Paulus, Otto K. (Otto Karl), 1893-19582022-07-152022-07-1519191915"Most stupendous of spectacles was the historical pageant presented on the Willamette campus June seventh, ninth, and tenth, nineteen hundred nineteen, celebrating the seventy-fivth[sic] anniversary of the founding of Willamette University. ... The pageant consisted of twenty-two episodes recalling the chief events in Oregon history, as the Indians at the St. Louis seeking the White Man's Book of Heaven; Dr. McLoughlin's work as the father of Old Oregon; the coming of Jason Lee; the beginning of the Provisional Government, and the founding of Willamette University. ..." - 1921 Wallulah, p. 200.Black and WhiteEducational use is permitted without permission. Permission is required for additional uses. See for more information.'s DayImage as titled "Native Americans, Founder's day"Image