Manuel Izquierdo (1925-2009)Izquierdo, Manuel (1925-2009)2022-07-202022-07-202008.023.020; Sculpture Manuel Izquierdo's Cleopatra, the art historian Leonard Kimbrell wrote: ""Upon her golden barge, reflected in the mirrored bronze of the Nile, the bronze queen sails everlastingly, the eternal female, abstract and visually tantalizing."" Cleopatra joins other works by Izquierdo, such as the dreamers and Cybele's Song, in a series of reclining female figures that recall the odalisques of art history-whether by Goya (one of Izquierdo's favorite historic artists), Ingres, or Matisse. Izquierdo owned this variant of Cleopatra until the end of his life. Before entering the collection of the Hallie Ford Museum of Art, it was cleaned and polished by Izquierdo's studio assistant Kevin Longueil.Image23"" x 16"" x 30""Welded sheet bronzeFor use information see: