Carl Hall (1921-1996)2022-07-202022-07-20COL99.015 Hall, a Midwest Magic Realist painter who first saw Oregon as an Army draftee assigned to Camp Adair for basic training, settled permanently in Salem after serving in the Pacific during World War II. He is the quintessential painter of the Willamette Valley and Oregon Coast, but in the 1970s he began to spend summers and Willamette University sabbaticals in Alaska, which provided him with stunning new subject matter. Fog Woman Totem is one of a number of paintings in Hall's Alaska Set, a series that deals with Northwest Coast Indian totem poles. In this case, the totem is partially blocked by a panel, perhaps an artist's board, with a rendering of gnarled branches-a signature motif in Hall's paintings and drawings.47" x 50"Painted work on paperWatercolor and tissue on paperFor use information see: Woman Totem (Alaska Set #34)