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Советская медицина в борьбе за оздоровление труда и быта

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"Translation: Headline: Soviet Medicine in the Struggle for Improving the Health of Labor and Life; Main text: Soviet medicine strives not only to treat, but chiefly to prevent diseases. In order to prevent diseases, it is necessary to eliminate their causes. Difficult everyday social and working conditions, in which the working people lived for long years, is the main cause of illness in the masses. Dirty, dark, damp, cramped housing; inadequate, improper, irregular nutrition; work in a dusty environment, with harmful materials, lifting heavy loads, etc. -- all these phenomena are the primary causes of widespread illness among workers. This is why the main task of Soviet medicine, after the fight against epidemics has ended, is to work on improving the health of work and life. Pre-revolutionary medicine gave very little time to studying working and living conditions, and even less to their improvement. Now Soviet medicine, while building a health center system along with examining the health of the worker, is studying the conditions in which the worker is living and working, is identifying hazards in the worker’s life and work, and is fighting for their elimination. This struggle, without the support of the masses, without their active participation in this cause, lacks the strength to be the only organ for public health care. This is why hundreds and thousands of workers every day become more and more involved in the work of public health care organizations: public health units, commissions to improve the health of work and life, home health-cells, and public health subcommittees at the workplace; Before he sets to inspecting workplaces, a physician familiarizes workers with the goals and tasks of a health center system. This is done in order to provide workers with an aware attitude to questions of improving the health of work and life. A sanitary inspection of workplace conditions is conducted (temperature, humidity, lighting, ventilation, etc.). Measures are mapped out for the removal of detected hazards. Along with the inspection of working conditions, an inspection is carried out of the sanitary conditions of the worker’s living space, his eating conditions, the sanitary condition of the vicinity and street where the worker lives, and in addition measures are mapped out for the improvement of health. These features are represented in the first poster “Inspection of working and living conditions.”; In order to take stock of the health of the workers, as one of the primary elements of the national wealth, and to provide them with the timely necessary assistance to prevent the development of chronic illnesses, along with the sanitary inspection of working and living conditions a general physical examination of workers is carried out. Weight, height, chest capacity, etc. are determined. A thorough examination is performed by a series of specialists (in internal illnesses, neural ones, etc.). For every worker there is a personal health journal -- a “health passport,” in which the condition of his health is recorded in detail. In the personal health journal henceforth are also recorded the results of repeated examinations, a visit by the worker to medical institutions, socio-medical assistance that is rendered to the worker, as well as changes in health condition which occur over time. We represent all of this in the second poster, “Mass examinations of workers’ physical condition.” ; (Right Side): The results of the examination of working and living conditions and the health of workers are discussed at health institutions in commissions for improving the health of working and living conditions. In these commissions workers’ representatives jointly with doctors develop necessary measures to improve the health conditions. In accordance with the instruction of the commission, corresponding agencies carry out improvement of workplace health (ventilation system, the installation of protections, the issuing of working clothing), organize public catering, carry out housing construction and the improvement of health in living spaces, etc. These features are given on the third poster, “Making Working and Living Conditions Healthier.” ; Workers who need one form or another of social or medical assistance are noted in the results of the physical examination. Medical care of sufficiently high quality is provided by communal outpatient clinics, where reception is carried out by experienced specialists, medical care at home, hospital treatment, dental treatment, with physical therapy methods (electric charge treatment, hydrotherapy, phototherapy), etc. Along with purely medical help, extensive socio-medical assistance is conducted. Tens and hundreds of thousands of workers are sent to rest homes at their usual holiday. If need arises, a worker is transferred from one job to another one, receives sanatorium-resort treatment, is sent to a night sanatorium, to a health food dining hall, etc. We see this in the fourth and fifth posters, “Accessible, Qualified Medical Treatment” and “Socio-Medical Care.” ; In work on the health improvement of work and life, concern for the health of the next generation occupies an exclusive place. Eight-week leaves for mothers before and after birth; continuous monitoring in consultation for pregnant women as expectant mothers in order to improve the health of mother and child, maternity homes; consultation for nursing babies, where the mother learns about the proper care of a child, where from the first days of life medical supervision of the child is carried out; nurseries, where the worker mother has the opportunity to leave a child during her work shift; monitoring of schoolchildren’s health, annual examinations of youths, physical education, health education of children, the involvement of all children in public work to preserve health (sanitary commissions, health units), -- all of these are fundamental measures in preparing a healthy next generation to strengthen and complete the building of socialism. These measures are shown by us in the sixth poster, “Improving the Health of the Next Generation.” ; These are Soviet medicine’s primary paths, about which every worker should be aware, in order to cooperate fully and to participate actively in the struggle to improve the health of work and life. ; Print Run: 7,000 ; "





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