Germantown Tennesee June the 9th 1863 Dear Eliza, I would have writen sooner and anserd your letter of the 31st which I receivd last Friday the 5th while we ware yet in Memphis, and that evning we got marching orders for this place. the next morning, which took us all the next day to move it is 14 miles from Memphis and then on Sunday we had to move our camp again to another place from where we first campt when we got here and ever since I had a greadele to do/ I was very glad to here from you and that you are all well as this leaves me/ I was very sorry to here that you have so much truble with Wille inside left I wish he could be with me or I with him but that cant be so now and I cannot tell when I can com home and it is out of the quastion for him to com to me/ I wish he could/ I would like to have you all her if it could be so but we can never tell what we are going to doo/ we are lieble to move any time if I knew that we would stay here any length of time I would have you to com her for a while for it would be so plessent for you to com and see camp life once I think the only thing you can doo with Wille is to let him go to som good man to live and that away from Town/ if he is well enough to go if he was here I would not have any thing to doo for him and then would be running about all the time inside right and I ashure you he would not be learning any thing good among the soldiers for thay are jast as bad as thay can be/ I will write a letter to him as soon as I can get a chance and time/ I doo hope this war will com to an end soon so I can get home again but God will make all things wright in his own time and all things well for us if we will only trust in him and try to doo wright/ I have now bin two days writing this letter and I think it is about time to close it so give my love to all the children and frainds and write as soon as you get this direct to Germantown/ I dont know as we shel be thair when you write again but I shel get it your affectionage Husband J. G. Burggraf