Wuon Gean Ho Ho, Wuon Gean2022-07-162022-07-16CSP 05-107https://hdl.handle.net/10177/20190Edition 20 These female figures represent animal guardians. They each hold an animal or part of an animal in their arms, and offer protection to animal souls. The guardians are distinct individuals with a strong empathy with their animal charge. The relationship is like that of a mother and child. They inhabit an indeterminate world that bridges life and death. Some have animal-like qualities in the way they move and act, and facial features that are far from human. Wuon Gean HoImage10.625"x8"; Paper Size: 21"x15"PrintTwo-color lithographFor use information see: http://www.willamette.edu/arts/hfma/collections/copyright.htmlGuardian I