^Wiii amette Universit JUNE 7, 1899.Please present this at the door UiumeMe gOELEGE 0RAT0RY SALEM, OREGON. Your presence is desired at the . . . Graduating Recital. OF J&iM Settha £o(eta J>ay AND £etiiia Sieaml Assisted by Prof. Edward Tillson, Miss Ama Strong, Miss Lillian Roblin, Mr. William Skinner, at the UNIVERSITY CHAPEL, JTunm 7, 1899, 8 P. M.Program. 1. Piano Solo, - ProJ. Edward Tillson. Selected S. Recitation—“Silence,” - - Selected Miss Letilia Abrams. 3. Recitation—“Archie Dean,” - Gail Hamilton Miss Bertha Kay. 4. Violin Solo Selected Miss Ama Strong. 5. “Act I, Scene 2, Merchant of Venice,” Portia ■ Miss Kay. Nerissa, - Miss Abrams. 6. Vocal Solo, .... Selected Miss Lillian Robliu. 7. Recitation—“The Minister’s Black Nance,” ... Pauline Phelps Miss Abrams. Recitation—“The Valley and the Shadow,” ... T _ Edwards Miss Kay. 9. Clarionet Solo, - Selected Mr. William Skinner. CLASS COLORS—Purple and White. CLASS FLOWER-The Lily.“Art is nature illuminated.”—Delsarte. . . . of 1899 . . . Letltia Eleanor Abrams. Bertha Loleta Kay, Ella Royal Williams, LaBlanche Adeline Belle. Statesman Job Print, Salem.