Drohsel, Franziska2016-06-162016-06-162016http://hdl.handle.net/10177/5638(13 Willamette Sports L.J., no. 2, 2016, at 30). This article analyzes how the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) can teach Fédération Internationale de Footbal Association (FIFA) to implement structural reforms that would enable FIFA to investigate past corruption, and to prevent future corruption. First, the article examines the structure of FIFA and its problems. Second, the article describes recent developments regarding FIFA officials charged with corruption. Third, the article describes relevant provisions of the UNCAC, and how these provisions suggest structural reforms to achieve transparency, accountability, and consistency. The article concludes by listing immediate steps FIFA should take to combat corruption.en-USWhat the United Nations Convention Against Corruption Can Teach FIFAArticle