Part first 1st page Here is a paper called the Issue paper. All that is Issued is written on this paper. and then this paper is sent off to the great father in Washington and then he sees it and knows what has been Issued to you by the Agent. and how much has been Issued to you and all about it. Now out of this paper I will call the names of those men to whom have been Issued some cattle and horses, and when I name the person I want him to answer and I will ask them. Yesmowit, how many head of cattle did you get from the Agent during the months of July August amp; September (I do not positively say that Pollock said September.) Yesmowit said, none. Are you telling me the truth? Yesmowit still said, none. John Lumley how many head of cattle did you get of the Agent John said, none Mr Pollock said to Yesmowit You are here said in the paper that you have received as Issue (3 or 4) head of cattle. Mr Pollock said to John Lumley the paper here says that you received (3 or 4 or 5) head of cattle. John Lumley still said, none. Wa-chow-kie, how many head of cattle did you get of the Agent during the months of July August amp; (not positive September) Wa-chow-kie answered, none. but my son Part second 2nd page received (4 or 5) head of cattle. but they were pay for work. then Albert how many head of cattle did you get of the Agent during the -- -- -- Albert said that he had received 3 head (I believe) for work in the Black smith shop. then Smith was called (I believe) and asked how many head of cattle he received from the Agent during the same months. his answer was (I believe) none. So Mr Pollock said, now when this paper goes to the President, the President does not know but that the report is true. he is not here to look on or do the Business. the Agent is here to do all this work. now if the President sees this report he will believe that you have actually received these cattle and horses when you have not received any at all. Now the Great Father will be greatly deceived when he sees this report. I do not know Mr Wilbur and have never seen him. I believe he is a good man and I would be very much ashamed of him if he is found guilty. but I hope he will come out as pure as an Angel. Mr Wilbur has no business to take your cattle and pay you for work or to sell you cattle for money. the cattle is yours and not the Departments or Mr Wilburs or any other man s. it is yours Part second. 2nd page But the Indian that did not work or did not want to work but wanted to live in the old and wild way should not have anything. but the one that took right hold and went to work should be helped up by the great Father. and that they were not to reveice any thing unless they worked at home. That here after anything you get of the Agent you shall not pay for it. neither in work nor money. for the great Father does not want to get your money for anything he gives you. If there is any out standing debts to be paid, on the Agents Book you are not to Pay a cent. The Books are to be closed. You are to get your harness and plow and other farming tools that are needed an on a farm. but the wagons are not to be given as the rest on the same terms. If you get a wagon you are not to pay cash for it. but if there is any freighting to be done from the Dalles or from other points you can pay for your wagons by freighting. you are not to do any Logging for other work to buy your wagon. Part third. 3rd page. the only ones that can get any thing without work or money are those that are blind or Lame. old or sick. the great Father provides for them only just because they cannot work because they cannot see or are Lame and not able to walk so as to be able to work. or because they are old and Infirm. or because they are sick and cannot do anything to make their Living.