrt 'l'e;. see 'the- new :foal" tht'OUlth To I!h_" tne new year througb tc love the new year t:hro~h. recording by Milliken Sound Service engineered by Paul Milliken produced by KC Humphrey technical assistance by Boyd Milliken "I Thir.X l'!" }f~ ~f<e .f','" '" my ~oT'>E''' 197; f'l'eEhaan Grer. M:orfAer.her .... And....- j ~ GNU 'the nrbare :ruJO ll1.t'il.irw '!'be p"arbae:e 1 tm not 1 ikir.r.:. ttts- sitting in the hallway &Ilt{ cre&tin,. qui te a stlnk. orha streets a:rert'ft safe at nif".ht -Con ed 'turned off fff1 UP'hta" I think I'll "ea" rlown to 'the bar anrl get Som.6t.hit\ft to <1rink. CHORU3 I've been pu8h4it~ into a COI"nIU' I've been beaten to the gr'O\ltvt Oh I it's hard to ke.~ Sllllillf!: Wi th theae troubleu .U artHtnl'i I 1 oa.n't hold them. of''f no 110" 'they're 'breaking rlown the (\err~ It doesn't loo-k. lUte th .... '. much hope And I think 1'111 at the .ntJ of lIlY rope. My erer'llton still hound M, )lJy ex ... wit'. hu jwrt to\m~ •• She's lookinJ!: fer tne lItOTley that the judiC4it tol~ J:De to pay. How can I say .. ttta ~ne!" To tne old N4itV&da con'? I lost 1 t all in Rene In we nights anrl a. day. CHORUS INT&RLlJ1)E My horoscope is lousy My upJ)el" teeth Iil" :rak~. The IRS jue t phoner4 I owe them three times what 1 l'Qake. My bOGS thinks that Pm la~y Pve elo'l(e'* the kitehen ,train. t..")" psychiatrist says I'm cra.~!, Ke can' t seem to help my brain. ?here-'s :Pani.c ~own on '.!all .areet 1 can~t affortf 'to buy meat The Qa"t f(o"t all tII!f ,,;ol.1fhh S., I ha'" cat stew tnt' hffieh. 'thes.e tirne~. th.J:'t l ;: m /!I1,,\I;1', t.Ci them. I nOi'e t!-:at 'I 1 h;<? 10' j~:~? :-;v ,,:~~~~J\~;'" 11 'i oeA ? 1 "lee '.: to N rhe 'illite t.: :iumtlhrey ... 1914 jl'nshNltl years ap:a when the twist was hOot loN" before they o1lscovel'\f.tii rock we na'1ce-t all in the lIIidtlle of town the ki"'fI all #'Ot to,«8tnel." just to haJ'U( al"OU11'1 M" tne :music they really shoo/!: th~ jlTount1 !~!~~~¥-=tl:~~~s:: ::Ct:!st an" hop jan and dean 01"1 the radio soupe.rl-uJ) cars at. • th; .. 1v .... in ehow it all bit~an twenty $e.t'8 ago. 000, CHORUS tho$e 'Were the daye O'f the 'boQ~lo( the bunny hoY> fUltS eh'b: too restless xiiil> in a ~ldefl &f!:e when ~o.,d tiMe: .. ere 'tn. Rf!;e gonrl tiMS the race the .. y .... live maltse parerrtG or,; they watch uS leave and .. onder ",hy but hue's .. dt'af( on .. 11'111ay n1~,~ "ttl rather go out ~ trip the Hoht. «Oint downtown to the hOp tonight. 0000 ••• CHQSUS those 'Were the days of "the boogalor the bunny hop I'lhrt elvis too restless kids in a g()~ilen ap;e when goot'! times were the ra,ge 1(00" timeu were the- rap good times were the ra,. yttars a~ When the tW\.l!I:t" was hot lotlfl!: oefol"V' thecy rlhcQveret4 rock we "&need aU night In the.midrth of town the kltt!S ,ot to«ethet" just to hanr aroUtut and th. ,"ualc playe" "ally shook the rrounrt ~ 000 ••• the ~reaJ!'Js "Nn hali seamed to fly Ii"''' ;Hl l" lowly !'c·". 'WJ;!"re alA an" can 1 t fin'" much say 3-0 sorry !-.,~ s.ti~1 ,-" t!~HH'e ','If'rt4!';: "~ho~'e were ",!'a!{ing f~Y r'ears AWa,.V" C1as$ of 1977 KC Humphrey, Larry 1ackson yesterriay, I walke'" alone mountain trans an~ moor-bright stone I ~on·t know why 11m here so far away an" on my own then 'yOU appear an'; call my name takilV my r .... r. away sooner or 1a tel", pictures fade but rluper in me tl\ey stay. on our wa.y, you. walk beside starless nights. a river side I rlon't know where the rivet' l.eads somewhere past the tearR I've erie'- then you apptla1" artd call my name ta.Kinp.: my tf4Qrs away f,Qoner or later, pictures fade but rirteper in me they stay. 'ti~e t'Qr thinking over : the trails that we have travelled ,here's a photo~"aph just taken y.eterday time never better ifo:", storms Or elo\.ldy weather ',ea~' t ~raS£! the st.rnliFtht in the picture , frame. now, no ... that! see all the paths hft fQ" me no .... I have the meTnQry of t.he flay -when you came to me and call~t1 InY name. yesterday, I walke..,. alone Bometnir.po;s new; the river illoweit 1 don't knew how it caMe to be ~ was lost, you snared my load then you apP1!ar ar.r! call My name tal<: in.e my fears away sooner or later, piot.ures fartA bvt rle~per- in me th~y stay. In.V fears away. !9T~ "PietureoQok Oreamf!l ~ Clus of ~9?8 Arvtrew t. Or41(f!' ThQiIla6 ~, ~plv&;, A.etK.p.B. ' WhtO I'tIl teel1r.g lonely and' tn.. cal-O I o:~n ~ ;i~~~:~i:Ok~n~~:tt d:: urn .. nd let myself fly­W 1th rlreame 1I\0n. by- The sun w.s at1U &r.ininf; then. s tCt"ln­cloutis ani! luar't'bna.ks still hr il'heCf!c:~ :;~h:l.b.CtUI lO'ng gone. Time wash." them .WIlY t.iki) «avliI on tn. beacr,-fi¢ tar out. of "_(In. 'rhoao craz,y old <ire-a.t!'u! we a."IarEftl. we theuf.\bt t.h~¥ woulrl never come true The plArus and prorn:'aes. bro,Kl)n and kept now lost in the: yeara­BfJ'twefm l.aughs and teara- Tlll:t timl'8 we "'ad new all ! have are ph:'~OlU'iltJl'l3- Vrall:me:nta of rHfl"9it'ttnt Uv.a &ea't.1.arel'\ like butts lhn \hElJ1 f'uJver II,NW 01';, alW.l,}'s to Mlrl, coeR"" Ahh .. PICTlJRUOVh i)R';;At~! IItY Ufe Ql1 many a Rainy r.\a~·, now I know wne,t It means to hay. love'; and 't~ hav, lQst.. StUl 1 ltfHtll f;Qlrlirht on >"y ye~tIliH·~aya have all /Font by ~ IN'Z.!U:n::t: .My iltinti lS! a gallf,j~', PtH''Graitu of tlmu o,.;t of my pae t Vi'/illly capt!J~(! tl;~SE l"ng -a.go days Picturef3 ~f yell an!'! po,e Our was still cominf;" th-en f cu. w itn :Jay:jreatrl5 ann ~moti-ons N;.)ti~ns: :3wtrl e'i in .,CIt..:- ~et ..If'! trill!:. b\,i~ th..,y took Me, I remember think1np: long liKCt; t11<:l1: Jl~ never, never ee r-l"OW\.l'11t ol.rl ';0 ! anken a! 1 of YO\l, III.nrl you agref:'11 in !longs we· Ii GQnr. at heart we f re yeunp.- ;io white we're Rtill ;rathereri hen Bunshine arHi til IJe sky aurrounA \.If, ~bove Corne. take my l1anr\ to~ethe r we'll sll.p Back l:"!to mY' pr::TLiRc:jjOO}, flREAr.:..;. :::HOJHf;.l Ahh- P;;Cl'iJRi:i;C{.-f'I nRiAliii."H Memo-rita oa~turt'-; to hot,1 my hantis for a while Now r know what it tneans to ue :f'ac:~l'! anl1 places Now lost to the wod(\: But ley are still "ere wi'th n'hi. o 1977 "Passinp: Tll'te" Class of 1979 ~ll.n llaldwin Binjl.. llrarlforrl .ittin!' at nOMe a!one, turnlotl' back the hant1f' of time. Lettirnt 'th~ mt'r"ulries of YCiur y"ster'" rtays float throulth your min" Remembet'lnlr that you hatl 1S.o muc!'. time t'ireaminp; of the person to be~ Anr; the thinp;s you wanterl to >10, yet, Time passet\ sO 4ilowly. Ahh-totiay your r'h:eants aren· t SO' many anl1 the time that once yasse'" slowly. is now speerHnr-- ri(£ht on by_ The worlrt you want to conquer is s~iU turning. You realize that you're not the per­son you want9d to be t bttt you" re still gol"1< to make it through, One day, many tomorroW's; (rom now f when our dreams have been rul fiU.~, we'll sit anrl reeall the nO"l)es: pI our yesterytUll"'S I ... Not seeirw What we want to seet wantif)~ to nO it agaif\, our hopes an('l (Jreams of the past !iubsirte ag tomor-row becomea ye$ter~ay I an~ ye:stertiay is no more. Be all the th tops you want t.o be. Let yourself' be YOllnl'! anrl fre~t for life is youthf'ul an"; ~o are we. The enemy w~ f"if"ht i.f> n.ot selvea t but the movinp nit~·. "~ollecten tilernorieE':" t.:ichael O. C·Brian j,:other Nature she sent !'!Ie here ::i th only the shirt on my back Anrl thoup:h !'!IeMorie'So of the "P;QOtl timet'" haunt me 1 can never ~o on ~o whe re ! I ve :come Trailin~ riown frof"l Olrlen Rivers :)ailing l1oW"!":\ to uolrfen Rivers Ann you know. 1'11 iteet"l travel int<:: for­eVer, An" you knollf, I411 keep tt'a"eliM. for~ ever, l"'\re1\tn Let '5 look at our Let's travel the knit Live' If I hail a wish, you know, you know what I'd (10: 1' ... nave un all the res't of my liaYFl kn"" apenri my whole 1 i.fe wi th you. But you' re so far away ~ YO-u're so far away. 1 look at your pho to?raph Anll think; of all the memories we 've sharerl. Of 01., times an~ present times, too. ~n" all the crazy thinli(s that we liarerL put you' re so fat" away. Youfre so far- away. I'll write a le'tter. ,ayinr Itfl'". a:nti how are YOUf Anr! I miS!:'l YOu, r've been thir·kin$!' a"ooMt yet. anI'! wishlnf' ,VQU were here witt< me. ,·11 kpen 1"11 itp.ep ",qy. .~. IIl,V wn.:I. roreVRr. forever. Sukiyaki Song (ueomuite aruko) Let's walk watching the sky. Happiness is on it. Sadness is behind the star ••• Let's walk watching the sky So that tears never fall down. Peace Chiltiren who Don't Know the \lIar (Senso 0 shiranai Kodoma tachi) Children who don't know the war We were born after the end of the war Please remember we are children who don't know the war. "COkr.E:R:3TON£S III 1976 Sopho~o An~rew J. GreM 1'011'1 SJllvey ie all stan" here together, each OM of' us alon •• LOOking "'awn 1;)). long. lOn{( road that 14laol'5 away f~ nOM. We don't know where 1t's tak~ \,18. but then, Who'. eve .. known"? You sa)' goO~-'bf.' you elo •• the "cor, and then you're on vour own. The blood-red dPn betore ... l'ightlng .,1l. .. t"(tund ••• hhlu'ha l' "'& known Uti! lov.d f now lO1'$t lying ()tl tn. ground. w. maroh now to a mI'" day t tn. tig;htln& dying dolt'n. But bow 1'nUeh l)aln ~e8 rr..4'Q1Ij CO$t., t'or now ()\ir h,U'tIJ IU". bOund. CHORUS LitJun to our folklon, 11k. eohoes from the paatt Liaten to our hmUhe who-v. made our treedOll last; t.hun to th. other teroe the $oa of t.a.ra 'they' va crIed. To live,. life of 11'beTt1 tor OUT noigllborll d1.d. Be 'Pt'oud I)f What our tatherll • .mod to keep US free ~ Realir.e just how they "arnell, the"'. ~.,o~ ~~:b~c:-th'), had to pay, Ie sUTe it never aU,ps: ... y. lNSTRUME~TAL So now we have our freedom, we had faith enough. to win. Now another 1'tt~l. is wait11l#t to 'be~in. Brother'S wUl. see brothel'S ~iet b\1t ho~ wUl nQt run t It another war l)eaiege& U8, w.'l1 Join as on. acain. RJ!P£AT CHORUS "SomeWhere Along the Wa)''' KC HUllph ... y -1975 So.,.,...,,,.. fit It&rt~ .. lont and wat4:h the 'M"ot'ld roll On \.fonder if th*Y notice u6 Or -miea us when we'" gone You'H &ak1ng '" "'What'_ do W6 go fro1'l\ h.n?" ~n ~~:k Br::;B a °ia~:~ ~ •• So this i. ftI¥ specl.l .one to you And wi th a sMUe to 8nat"8 We'll see the new yell" throU«h So many troubl.. thl: t: nuth \U5 day to day But 'fII. e.n find !JOM nat Somewhenl along the ny CHCRUS Somewhere along 'the way We mU8 t le arn h()W to love There'" no time for r!igmay :!s lIIU'Bt lea.rn how to car. How to snare SomeWhtt"e ... long the way I know you' n worritJ! abOut the liaye to CON! ~j .. can fa.ce thalli Bitte b)' • ide ·rwo instead of on. Tomorrow 19 .. 1II)'lJt.ry wt ea.nnot "elay l'heN! will be mOrll!! tunny daY6 Somewhere aloNt: the WilY, :HORUJ Sunshin& in You laugh - Sun&hinllt - blue ftky your ey*a I tr~ blue .lr.y Come sit beside tI. Li:sten to 'the w1nn your- worrie8 1'all .way EnjQY th. Ulna. 'W •• H in Let tn. wot'l'" 1'1>11 on ah •• rt l' 11 stay htu with you Htlr-o wi th you I'll euy wltb. you I'll 8'tllJ', tori&y. CHORW "0 this is my special aeNt to yO-t.1 :;irw it when you nee" a frhmrl '1'0 see the new yellT thr()~h To ahare "he new year tnroutl'n 'l'o love the MW throu,.l'l, record,ing by Milliken Sound Service engineered by Paul Milliken produced by XC Humphrey technical assistance by Boyd Milliken "I 'i'hir.:x 1t ,., a~ t"!;e .!",'" :'< fJf;t ,'lone" 1915 Fnshaan erer: riorlrler;hcrr Andl'WW J. Gnu 'l'ne garbaPe llten are stridn,' The ,.~t"baj!~ I'm not likir.c::. It's sitting in the hallway and ereati~ quite a stink. The stree"ts aren't safe at nip;ht -Con Er! turn-erl orr my Uf'hts- I think I ~ U tI-eat4 !'town 'to the bar an'" pt sOll'letb inlt' to Itr1nk ~ CHOHU.> PVa been pushatf into a comer I'vfl; be.n nell ten to the ground Oh, it's hard to keep a.Uint; Wi tn these troubles all around I 1 can'1. hold them off no IllOre They're bl"8uing rtown the t'lorr, It dOif1'$n 1 t look Uke there's much hOpe And I think 1')'11 at the ann of my ,""po. fIi1y crerU tors still hound me. M, ez .. wU·. has just fount! 11M!: Sb.'a loo-kin#'! for the raoney that the- judfte tol" DIe to payl liolf can I say ''It's gonel" 'to the 016 Nevada co-n'? I lost it all in Reno In two nights anr4 a day. CHORUS INTEIll.1Jl)~ My hO'f'03COpe is: lousy Mr up]>tr 'teeth are f'ake. n. IRS just phone(l I owe theJ't three 'tiMs what I make, ~v:O:~o;~!~~!h:i t!~:n l~~in. My psyel' 4ays I'm orazy H. oantt seem to Mlp my brain. There's pani.c down on '-.fall ';treet I can't affo~ to buy meat tAli <;at f(ot all lilY F.oltt!'hth So I ha" cat stew for luncl',1 The'. till'l$1!., theN':: ;;fl .u.,t. t{\ them. nOM thnt : lXf'! . ~,-r"',;;Jt'!"l th'o"', ... ':!': '~r •• th"",rr' " ·,Uf'''!"~. ','lft"'t the fiat«" 19"l4 rr.ohman yeaM> a~o '<IItHm the twist was hot 10", Qefore they lilBcovererl rock we ilanee" all nil'ht in 'the 1I'Iid.tile or town the ki..ts all ,ot tolt9ther just to harwr arounJt antt the Jlrude they playe" really IJhocJ: the frTOUl'l" t1'1dal RlJ:;ht at the sorta BhOpp& everyb(H!Y·" leamin« hOll to twist an'" hop ja.n a.nd tlean on t}te ntUo SQupe~-u'P cars at a drive" in show it all bepn twenty years qc~ 000 CHORUS those were. the tiay.- of the booga,lo; the bunny >u>p and elvil1 too reltles8 kid. in a. "Qlden ue when ;rocf!. til'l'ltPa Wtl'H the ",~e ;COOrl tiM. were the rage the way .,. live taakes parents on they _atoft us leave and wonde:r Why but home' ft .. "rAt! on .. fritfay nip:ti' wo'''' rather g<; out anti trip the l~ht. ,;oln· downtown to th. hOp tonight, QCoo ••• CHORUS those 'Were the /jays of the 'boop.lo~ the b1.U"lnY hop anrl el vb tOQ restl.,as kids in a gol-!en aRe 'Wben goott times were tilo rage ~oon till'lefiJ Tiel'e 'the rage ,gcori times were the J'&;f:~ years 81:0 Wben the twist 'IVa!'> hot lo~ hefon they diScoverer! rock we t1a.need all nl~t 111 theol'tt1lMle or town the 'kilts rot 'to«ethu" just to hanr arounti ~ln'" the mus tc playet1 reall.y -ShClo)t ~he f'N\lnri~OOO ••• 'the I'lreall't6 WI'! har! SG\Hr\el'l to fly a ..... , :m :"!lowLv r'o''''' "'1~lri'! 01>\ at'l'" CAn't ('int! much say so aol"t"Y' !',~, ·'tlll \",> rlt!IU'e the 'If''r~!,:1 "tho~'e wnre the


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