Paulus, Otto K. (Otto Karl), 1893-19582022-07-152022-07-1519191919"Most stupendous of spectacles was the historical pageant presented on the Willamette campus June seventh, ninth, and tenth, nineteen hundred nineteen, celebrating the seventy-fivth[sic] anniversary of the founding of Willamette University. ... The pageant consisted of twenty-two episodes recalling the chief events in Oregon history, as the Indians at the St. Louis seeking the White Man's Book of Heaven, Dr. McLoughlin's work as the father of Old Oregon, the coming of Jason Lee, the beginning of the Provisional Government, and the founding of Willamette University. ..." - 1921 Wallulah, p. 200.Educational use is permitted without permission. Permission is required for additional uses. See for more information. Historical Pageant (possibly Founder's Day)Image