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Glee 1978 - Planning Materials
dc.relation.ispartofWillamette University Archives
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dc.titleGlee 1978 - Planning Materials
dc.typePresentation materials
local.transcriptionFRESHMAN GLEE 1918 SIGNS Of THE TIMES 61ee Managers: Euerett Frank, Tersn McCracken Final Class Standing: 1st - 1919 2nd - 1918 3rd - 1980 4th - 1981 Juniors Seniors Sophomores Freshmen "• c • " , "0 Willamette University Will~mette University's 70th Annual Freshman Glee i Dear Alumn~, As March approaches so does Willamette University's own tradi­tional Freshman Glee! As the class of 1981, we are proud to be the sponsors of the exciting week of song and marching competition. We cordially invite you, family, and friends to the 70th annual Freshman.Glee celebration. Competition will be held in the Lestle Sparks Center, on Saturday March 11 at. 8 p.m. The theme for this year's Glee is "Signs of the Times." Using this inspiring theme, we know the classes will develop the best Glee ever. This year Glee is dedicated to a long time friend and Glee supporter,the late T.C. "Hawk" Hawkins. Glee tickets are available at $2 per person and children under twelve are free. Please send your money to: "Glee Tickets" Sue Allison Delta Gamma Sorority Willamette University Salem, OR 97301 Tickets will be held for you at the door. We hope that you will join us in celebrating this exciting event. We look forward to seeing you there. 1!!R~ c/.-7~~~ and Freshman Tersh McCracken and Anne Davenport Co-Managers of Glee We would like (No. ) and we are enclosing $ tickets for the Freshman Glee competition ----- ($2 per person). Signed __________________________________________ __ Class Address ________________________________________ ___ Phone __________ __ Special Eleotion Issue . . GLEE: There Ife· willen I aid there· arel05ers I . If there is ever time for 'the freshman class . to show its stuff, it is during Glee Week. Freshmen o.rganize, pUblicize. and sPo.nsor this, the oldest Glee tradition in the nation. Moreover, . the Frosh rarely ever get their .. feet wet in the customary losers' stro.ll through the Mill Stream .. The overall planning of this year's festivities are going smo.othly, despite the loss Qf Lisa Bechtel, Glee co.-mana­ger. Lisa, thanking fQr their help over the past several weeks, was compeUed to. resign due to personal dr- . cumstances. Stepping in to. fill her place is appointee Tersh McCracken. Tersh and Everett Frank, the o.ther co-manager, can be reached at the Kappa Sigma House (6251). . . ~ . . All future pUblicity will be marked by the Gleelo.go. as sho.wn. The logo was de-signed by Laurie .Bergquist from Alpha Chi Omega. Laurie has had previous ex­perience iIi the field, design­ing a number of Io.gos fo.r small corporations. The logo. will be the offic!al symbo.I for 1978 Glee. The Pi Phi pledge class has . always been supportive of Glee, and this year's class is no. exception. Becky Banks, Emily Webb, and Debbie Church are the co-chairmen of the freshman class' co.ntribu­tions to. this year's Glee. Any . freshman interested in organ­izing formations or ... being a songleader should contact any of these three at 6355. Those interested in helping create the giant backdrop. fo.r Cone Fieldho.use should con­tact the Backdro.P Committee chairman,Sco.ttHerzinger. at 6246. The posters and souve­noir programs are being de. signed by members of the . Po.ster and Program Co.mmit. tee. chaired by Sue Bradford. 6326. Tammy Tengs chairs the Glee Week Committee. Tammy can be reached at Matthews Hall, 6246. Other committees and their chair­men includer Banquet, Janet Heimes. 626~; Judging. Paula Hutchens, 6316; Reco.rding and Lighting, co-.chaired by Kurt Walls, b316; and Owen Williams, 6246~ Alumni, Anne Davenport,6316. Treasurer is Susan Cataldo, at 6306. Pub. licity is being handled by Kevin Adams. at 6326. TM 'Publil;'l!ty Committee is in the process of pro.ducing radio. and television advertise­ments. Anyone with exper­ience in this field is desper· ately needed. and encouraged to. contact Kevin. It is ho.ped that Glee will atf;ract two· to. three-tho.usand people out­side the WiIIamette Com­mUl; lity, including" Alumni. Past experience shQWS this to. be an attainable goal.. The CQmmittee hopes to have the events of Glee covered by all fQur Portland-based television . statio.ns. Glee o.rganizatio.n and plan­ning is. in full stride, but it's .. never too late to add your o.wn mo.mentum. \ If you are interested in assistine: a Glee committee, contact its respective chairman, Everett or Tersh. Stick your best foot forward. and keep both feet dry. the Glee effort. -


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