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Photograph of the College of Law class of 1981

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Student Names: Christopher P. Arndt, David L. Arthur, Richard D. Barber, Jr., Judith E. Basker, Laurie A. Bingham, Stephen B. Blanchard, Frank Edward Bocci, Jeffery Alan Bowersox, Valerie A. Boyer, Roger A. Braden, Stanley H. Brown, Jr., Cynthia A. Burt, Luis Michael Bustillos, David Everett Cash, Howard W. Collins, Mark B. Cornstock, Craig A. Crispin, Robert A. Davis, Joel De Vries, Deborah J. Dealy-Browning, Robert G. Dolton, Jr., Karen Lee Ellmore, Gregory J. Englund, Louis A. Falcone, Doug Fermoile, James A. Firzhenry, Marilyn Kaye Freeman, Linda Friedman, Sara L. Gabin, Kevin C. Gage, Rober C. Gage, Douglas E. Goe, Kenneth T. Goya, John C. Graffe, Jr., Jo Ann Greene, Robert M. Gregg, Karen L. Grifall, Gary Charles Grotz, T. Randall Grove, Vance J. L. Guerena, William L. Hames, Lindsey E. Harris, William John Hedges, Patricia R. Hefferan, Eric A. Heisel, Richard L. Hendrie, Jr., David L. Hennings, Margaret E. Herrmann, Daniel J. Hess, Scott A. Hess, Jeannette K. Holman, James E. Horne, James Donald Hughes, Dennis Paul Ichikawa, David J. Jack, Alzora B. Jackson, Michele Hitomi Johnson, Ronald J. Knos, Richard James Kuhn, Daryl Anne Lander, Wendy B. Lewis, Robert W. Lintott, Linda Cheryl Love, Debbie J. Loy, Craig A. Lytle, Robert A. Mandich, Ronnie A. Draper Marsh, Marianne K. McCartney, Kevin McCune, Scott W. McGraw, John A. McLaughlin, Jr., Michael B. Mendelson, Chris Moody, Val Moody, Gary A. Morean, Howard R. Nielsen, Arthur G. Noxon, Douglas S. Parker, Duane H. Pellervo, Katherine M. Peters, Brenda J. Peterson, Clifford L. Peterson, William R. Phillips, Mark L. Poulsen, Scott O. Pratt, Max Rae, Dana S. Reck, Stanley G. Renecker, Heather C. Reyonlds, Michael J. Roberts, Patrick N. Rothwell, P. Stephen Russell III, Jeffery Sandler, Michael W. Shackelford, Richard W. Shaffer, Dennis H. Shen, Craig H. Shrontz, Daniel M. Spencer, Patrick J. Stimac, Steve R. Stocker, Timothy R. Strader, David "Yancy" Svaren, Julia C. Taylor, Walter J. Todd, Paul T. Tsukiyama, William R. Valent, A. Richard Vial, Timothy R. Volpert, Leslie A. Wagner, Douglas E. Walther, Gerald L. Warren, Bradley D. Westphal, Jennifer L. Wieland, Lynnia K. Woods, Stefanie Woodward, Randy L. Woolf, Theresa L. Wright, Rochlyn A. Yess, Frank O. Diarmit, Gregory C. Ferguson, Madrid V. Jacobs, Karole A. Kinder, Melinda Lewkowitz, Michael C. Livingston, Thomas E. Maxim, James E. Swayngim, Teresa Tracy
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