Yakama Agency W.T. January 15th 188 1 In connection with my affidavit made to Inspector Pollock, I wish to make the following statement which I think is incorporated in the Affidavit at least it was intended to be but fearing it may have been omitted I send it now that it may be read in con- nection with my affidavit 1st Where credit has been taken on Agent Wilbur s official accounts for money which was not actually paid to the parties receipting for the same, said money has always been paid to other parties for services of a like character, in accordance with instructions given the Agent by Inspector Watkins and other Government Inspectors 2d Although the above statements so far as my personal knowledge is concerned, can only apply to the time I have had charge of the Office, ie, since Dec 1st 1879, I have no doubt but it applies to the whole period of Agent Wilbur s administration, and if there is no complete record for 2 years, the omission is doubtless owing to the negligence of the clerks in the Office who were trusted by the Agent written sideways in the margin Please read this Statement to keep all things in proper shape 3d An examination of the papers shows that till Jan 1st 1879, Agent Wilbur, reported truly the cash actually paid to Irregular Employees, and entered also the supplies fur- nished in past payment for labor This fact had escaped my notice, till I looked over the accounts yesterday In other words, all money reported as paid to Irregular Employees to Jan 1st 1879, was actually paid to the parties receipting for the same 4th Since I assumed charge of the Office Dec 1st 1879, I should be held res- ponsible for all errors or omissions in the accounts, and I believe this is also true with regard to my predeces- sor Mr Royal To this statement I am ready to swear, if it is not substantially con- tained in the affidavit made to Inspector Pollock JH Fairchild